Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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That was my point. ;)

But I like them and I posted the pictures in that forum, so BC members can see/talk about them there. :)
Loafie said:
You couldn't post the actual pic but what would happen if a link to the pic somehow found it's way into one of your posts ;)

Haha, then one of our ever-helpful moderators will "fix" it. That's why we PM stuff to each other a lot - very helpful in busting the PG-13-O-Meter. :lol:

I don't like Danny/Flack

Not everyone can handle teh slashy goodness ;) We loves you anyway :p
Twinkletoes, thanks for the PM :D I wasn't alone when I opened the message... imagine the faces of people around me :eek:

Hehe, I believe 1CSIMfan already got several screencaps of that particular scene.
Why don't you put a zip.folder online?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Nim said:
Twinkletoes, thanks for the PM :D I wasn't alone when I opened the message... imagine the faces of people around me :eek:

Oh Nim I am SO sorry!!

*note to self* Must be more careful next time :lol:
They were all women, lucky me... :rolleyes:

*watching Big Brass cap*
Women1> What...?
Women2> Eww, she's ugly...
Women1> she doing what I think? :eek:
Women2> Mmm...
Nim> Erm... erm...

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Nim said:
They were all women, lucky me... :rolleyes:

*watching Big Brass cap*
Women1> What...?
Women2> Eww, she's ugly...
Women1> she doing what I think? :eek:
Women2> Mmm...
Nim> Erm... erm...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

LMAO!!! Well clearly he didn't find her attractive either :lol:
Erm, no, from watching the movie and these caps, I think he was more interested in the dude than the woman... who, btw, looked really pissed off when she was dragged away from him later in the scene :lol:
I like some slash fan fics but not Danny/Flack
*gasp!* :eek: Whuh? I...I...*brain does not compute*

:lol: I'm just kidding. ;)

Why don't you put a zip.folder online?
*pokes Rhonda* I have no idea how to do said zippy thing, so I'll make Rhonda do it. :lol: Yo, Rhonda, do what she said. :)

Erm, no, from watching the movie and these caps, I think he was more interested in the dude than the woman...
I haven't seen it, so I can't say from my own experience, but I've heard several people say the same thing. I believe the word Rhonda used for the scene when she was doing it was 'bored.' :lol:

Hehehe, my slashy senses are tingling... :devil:
Why don't you put a zip.folder online?
*pokes Rhonda* I have no idea how to do said zippy thing, so I'll make Rhonda do it. Yo, Rhonda, do what she said.
ummm....I don't know how to do that either. :rolleyes: I'll do it if somebody pm's and tells me how.

Erm, no, from watching the movie and these caps, I think he was more interested in the dude than the woman... who, btw, looked really pissed off when she was dragged away from him later in the scene
I think that woman was ready to kill that dude for dragging her away. Glad he did it though, she was getting way too much Carmine. :mad:

I haven't seen it, so I can't say from my own experience, but I've heard several people say the same thing. I believe the word Rhonda used for the scene when she was doing it was 'bored.'
He looked so freakin' bored. :lol: Most guys would be happy about what she was doing but he sure wasn't. Although he didn't put up much of a fight when the dude took over. :p

And yeah, jr does make a brief appearance :eek: (although full frontal nudity would have been better :devil:). That was the first thing I noticed. :rolleyes:
Springmoon said:
Loafie said:
You couldn't post the actual pic but what would happen if a link to the pic somehow found it's way into one of your posts ;)

Haha, then one of our ever-helpful moderators will "fix" it. That's why we PM stuff to each other a lot - very helpful in busting the PG-13-O-Meter. :lol:
Yes, and it would pain me greatly to have to view the image before editing the link out. :lol: ... In truth, editing that out would pain me more, but indeed it would be removed from the board.

Now what's this about 'junior' making an appearance in "The Big Brass Ring"? :eek: Seen the movie. Would give my right arm to be the woman in the opening scene, but I don't recall getting a glimpse of Carmine Jr. If anyone's got caps of that, please PM me. :devil:
MrsG, I posted them in the Apartment over on BC. ;) You can yell as loud as you want in there and nobody will mind. :devil:

It's just a brief glimpse of a wee bit, but it's there.

If Carmine reads this thread, he'll probably be quite embarrassed. :eek: Sorry, darlin', but you should have worn a sock or something. :p
^ Just returned from the Apartment. *reminds self to visit more often* :devil: Great site you girls having going. Truly great. :D :devil: :devil:

However, I don't think I saw Carmine Jr. And no I'm not saying it's so small I couldn't see it. :lol: Dude, I practically licked my freakin' monitor trying to see what you're referring to. I can still taste the curve of his hip bone, I looked so closely. But I think it's just the woman's finger tip. :( Really. I would love, love, love to say I've seen his thingy-ma-jig, but I think it's just her hand. The goods were probably tucked down south "Silence of the Lambs" style for the shoot just to avoid the unintentional 'money shot.'
*looks again*

(Yes, I have a separate window open to those pictures, sue me. :p)

No, my dear MrsG, I am quite sure that is not a fingertip. Yes, her finger is there, but that's not what I'm talking about. :devil: Perhaps I should put a red arrow. :lol:

But yes, visit us more often. That poor board doesn't get enough love from my porny D/F friends. :lol:
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