Locker Room #13 - **Muffled Thud** - We're Busy!

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Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

A-ha! In that case I better save the page ASAP ;)

No, wait! Why is my browser fading to black? MrsG don't delete my internet account! Noooooooooooo!

:lol: ;)
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ Why do you think I moderate here? You can only edit your posts for an hour after they're entered, but I can edit mine at any time. ;)

As long as you hire a good spin doctor, they can say that teh posts were a product of your mis-spent youth. :lol: Hell, we elected a president who smoked pot, what can you have done that was worse? Wait, I dont know if you should answer that...
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

Wait, I dont know if you should answer that...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

smoking pot wasn't that bad... there could be worse out there.
hmm, MrsG would make it illegal for all our hot CSI:NY boys NOT to go around naked, right? *nudge*
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

Check you girls out, thinking I've got dirt to hide. :lol: My ridiculously foul mouth is my only vice. :devil:

afrikana said:
hmm, MrsG would make it illegal for all our hot CSI:NY boys NOT to go around naked, right? *nudge*
Well, currently indecent exposure is illegal, but if elected to public office, I would certainly promote new legislation to remedy that. :lol: Can 't have our boys required to wear clothing, can we? :eek:
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Thank you. As you can tell, I was one of those annoying people who organized all the school fundraisers, planned the dances and s**t like that. Now I'm all grown up and have written to my local congressman so many times he knows my name and emails me the heads up on things. Some people are just giant dorks who like projects. I'm one of them and I love that you girls are always so willing to participate. :D

You freakin' crack me up, woman! :lol: It is too rich that the congressman e-mails you now. :lol:

This is going to come out meaner than I mean it, but I'm looking forward to the third season starting so we can start talking about Danny more than Carmine for a bit! Danny's so much fun to analyze. I hope he's in full drama queen mode when the season opens! :D
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

^ Amen to that! Nothing's hotter than watching Danny get all worked up over something. I could really go for watching a major tantrum over absolutely nothing about now.
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

I know! That's what I love about Danny. Something always sets him off. He's fun to watch.

And are they ever going to put that man in the shower???? :confused:
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

If they'll do that, then our dreams finally came true... :D

but it would be happier if we're with him....on the shower....ehem... :devil:

its really cold here in the school library...brr...
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

Top41 said:
And are they ever going to put that man in the shower???? :confused:
Seriously! We've been asking nicely for over a year and our words have been falling on deaf ears. :( ... Are we gonna have to shower Danny ourselves? :devil:
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

wow...I was away for a month, a there's a new project??? :eek:
But I'm happy to see that the old wish for a shower scene is still here :lol:
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Seriously! We've been asking nicely for over a year and our words have been falling on deaf ears. :( ... Are we gonna have to shower Danny ourselves? :devil:

W-ell, you know what they say. If you wanna get the job done, you gotta do it yourself. Speaking of which, I volunteer for the job :D I mean hey, it's a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it :devil:
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

Celefinwe said:I mean hey, it's a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it :devil:
I wanna get dirty with him :p
A new version of the episode "On The Job": Danny kicked on the mud, a gang of women trying to kill themselves to make him the damn shower... :lol:
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

Now, now, ladies. We're all rational, mature adults here. Say it with me... sharing is caring. :D :devil:
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