Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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^ I believe she's talking about some Shasty McNasty autracity. Long purple dress, maybe? I just don't happen to be one of those fans who collects images in a photobucket account and lack the ability to provide. Anyone else have it?
Faylinn said:
Carmine in a frock, Twinkletoes? :confused: Which picture are you talking about?...

Erm...isn't it a Shasta McNasty one? I haven't seen the show but I've seen a pic where he's standing on a stage with other guys all wearing frocks and all looking dead daft...
Ah, the one with the three of them and Vern Troyer in dresses? Nope, didn't save that one...I was going to say 'unfortunately,' but I think it's probably better that I didn't. :p I'm sure someone else has it though.

But I do have this little gem.

*sigh* Fay has posted that picture so many times I am finally immune to it. And nothing, nothing beats that screencap from that movie where he was a weed dude with long hair. *shudders* Where's the brain bleach? (And Fay, don't you dare post it! :lol:)

By the way, here's some trivia that's distantly related to Carmine. According to some websites, Carmine once dated an actress called Vanessa Marcil. She's now on the tv show Las Vegas, and also just engaged to a guy whose identity she won't confirm. (You can read more here.) However, it's her history of breaking engagements and choice of guys that's eyebrow-lifting. :p Who in hades is Corey Feldman that her being married to him once would bring out such horrific reactions from people?

And this is OT, but how does one buy tour t-shirts? I'm embarrassed to say I never knew musicians / bands sold t-shirts for their tours until now.
^^Corey Feldman used to be a "big deal" back in the 1980s but his most recent claim to fame was being on that VH1 Series "The Surreal Life."
^^ Vanessa Marcil is freakin' HOT. Should Carmine ever want to engage in a three-way with an ex and some other random chick, he can feel free to call me. :devil:

As for Corey Feldman, yeah, much as Springmoon posted, back in the day he was all the rage. When I was like 12, I think. Must have been an 'only in the US' thing. He had a partner in crime, Corey Haim. Personally, I always thought Haim was much cuter.

As for concert tour t-shirts, the most typical way to get one is to buy one at the show. If you're looking for a concert tee and the show has already passed, you can probably find them online. If you're thinking of the recently discussed Peaches shirt, maybe check her website.
Kimmychu said:
And this is OT, but how does one buy tour t-shirts? I'm embarrassed to say I never knew musicians / bands sold t-shirts for their tours until now.

you can get any bands shirts off their offical website.
Happy New Year all, yes I know I'm late but I just got here

LovinMyGreggo - love your Michael Weatherly avvie, god I want a three-way with him and Carmine :devil: :devil:

Chelliyah - love those pics of Carmine, he looks good in that pink top, and the velvet coat looks new. He looks bloody hot til you get down to those bloody shoes. What a waste of a good outfit, who the hell dressed him? Or couldn't Carmine find any decent shoes to go with his yummy outfit :confused: :lol:
Little question to you all:
Do you know what decoration he wears around his neck (don't know a better english word for decoration)? Looks like that what soldiers have.
^^ :lol: The dogtags? Yep. I'll post a picture of them.

Faylinn: :lol: Oh God! That picture continues to haunt me... Purple hat... haha. Still love Carmine no matter what though!
^ I don't think what he wears on the chain is always the same. I've heard the dog tag part may be his dog tags from "In Enemy Hands." He also wears something the bears a symbol similar to a Buddhist om. A really long time ago I think he had a lower case "g" on it (prior to the om?). But it looks like he has something different or additional hanging from the chain in that picture.
Talking about the man-jewellery, I noticed a little continuity glitch in Bad Beat the other night.

When Danny is arriving at the crime scene in the park where the dead weather girl is lying, his dog-tags and wotnot are outside of his clothes, clearly (very) visible and swinging around. Next shot, they're all tucked in behind his shirt/scarf/jacket, not visible at all.

Naughty continuity people :p
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