"Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

Did anyone else notice that when Natalie was making the Sara doll they panned over her work table and there were other dolls already made of both Greg & Nick!!!! That tells me she was planning on killing all of them not just Sara.

I did not!! Wow.
Something I did notice, was that at the beginning, when natalie was ta that store, it said on the radio about Happy Morales dying yesterday. Meaning that her part of the ep started way before.
i didn't really like that episode. i thought it would be better. i LOVED the looks on the team's face when they found out about GSR. nick's was my favourite... looked like he was about to cry (because, i think he loves sara) nick's look
but yeah... there wasn't alot of greg. man.. i love greggo!!
oh... and yes, i LOVED cath and grissom's glasses sharing. i just thought that that episode would be ALOT better.

omgoodness.. i didn't notice Nick and Greg miniatures. i taped it.. so i'll check it out. thanks! :D
Did anyone else notice that when Natalie was making the Sara doll they panned over her work table and there were other dolls already made of both Greg & Nick!!!! That tells me she was planning on killing all of them not just Sara.

Do you mean the scene in the begining (6-7 min)?
I also thought that at first, but I think it wasn't her table, but Grissom's table where he inspects all the miní's.
The finale S-U-C-K-E-D! Like a Hoover! *insert giant sucking noise*
I would like CBS to return that 60 minutes of my life. I feel cheated.
bine said:
Did anyone else notice that when Natalie was making the Sara doll they panned over her work table and there were other dolls already made of both Greg & Nick!!!! That tells me she was planning on killing all of them not just Sara.

Do you mean the scene in the begining (6-7 min)?
I also thought that at first, but I think it wasn't her table, but Grissom's table where he inspects all the miní's.

You are right. I watched the whole first 11 minutes in slo-mo so that I wouldn't miss it. What you're seeing are the dolls from the previous miniatures: the rock star (danny bonaduce), the old lady, ernie dell, and then you get to the scene where grissom starts doing surgery on the peds nurse (foster brother) doll. That's not HER work area. So whoever said that she had done Nick and Greg dolls was mistaken.
I didn't see Nick and Greg doll. All I know she making Sara's doll. I didn't see it. She wasn't after them, she was after Grissom.
No, No , No... there were other CSI miniature people laying on the table, as Natalie selected a female form, and was attaching Sara's head. The other minis looked like Nick, Catherine, and the others. Ofcourse this would imply that the writers have more up their sleeves with the mcsk, or possibly even a PLOT... I got the impressions that the writers didn't know where to steer this mcsk story. Have I mentioned that I thought last night's finale sucked? And the entire GSR reveal was so anticlimatic. I was bored to tears.

And the fantasy "Grissom with a slashed throat" was just lame! Not enough arterial spray! It should have been spewing!
Last night's episode ROCKED. Kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end.
And now it's 3 months of speculations about what will happen next.

Funny how this finale was built à la Grave Danger. TPTB very well knew that it was the best finale ever since the beginning of the show, so they kinda took the same ingredients and did it all over again. CSI kidnapped, team on the edge -better? Hmmmm. I don't know. Kinda hard to top, but I'd say it was pretty close.
Could be. The fact that there was no ending makes all the difference. At the end of Grave Danger, we knew that Nick was going to make it. Here, nothing's certain ... that's some cliffhanger :eek:

Damn those evil writers! ;) I hate those 3 little words :p

Loved the look of everybody when Grissom admitted that Sara was the only person he had ever loved. Priceless.

And also how Grissom lost his temper at the end -so not like him, but it shows how attached he is to Sara.
The cliffhanger ending was a real change for them! Excellent idea.

But I for one *love* GSR - I so like to see a proper relationship on TV for a change!! They always make up angst to make more story lines. Basically you are either lucky or not. And if not you inevitubly knew the thing that was deal breaker from the start and just wanted to ignore it to see if it would go away or not! When it is right you amazingly don't have this!

I think the thing about GSR is it suits the characters.

If sara dies what is Grissom's character going to do all season 8? they cannot pretend it was nothing. If she lives, which I hope so, then they have the intricate dealing with the aftermath to do and the fact everyone now knows. *Much* more mileage there.

These actors are a good team together. Better than the other CSI spin offs. The show will not last for ever but they ought to work it while they can!

It is truely a leading light show!
I think, that at the beginning of s7, the writers themselves had no clue who the killer was. they didn't think about the bleach. They just sort of waited and then decided...make sense?
THis is what I thought was Nick & Greg but I might have jumped the gun on that...sorryI was wrong!


You know it kinda does look like them!(in my defense) :p
When I first saw it last night, Wojo, I thought it was the other CSI's. And now seeing that screen cap I still think that is Nick and Greg.
^ I actually think those are the miniatures from the other crime-scenes. The first one on the left is Romundo Suarez and the one next to him is the woman who was poisoned from the gas in her fireplace :) It's just my assumption because they were laying next to the Izzy Delancey mini and the old lady.
I really, really liked this episode. It reminded me a bit of a very revamped "Killer" kind of episode, where the suspect is more concentrated. Only this one was much, much more climactic than Killer (which ended lamely). I loved getting into Natalie's mindset; I mean, knowing the killer is just as important as knowing how they catch them sometimes, especially with important cases like this.

I don't think the GSR reactions are over. Because Grissom walked out so fast, I don't think we'll see the real reactions until later, when the information has had time to seep in for everyone.

As for the cliffhanger.... well, what can you expect them to do? Jorja still isn't sure, and the episode had to be rewritten to accomodate that. They wouldn't kill her off only to find that she then wants to sign the contract. So, they did what they could with what they had. I don't think it would've been a cliffhanger if they had all cast contracts signed. (I am not pointing the finger at Jorja, I think she has every right to negotiate. I'm just saying.) So... just cut the writers a little slack about the cliffhanger. I'm sure they did what they could. They wouldn't leave us hanging on purpose.

This episode definately isn't over. It's pretty much a two-parter... just with the next half being four months away. (No, not four months!) I can't wait for Season 8!