Locker Room #13 - **Muffled Thud** - We're Busy!

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Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

Top41 said:
Hey, do you guys want to come to LA to meet me or Carmine??? :mad:

Ok, ok, dumb question. :lol:
You got that right. It's not your sweet heiny these girls are slaving in front of their computers for. :lol: ... Of course, if they saw your heiny as much as they've seen Carmine's, it could go either way.
But I guarantee I'm more fun to hang out with. :lol:
I can confirm this, girls. An evening with Top is always a good time, while an evening spent trying to get into Carmine's pants will only yield a restraining order. :lol:

As for seeing angsty Danny last night, I'd have liked to see more. That whole scene with Lindsey was really quick. He didn't have long to get all worked over it.
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

Top, maybe I could just visit on weekends? I'm only about an hour and a half away...
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

Do you have a futon, Toppy one? Cause I'll just come crash at your place and try to get a job writing for CSI:NY so that I can make a mandatory LR shower scene with all of the guys at the end of every episode. :devil:

That kind of sounds like a campaign speech.

"If I am elected, I will do my best to provide the gratuitous hotness each and every week!"

Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

You have my vote!!! LOL

Top, pajama party at your house? :p
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

*lol* Can I come back to the US and join the fun? ;)
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

Looks like it's official - sleep over at Top's place. :D *packs overnight bag and hits the road*
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

Everybody at Top's!!! I can imagine her face when she' ll find us in front of her door... :D
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

She's probably going to give us all a fake addy and then have Carmine and Eddie over to her real place. It's what I would do. Except AJ would most definitely be there too ( can we invite him, Top? )!
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

hehe i got my stuff ready TOP lol i hope you are gonna have enough room for us all :p lol
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

What is this? Go visit Top in LA? For real?

Hey girl, you can get me into LA for a holiday, I'll write you all the Danny/Flack pr0n you want. Alllll ya want. ;) :lol:

And of course, we must stop by Carmine's bushes to check on jkladis. :p
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

i wish i could go to la, i went at easter- before i became addicted to this site lol
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

I am so addicted to this site that I can't go on anything else until i get world domination i.e. am the last person to post on all the threads!
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

A LR convention at Top's house. Maybe with all of us in one place a certain someone would feel the need to drop by to make sure we all behave.
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

hehe we shall have to take him some more supplies.. i am sure he has run out by now! :lol:
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