Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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aaaaah. I had a dream that I met Carmine :D :D and I was asking him about ceesau and now I cant remember what he said. All I rem is Oh.My.God thats Carmine, he is standing IN FRONT of me and TALKING to me. :D :D :D
Hehe. What an awesome dream. That sucks that it wasn't real. :( I hate when that happens! :p

This place seems...quiet. Maybe it's just the time of year and people are busy. Whatever the case...I miss all the peeps! *shakes everyone*


That should do the trick. :devil:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ That's right. You met crazybeautifultrouble. :D I miss Fun girls. Yes, I know it still exists in some form, but not really.
That's the name :lol: she's got a long screen name...

Mmm, really... this topic is quite... but thanks for the pic, he's droolish there (can I say droolish?! Sometimes I invent words... or you teach me some! :D)
Droolish works! He is very...Droolish! I love to make up words... :D We can start our own dictionary of Carmine words. :devil: I'd like to read that.

Awww look everyone. Carmine sends us his holiday cheer:

*Click Me*

:lol: Make sure to have your speakers on.

Oh, and happy new year to all my fellow crazed Carmine fans :lol:. I wish you all the best :D.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

roflmfao!!!!!!!!! Ah dear. Too funny. But awful aww G*d AWFUL!!

Still laughing but :lol:

Er yeah and Happy New Year from here too! It's been 2007 here already for exactly 12 hours. Have fun all those that haven't celebrated yet!
jorja_fan86 said:
Awww look everyone. Carmine sends us his holiday cheer:

*Click Me*

:lol: Make sure to have your speakers on.

Oh, and happy new year to all my fellow crazed Carmine fans :lol:. I wish you all the best :D.

You know, girl, I can't begin to describe how deeply disturbing it was to see Carmine prancing as an elf, complete with striped tights :eek:. I'd rather have him as Santa, so I could sit on his lap ;) :devil:. Er, nevermind... :rolleyes: :lol:
^^ You know, MrsG, if anyone in Hollywood sees that website, maybe Carmine will be cast as a gay street hustler, just as he's always wanted... :devil: :lol: Eyes is sooo bad tonight, and it's not even midnight. :devil: ;)
:lol: ROTFL!!! Carmine as an elf? *tries to scratch the visual from her head* :lol:

Happy New Year everybody! :D
Re: Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

lol only Jorja could come up with something like that :lol: that was toooo funny!!!!! jus the thing to brighten up a boooring New Years Day in the UK lol

TiFf!!!Nim!! hello hunis!!! Droolish.. thats a good word!!! lol but seriously, keep those gorgeous piccies coming huni ;) ya know we love em!!!! :D :D

Jus had to post these gorgeous pics... not sure if anyone has already posted them cause havent been on for agggggeeees!!!! lol Gorgeous pics for the new year!!!



Credit for pics goes to Bella Dorka :D

Also, I hope everyone of us fan girls gets everything we wish for!!! Have a great time in 2007!!!!!
Keep the Carmine Love going!!! :D :D
ROFLMAO!!! That is just too funny but deeply, deeply disturbing! Anyway. Happy New Year everyone! Here's to lots more Carmine love in 2007!
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