"Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

Well the ep is a cliff hanger but not as bad as some in the past. I think this ep could have been 2 hours and felt less rushed. The actress playing Natalie was great and we could have stood some more insight into her. I loved the look on people's faces when Grissom commented on him loving Sara. I don't think the series has turned into a soap opera. I just don't think they have their balance of procedure & and relationships down yet. NY and even Miami have a better balance (particularly Mac & Peyton on NY). But maybe if Sara lives they can work out the balance next season.
The highlight of the show for me was the look on Warricks, Catherines, & Nicks face when they found out about Sara & Grissom. That was priceless. Plus I thought my heart was gonna stop beating when Grissom was stabbed in the neck. Of course the cliffhanger didn't surprise me none. I hope Sara comes back. Hate having to wait till Sept.
I felt like I was on a driving test with someone not familiar with a 5-speed. Speed up...stop...slow start...stop..lots of sudden stops!!

I was glued to the tv...even during the commercials.

Natalie was way off on the creep-o-scale. The actress did a great job of playing her.

If I hadn't seen Greg, I would have sworn he was transfered to day shift. Time for Greg to get some time here! It would be cool for Greg to find something that leads them to Sara in the continuation. Greg is not lab fodder!!!

The spilling of the beans with Gris/Sara was subtle. But it added to the already craziness. I thought Nick and Warrick looked more surprised than Catherine did. I don't think I saw Greg long enough to see a reaction if any.

Did anyone catch the watering of Nick's eyes? Maybe he was thinking back on when he was kidnapped and feeling all of those feelings like the others were feeling.

When Natalie slashed Gris's neck in her other world, I yelled some bad choice words. I kept waiting for someone to come in and help Gris. But when Natalie's other world went away and Gris was fine, my mouth was hanging open. If the writers were going for shock/surprise, they had me on this one!

I think I've been spoiled by 2-hr season enders. This was like being rushed and stopped at the same time.

I'm not sure about next season and what will happen with Sara. I only hope that Greg will get some more time and have some closure with the stuff from season seven.

End crazy thought process.
I mus say the worst part of the eppy was when Natalie fantasizes avout killing Grissom.
That was really bad, I felt a knot in my stomach.

And about the cliffhanger...I'm still cursing them. i don't think I'll be able to wait 'till September.

And also have to say I wished there would have been more of a dialogue, a team interaction when the Griss/Sara relationship was revealed.
If Sara dies, it could add a new dimension to Grissom's already complex character. I wouldn't be too bothered if she didn't come back.

The ep was better than Miami's finale (which isn't that hard) but below New York's.

Time to find myself three days when I can run through the series non-stop.
Maryse said:
SnowAngel58 said:
THe GSR reveal was uneventful..sort of anti-climatic but I liked all the WTF faces. I kinda liked that it was sort of vague as to whether Grissom was only confessing his love for Sara or if he was revealing that they are actually in a relationship.

the look on their faces was priceless ...as was the bleach comment by Brass...torture by bleach :eek:

You know, I was hoping someone would say something like that in the episode, and I'm not surprised that it was Brass who did. :) Anyway...

I wasn't very impressed with the episode. Yeah, I have to wait until September to find out what's going to happen next, but for a season finale, it was a real letdown. Yes, Natalie was creepy as HELL! That alone was really good, but... it didn't really come together well. I expected a cliffhanger, but there wasn't a lot of interaction. The CSIs seemed just disjointed and isolated, in my opinion, so therefore, it seemed like there was a spark that was missing within the group. I mean, it's been like that for most of the season, but I really saw it with this one.
What I find amusing are all the comments on "it should've been two hours" or "it was rushed" or "this is the third time a CSIs life has been in peril, where's the originality?"

One- Brass was a detective who put himself in harm's way to help the case and catch the guy. He's not a CSI.
Two- Had this been a 2-hour season finale, with the MK reveal in the first hour and the hunt for Sara in the second, someone would've griped that it was too much like Grave Danger and that it wasn't original.

Let's face facts. Nothing in tv land is ever really original. Nothing about Grave Danger was so amazingly original that it blew our minds. The being buried alive scenario has been done several times over, just like someone being kidnapped. I guess what I'm trying to say is, we can't have it both ways here. Given the hole the writers dug for themselves by stretching out the GSR and MK storyline all season, they did a hellava job pulling themselves at least half way out. Most shows on today write in so many different storylines, some get lost in the shuffle. CSI, given the fact that it is a crime drama, does a very good job at keeping the integrity of the show intact while trying out different things (ie GSR, the MK, narration at the beginning of an episode (fallen idols), the crime through the killer's eyes (killer), etc. the list could go on).

The more I look back on it, the more I really enjoy the MK reveal so early on. They have been building this person up for four episodes prior to this. To prolong the reveal and the development of this killer would've just been unnecessary torture.

I also agree with what someone else said above. After seven years, it wasn't necessary to have huge amounts of time spent with our actors as it was very important that we understand Natalie. I suspect in the season opener next fall, we'll see more of the emotional reactions we thought we would see tonight. CBS only gave CSI an hour, so trying to cram in their emotional reactions would've been hard to sell. WP did a very good job at the end, given he only had a minute or two to flip out.

I'm saddened there is so much disappointment that some will consider not returning to watch Season 8. I had my disappointments in this episode as well, but I think it was more getting high hopes for a phenonmenal episode and being slapped in the face with a To be continued. . . I said before that I thought the writing was up to par, the pace was fine and the actors seem to always bring even the dullest of lines to life. Kudos to the staff, actors and writers for a great season. Honestly, I think we'll have a lot to reminisce about over the summer while we wait on the conclusion to this one.
That was a hell of a lot to digest in one viewing! I think I'm going to have to re-watch it at least once until I can write any kind of review on it.

A couple of things though, I thought the girl who played Natalie was pretty good, but she reminded me of Kelly Gordon. I found that a bit hard to overlook at times.

Did anybody else see Nick's face during the GSR reveal scene?

Looked on the verge of tears. I guess it reminded him a lot of his own abduction and he got to experience it from the rest of the teams point of view. I hope that's something they explore next season.

*EDITED: Picture exceeded the Max posting size of 400x400*
Okay to end the which 'Jessica Collins' is it Debate

Jessica Collins 1: Played Missy in "Dog Eat Dog" is 5'7 is from New York .. Is Blonde and has 2 younger twin brothers.
Born: Jessica Lynn Capogna - ON: 4-1-1971
Alias names: Lynn Capogna, Lynn Collins, Jessica lynn collins, J. Lynn Collins
Link to Tv.com Bio Click here

Jessica Collins 2: Played Natalie in "Living Doll" is 5'6 is from Texas .. Is Brunette and Has 3 sisters.
Born: Jessica Collins - ON: 3-8-1983
Alias names: Jessie Collins, Ava Collins
Link To Tv.com Bio Click Here

Hopefully this does clear it up, two actress's with the same name can cause alot of confusion, makes you think they should use their alias's sometimes. :D
AHHHHHHH! HOW COULD THEY DO THAT!!! I screamed!!! Is Sara going to be in the next season or are they still undecided? AHHHHHH I freaked out pretty much that WHOLE episode!
The episode started out good... but then they were showing way too much of Natalie.

The plot (as to why Natalie chose Sara) was very soap opera-ish. One thing I liked though was how Grissom mentioned trying to see it how Natalie saw it, and we finally get why the psycho was so into building miniatures.

I miss season finales like Bloodlines, GD, Hunger Artist... which were all fantastic. This one was just okay. Someone mentioned that the team didn't seem so together/united in the ep and in the whole of season 7, and I agree with that. Hopefully next season will have better team dynamics... and Sara MUST live.
After rethinking about this episode I have more points

I did like the way they revealed the relationship.
To have anything else would have been too OCC for the whole show not just the characters.
I mean to have freak out and go.."OMG OMG SARA" would have been not very realistic in my book.

Grissom did keep his cool and he did figure out who Natalie was.
But, my feelings is... he would have done the same with any other CSI in danger. Grave Danger ring a bell??

I think the fact he and Sara are in a 'relationship' made it more 'intense' for him.

I'll say it again, Natalie was CREEPY CREEPY CREEPY and her sad family history made it all the more believable that she was capable of comitting these kinds of murders.
I liked this episode. It wasn't absolutely amazing, but it was good. The episode had it's ups and downs. Natalie was excellent. Amazing acting. Sofia made an appearace, which is good, and Nick was the one to discover how whatshisname really died... so that makes me happy. But once again, severely lacking in Warrick (and Greg, but he's had a pretty heavy season, so I'm willing to overlook it). The team doesn't seem to be as together as they used to be.

I've only just seen the episode, so my thoughts aren't all together yet, sorry if it seems a bit disjointed.

One thing that was bugging me all through the episode, was why on earth were they using Dell as the last name for all the foster kids? Foster kids do not take they're foster parents last name. It's a minor detail, I know, but it was distracting to me, and took away from the episode.