"Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

xReCoNx said:
Point of the matter is...it was boring. I was expecting some details on the other murders and why she did what she did. It was just....another episode : (

ITA. Lame :(

Waitaminit...Jay Johnson--wasn't he on Soap way back when? I thought he looked familiar (yes, I am old). Another thing I didn't like, the fakeout when Natalie was going to the door/CSI knocking and entering at a different location. Haven't y'all seen Silence of the Lambs? *eyeroll*
Why do you need info on the other murders? How would that make it more interesting than learning the history and psychological profile of a extremely rare killer?
michele999 said:
xReCoNx said:
Point of the matter is...it was boring. I was expecting some details on the other murders and why she did what she did. It was just....another episode : (

ITA. Lame :(

Waitaminit...Jay Johnson--wasn't he on Soap way back when? I thought he looked familiar (yes, I am old). Another thing I didn't like, the fakeout when Natalie was going to the door/CSI knocking and entering at a different location. Haven't y'all seen Silence of the Lambs? *eyeroll*

Yah, I have to agree the Silence of the Lambs bit was just too predictable. It was exciting in SotL because it was innovative and fit into the plot at a truly critical moment. Now we've all seen it a million times.

And that think that is one of the problems with "Living Doll": it used a lot of devices from other shows. Many of the devices fit nicely in the shows that share the trait, but don't work so well in CSI. For instance, the fantasy flashes (LOST, Ally McBeal), flashbacks (Without a Trace, Cold Case), leaving important plot points up to the viewer to be explained later (LOST again), the total lack of knowledge about GSR by the people closest to the couple (Grey's Anatomy), the middle-aged man doing the manipulation of the suspect (Without a Trace, Criminal Minds)

Overall, not that good, not that bad... just an episode with those horrible "TO BE CONTINUED" words at the end.
My girlfriend just made me laugh as she watched this... "Oh great, a TBC... at least it wasn't as bad as when I watched Star Trek voyager and the whole crew was stranded on a planet at the end of the finale and they did a cliffhanger to the next season."
"I'm off to see the shadowcaster of the Forgotten Realms" which implies that Grissom has or at one time played DnD...

LOL I caught that too! Grissom is an Uber Geek, and antisocial ubergeeks play DnD! I could picture all of them playing DnD! OOOH, fanfiction idea!

Or that could have just been the screen name of the fellow geek he was chatting with.
Hottie_Cath said:
Maryse said:
i would like to see that interview but i had to go to work earlier so i didnt get the chance to see it..any chance anyones knows where i could see it?
Its on the CBS News Website:

This does not look like a cast that is in disarry and Jorja Fox does not appear to be a disgruntled cast member in a row with CBS.I doubt she would have done that interview if she was fighting it out over pay and not showing up as has been rumoured. It is nice collection of interviews.
" A little bisque doll and a little rag doll
And a dolly imported from France
Were sitting one day on the shelf of the store
With a doll that could wind up and dance;
When all of a sudden the shopkeeper heard
A scream that rang out thro' the store,
And this was the plaint of the little bisque doll
That made such an awful uproar;

I've got a pain in my sawdust,
That's what's the matter with me;
Something is wrong with my little inside,
I'm just as sick as can be.
Don't let me faint, someone get me a fan,
Someone else run for the medicine man,
Ev'ryone hurry as fast as you can,
I've got a pain in my sawdust.

They took her away in a hospital van
And the whole town was filled with the blues,
For ev'ryone thought it was quite an odd thing,
And the papers all printed the news;
The surgeons looked wise and they all shook their heads
And asked her just where she was sick;
"I think it's 'appendisawdust'," she exclaimed,
"And won't you please do something quick?"

I've got a pain...

Oh, sad was the day for the little bisque doll,
For they cut all her stitches away,
And looked for the seat of the terrible ache;
"'Twas a delicate task," they all say,
For none of the surgeons had ever before Performed on a dolly's inside,
They tried to restuff her but didn't know how,
And this was her wail as she died;

I've got a pain... "

Thought Natalie did a great job and agree with everyone that said the reveal was weak. I liked the episode for the most part but felt the pacing got off near the end.
Thank you for letting me know about "Fallen Idols". I must have slipped and forgotten about it (weird, I usually remember GSR related scenes). Thanks for the site with the interview too :)
You guys are a real resource!
OMG! Thank you so much for this site!! I loved it! Not only that, but it will be my "go to" place for the next 4 months when I go into CSI withdrawal ... I want to contact gglovebug and tell her how wonderful her site is! Man! I wish she had a contact e-mail or something ... she needs to know that her site is out of this world (and she supports many of the same things I do!)
I think the premise for the episode was good, but it was too rushed. Based on the timeline of events, natalie had very little time to kidnap sara and get her under the car. So either there is an accomplice or sara is only 1mile outside the city.

also, I thought the natalie delusion in the interogation room was just bizarre and didnt quite fit. I couldnt tell how much of the interview was real or delusion... was natalie's implication that sara isnt dead real? Or was the entire interview a delusion except the last part with Grissom shaking her?

This fall I hope they dont just pick up where they left off as if it is the next day-- that would mean no chance for a bearded grissom.
arpscout said:
I think the premise for the episode was good, but it was too rushed. Based on the timeline of events, natalie had very little time to kidnap sara and get her under the car. So either there is an accomplice or sara is only 1mile outside the city.

Timeline was fudged with this episode... we saw Natalie's interview for the maid service, and then we see her workign there... but according to Grissom she was working there for a month. So Sara could have been gone for hours already (after all, why else were the police on her car BEFORE Grissom found the minature and called her cell?)