Locker Room #13 - **Muffled Thud** - We're Busy!

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Flack is definitely a fan!

So, should we make Eddie an honorary Locker Room Groupie? :devil:
Top41 said:
So, should we make Eddie an honorary Locker Room Groupie? :devil:
:lol: No question there. Eddie is the ultimate groupie. None of us have half the crush on Carmine that Eddie does. :devil: Only I don't know if Eddie would want to be a member of the Locker Room. I think his love is too great to be cheapened by the dirty talk in here. :lol:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
:lol: No question there. Eddie is the ultimate groupie. None of us have half the crush on Carmine that Eddie does. :devil: Only I don't know if Eddie would want to be a member of the Locker Room. I think his love is too great to be cheapened by the dirty talk in here. :lol:

True, true! Eddie's more a wine and roses type...while we're just thinking about getting Carmine naked for the shower scene. :devil: I guess Eddie has us all beat! :lol:
^ Eddie is soooo the wine and roses type. Carmine, if you're reading, choose Eddie over any of us. Seriously. We just wanna [CENSORED] you. But Eddie will love you forever. ;)

EDIT: I'm gonna bitch-slap the first one of you that raises your hand and starts going, "Ohhhh! Ohhh! Carmine, pick me. Pick me. I'll love you forever."
:lol: Well, I suppose Eddie wouldn't have to worry about getting a shower scene if they're already dating and such. Ya know, since he's probably seeing it for real, teehee. :devil:

But seriously ... are you guys serious about emailing him that picture?! :eek:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ Eddie is soooo the wine and roses type. Carmine, if you're reading, choose Eddie over any of us. Seriously. We just wanna [CENSORED] you. But Eddie will love you forever. ;)

EDIT: I'm gonna bitch-slap the first one of you that raises your hand and starts going, "Ohhhh! Ohhh! Carmine, pick me. Pick me. I'll love you forever."

:lol: Yeah, sorry folks, I don't care if you're picking out your wedding dress or not, not a one of us has anything on Eddie. :lol:
Top41 said:
:lol: Yeah, sorry folks, I don't care if you're picking out your wedding dress or not, not a one of us has anything on Eddie. :lol:
Hey, who do you think will be wearing the dress at their wedding? Eddie or Carmine? :devil:

As for that pic, yeah, I'd love to see what Carmine can say in his defense. That hat sucks.
MrsGiovinazzo said:

Hey, who do you think will be wearing the dress at their wedding? Eddie or Carmine? :devil:

Tough one! I'm not sure. Maybe Carmine, though he'd probably pick out an ugly ass dress. :lol: Eddie would definitely be the one to carry Carmine over the threshold, though. He's got like 5 inches on Carmine. :lol:

As for that pic, yeah, I'd love to see what Carmine can say in his defense. That hat sucks.

Oooh, oooh, can we send all the hat pictures in a little "What were you thinking???" e-mail? Or is that too mean? :lol:
I vote for Fay to email him about it. :lol: And noooo, just because I am the one who introduced the monstrosity of that image into the forums, doesn't mean I oughta be the one. :p

As for the dress ... I think both of them would look cute in wedding gowns. Not to mention the easy access. One flip of the hand, and up it goes!

*runs like lightning*
Ha! Happy belated thread opening, folks! :D

That purple hat picture sure gets around, doesn't it? :p I vote for Fay emailing him. Kimmy might have intoduced us to it, but Fay was the one that unleashed the horror upon all of us unsuspecting Carmine lovers :D

Carmine would probably wear the dress, but Flack will look prettier doing it, wearing it, I mean! Great. Even my subconscious is in the gutter now :devil: :p
ShuriyuCSI said:
I have a feeling that Fay or J will do it. :lol: If they don't, I will! :devil: Just because I wanna know what he says.

:lol: Even if Fay sends him an e-mail about that hat I'm gonna do it too. Soon all the horrible memories of that awful hat will come flooding back :devil:.
Bwahahahahah! You girls are evil! :devil: :lol: I still scream whenever I'm smacked in the face with the full image, by the way. :p

>.> Please don't tell him I was the one who pulled the pic into the light for everybody, uh, okies?
J.. West coaster to west coaster... Rock, paper, scissors for it :D For some reason, I wanna find out what he has to say about it, FOR SURE now. :lol:

O__o Kimmy - Who said I.. I mean.. we.. wouldn't? :devil: :p

I know what you can ask! When is his next photoshoot! :lol: Desperate need of some new pictures.
Oh don't worry, you girls can fight over the honor of asking him about the horror of the hats. :lol: I'll just sit back and see what happens, chuckling at my avatar and waiting for you to post the reply. ;)

Danny would so wear the dress--and he'd ask if it made his ass look big. :devil: Then Flack would try to deny it, but Danny would know he was lying and scream and tell him that he doesn't want to marry a guy with a big ass. And then people would be watching it like it was some sort of twisted Jerry Springer show or something. :lol:

But damnit, I'm joining you guys bringing the D/F to the NY forum. :eek:
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