Lab Technician
I liked this epi, Roger was great, and Catherine, they flashed back to Sam and she totally nailed Mickey at the end, who was shocked to realize that modern medicine can really take care of most of what ails you.
Plus, we had Greg in the SAFETY GOGGLES, that I love, plus the jumpsuit, and the joking Greg as well, plus Grissom realizing it was all just make up, Doc taking care of business, Nick, Sara and Warrick were great too, plus Sofia and Brass, a total and complete team effort, including Archie and Hodges (who is sort of being written as a more snarky Greg from the earlier seasons-when he wanted to be more involved in the cases before going out in the field) and that sort of leads even more humor to that scene between him and Greg and the experiment.
Loved it all, plus tomorrow morning the "Early Show" will be doing a segment on this, I wonder if they'll talk to Eric, they've talked to everyone else so far.
Plus, we had Greg in the SAFETY GOGGLES, that I love, plus the jumpsuit, and the joking Greg as well, plus Grissom realizing it was all just make up, Doc taking care of business, Nick, Sara and Warrick were great too, plus Sofia and Brass, a total and complete team effort, including Archie and Hodges (who is sort of being written as a more snarky Greg from the earlier seasons-when he wanted to be more involved in the cases before going out in the field) and that sort of leads even more humor to that scene between him and Greg and the experiment.
Loved it all, plus tomorrow morning the "Early Show" will be doing a segment on this, I wonder if they'll talk to Eric, they've talked to everyone else so far.