Locker Room #13 - **Muffled Thud** - We're Busy!

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Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

I say we give Carmine our bra's or maybe a porno that reminds us of him in a way. Actually, that wouldn't work either but his collection would increase like mad :lol:! I'm really excited about what's in store for Carmine as I missed out on the LBB. He's going to be a very lucky man in more ways then one if ya know what I mean :devil:.
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

Carmine will be getting some love with not one, but TWO projects toward the end of the year.

MrsG...I volunteer to be one of the projects for Carmine. :devil:
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

feenx said:
2, it better make up for him not getting panties.
Overall, he will be very well compensated for the lack of panties. The big project I have planned for him is business-related and not remotely dirty. More of a favor to him for all he's done for his fans. However, I know that some of you didn't get to participate in the LBB and all of you would love to get a little flirty with him, so the second project will allow you an opportunity to do that. As the business one has a specific timing to it, the flirty one will probably come first. Good times are coming, ladies. I promise.
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!


And I'll be right here when it's time to take action! :D
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

MrsGiovinazzo said:
However, I know that some of you didn't get to participate in the LBB and all of you would love to get a little flirty with him, so the second project will allow you an opportunity to do that.

cool, i wasn't even a member here when you did that :)
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

I wasn't a member either, and I didn't know what the LBB stood for for the longest time. Now I know, and boy am I sorry I missed out on the good times! :devil: **Muffled Thud** indeed! :p
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

I'm so glad we've got recent members who are excited to participate. :D Not gonna spill the details now. You'll have to wait until the current projects end and the upcoming Gary and Melina projects end, but I do get told all the time that people are bummed they didn't get to participate in the LBB, sooooo we're gonna do something even better than that. :devil:
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

Yeah I wasn't a member either, *sigh*, no hopes of random booty-call for me. I'm excited to see what you have up your sleeve to top the LBB tho, Mrs.G.... I'm sure it'll be good. The panty-drive was an awesome idea!
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

kasmith101 said:
Yeah I wasn't a member either, *sigh*, no hopes of random booty-call for me. I'm excited to see what you have up your sleeve to top the LB
Don't feel too badly about that. I haven't scored a random booty call either and if any of the other girls have, they ain't talkin'. :lol:

The panty-drive was an awesome idea!
Thank you. As you can tell, I was one of those annoying people who organized all the school fundraisers, planned the dances and s**t like that. Now I'm all grown up and have written to my local congressman so many times he knows my name and emails me the heads up on things. Some people are just giant dorks who like projects. I'm one of them and I love that you girls are always so willing to participate. :D
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

Now I'm all grown up and have written to my local congressman so many times he knows my name and emails me the heads up on things.
Just so you don't run for office yourself...then you'd have to come back here and make sure all your "interesting" posts were deleted! :devil: :lol:
Re: Locker Room # 13 - **Muffled Thud** We're Busy!

^ Why do you think I moderate here? You can only edit your posts for an hour after they're entered, but I can edit mine at any time. ;)
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