"Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

Anyone watch The Early Show? Though I think it's wierd for them not to address any of the contract stuff. Unless it's true, cause hollywood types like to keep quiet until it's decided. Anyway they didn't say much new stuff, only that TPB didn't know yet what they'd do next season.
i would like to see that interview but i had to go to work earlier so i didnt get the chance to see it..any chance anyones knows where i could see it?
When Natalie said to Grissom "I didn't kill Sara" I really expected her next words to be "you did." Then again, during the ventriloquist act, I expected the doll to say "It's a monkey joke"
Exit 8A said:
Wow, that was, um, bad. That was, um, really bad. I don't know if I was disappointed or bored with this episode. Ok, so they can't put out a winner every season finale, but this was just atrocious. Ok, so we got a lot of background on the Miniature Killer, but this just seemed so uneventful. Also, it was kind of weird seeing Jay Johnson with a creepy doll like that. He is actually a really funny ventriloquist, and it was kind of weird seeing him trying to creep you out rather than make you laugh.
Yeah me too! I never thought Jay Johnson had the acting chops to play a creepy character, lol.

I always thought that the MCSK storyline was strung out far too long so yeah for me this was too much of a let down. Bored now please move on but no, they're still dragging the storyline up until Season 8.
The only things that saved this episode were Billy's brilliant acting (specially in the interrogation scene with Natalie) and the witty dialogues Grissom and Catherine had with Great Rainone.
Give the Emmy to Billy pleeeaaasssee.
Although I'm angry about the cliffhanger (yeah, why do they think they need to do that to hook us into the next season?) I did like the finale.
I thought it was essential to reveal Natalie early on. I was fascinated with her backstory. I still haven't figured out her tangled feelings about Grissom. First of all, I agree with the earlier post that she bears a strong resemblance to Sara. Does Sara remind her of Chloe — thus, she didn't kill Sara because by having Sara get saved, she can "unkill" Chloe, and perhaps win back the love of her father/Grissom?
Man, I have so much to say, but I can't do it right now because I'm at work.
One thing that really bugged me last night was that those of us who read the spoilers knew pretty much the whole plot before it aired. Was there really a stolen script? I tend to not believe that stuff. With CSI Miami, we were told all kinds of stuff about the finale that didn't happen.
One other thing before I have to go: I very much liked the way thay handled the GSR reveal. While I generally prefer to keep my shipping offscreen, I have thought Sara and Grissom belonged together from the moment she arrived on the show. And the way Grissom described Sara so subtly as the person he loves most — I got all gooey inside. So shoot me.
I'll come back with more later if I can find the time.
I have a love-hate relationship with this epi right now. Natalie was creepy. JC did a fine job of playing the character the writers gave her. What was missing? INSIGHT! I'm sure I know the reasons why she feel compelled to harm the other foster children and kill her victims, but I think the writers should have delved into that a little more in the scene with the foster mom and the flashback with Ernie. Then they could have focused a little less on her model building. Geez, that got really old really fast. There was just too much filler and not enough substance in the first 40 minutes. By the time they discovered that Sara was missing, I didn't care anymore.

Next point: There seemed to be a lack of urgency on the rest of the team's part toward finding Sara. In my opinion, the actors weren't given enough time to react to her abduction. Another minute or two there and another 30 seconds of reaction time to Grissom's big confession would have gone a long way. I know the ep was supposed to be Grissom-centric, but the rest of the team deserved a few moments to deal with the abduction of someone they've worked with for 7 years and to respond to the shocking confession. I didn't care that Grissom ran from the room as soon as he spilled the beans, only that the other cast members weren't given a chance to vocalize. A mere "What did he just say?" from Cath and a couple of "Bleeps!" from the guys would have sufficed.

You also can't tell me that the professional writers on CSI can't rewrite a script at the last minute to accomodate a snafu with a little more finesse than this.

There were some other great moments that I reveled in, and they diffused my frustration and got me through to the final scene. Honestly, though, I think it would have been better if Natalie had attacked Grissom. I didn't want a mortal wound, just something more than the pitiful singing at the end. Something a little more defiant. Afterall, she took his love away and then told him that Sara isnt dead, giving him hope. I think it would have been even better if she had tried to take his life just after her confession, reasserting herself by delivering one more blow to his psyche. It was just too anti-climactic.

BTW, the Early Morning interviews with WP, GE, GD and JF left me feeling more hopeful for the season 8 premiere :) Hopefully, it will be more rewarding than the finale!
My feelings on the season finale are very mixed. On the up side, they did an incredible job of maintaining the creepy vibe through the episode, the actress who played Natalie was terrific...just enough not to be overacting and just enough to be scary, and the neck-stabbing was a great fake-out that even had my husband going! On the down side, however, the ending, as has been mentioned, seemed to shift into high gear too fast and for too short a time. Disneyland afficionados might compare it to going from a long saunter on one of the Main Street vehicles to about 10 seconds of Space Mountain. :lol: Part of me didn't "catch up" adrenalin-wise. The reactions to Grissom's admission were good in themselves but too brief to really count for much, unless they're expounded upon later. That said, I think they're trying to out-Grey's-Anatomy "Grey's Anatomy". Soap opera fans are going to watch GA; mystery, forensics and crime drama fans are going to stick with "CSI". Whoever muddies the waters is going to lose. Other shows have handled inter-character relationships better. Also, the busting-into-apartment fake-out, unlike the other one, just drew a "I hate that..." from my husband. I thought it was OK. Just OK. At the end, I felt more annoyed than anything else about the cliffhanger.

Ever since "Dynasty" and their "Moldavian Massacre" plot device, the question of a character's survival has been a handy bargaining chip to either push a reluctant actor/actress into signing below what they'd hoped to get, or preparing fans for their abrupt departure. Unfortunately, said event was when "Dynasty" jumped the proverbial shark, IMO. Now, I adore Jorja Fox as an actress. I've never met her, but I've heard she's also a terrific person. I hope she's back with the series come fall, but I'm prepared for her not to be. And other shows I like very much have lost major characters this season. It's getting too close, for me, to the point where I just don't care. If Jorja doesn't come back, obviously I hope she moves on to other stepping stones in a really great career. She's a really good actress. But TPTB are going to have to really bat 1.000 with the beginning of Season 8 with this.

That all said...

"Okay, we're in a David Lynch movie. Where's the dwarf?" That line alone deserves an Emmy...

Nice to see Judy get a little bit of camera time. I've been a receptionist. Unsung heroes, I tell ya! ;)

All in all...it really left me undecided. I loved it and I hated it at the same time. If that's what they were shooting for, they get an A+. But I just get a wierd feeling this was intended more for non-long-term/hardcore "CSI" fans; more for those who couldn't decide between Grey's, CSI and the NBA playoffs. ::hugs her overworked DVR:: Come the opening act of Season 8, I hope I'm inspired all over again. Four months from now, it's going to take a great episode. The "CSI" writers are capable of it. I hope I see it.
Maryse said:
did anyone noticed that we didnt actually see sarah get kidnap? all we saw was someone putting something in the trunk of a car...and the hand under tha car...they could have used any brunette to shoot the final scene of the show.....i wonder if that tells us something

I noticed that too which is why I'm worried. We never really see Sara's face after the halfway point of the episode.
All in all, I thought it was an "OK" finale. I would have liked to see a little more of Sarah's kidnapping (how it happened, how she got under the car, etc), and I am not happy with the fact that they decided to leave us with a cliffhanger. By far, the best season finale (IMO, of course) was "Grave Danger", which did not leave us thinking about what would happen in the next season. It was very, very well-written.

I don't know; it just felt a bit rushed. Other than that, I thought it was alright.

Okay, we're in a David Lynch movie. Where's the dwarf?" That line alone deserves an Emmy...

Nice to see Judy get a little bit of camera time. I've been a receptionist. Unsung heroes, I tell ya!

All in all...it really left me undecided. I loved it and I hated it at the same time. If that's what they were shooting for, they get an A+. But I just get a wierd feeling this was intended more for non-long-term/hardcore "CSI" fans; more for those who couldn't decide between Grey's, CSI and the NBA playoffs. ::hugs her overworked DVR:: Come the opening act of Season 8, I hope I'm inspired all over again. Four months from now, it's going to take a great episode. The "CSI" writers are capable of it. I hope I see it.

Couldn't have said it better.
I liked it and dosliked it at the same ime.

I liked how they got into Natalies head.
Ventriliquist thing--gave me the creeps.
Cliffhanger- NO.
Grissom talking to Natalie was GREAT.
Where was Hodges other than the first minute? I don't tend to complain about his screentime often, so don't shoot me. At least he's alive.

Sara- live, die...whatever, really, I don't care.

One thing I don't like, no, one thing I HATE, is people coming here threatening not to watch. Don't like, don't watch. Someone should start a thread for that. There are people who are disturbed by it.

All in all, good and bad. As I've stated, my expectations were way too high, which is why I'm dissapointed. I was expecting a killer rewrite. Can't have everything.
I had to watch this again today, too much going on last night.. and I liked it better while alone.. it was probably, to me, the creepiest..weirdest..bizzare CSI EVER.. something out of the "Twilight Zone" but did bring psycho Natalie to the surface.. what a freak-show.. talk about mental problems.. she was always nuts even as a little girl,, and her own dad, who was also freaky gave her up and Ernie, said "my special girl' also a freak.. she had no frickin' chance of ever being normal. What a sick-twisted person! So she blamed Grissom for all her problems..from Ernie it's OK to kill people ~~shuddered~~ and was watching him with Sara, while he was rubbing her arm.. and probably related it back to her sister and felt she was daddy's favorite..& Grisoom, Sara..were a threat for some reason, he loves Sara so she had to destroy her, or try! who can figure out a demented psycho? ..and obviously didn't dig BLEACH :rolleyes: and while building these little MSCK was humming.. la-la-la-la,crazy as a loon. I thought I'd seen alot of weirdos here in this town, but she takes the cake! Grissom and Cath watching her dad and his spooky little talking doll, Cath's expressions.. and she was very low key in this ep. and Nick and Warrick capturing Natalie :cool:..Brass..Sofia and Doc always stellar! the "declaration of his love" about Sara to the team, and their expressions..priceless :confused: glad this was all brought out, finally .... and they got her, Natalie. so she was working as a clean-up person watching all of them... EWWWW :eek: and the scene with Grissom kissing up to her to gain her confidence to find out where Sara was..and Grissom/WP brilliant.. one of his best acting performances ever' gawd he's a great actor
and seeing Sara underneath the car.. I was going "NO" so, basically it hinges again on weather or not Jorja signs on for S/8.. if she does.. then she's alive. if not she's a goner

An I enjoyed the Vegas scenes.. the opening scene at the Bonanza Gift Shop the biggest souvenir shop in Vegas.. and the Le Bistro nightclub inside The Riviera. and the Fremont Street Expierence where they got Natalie..
I think all I need to know is if Jorja is going to continue doing CSI or not. Then the 4 month wait for the season premiere can go by peacefully... But it just constantly bugs me. Aaaaagh. I hope they get the contract thing settled soon.

The ep was okay... Like a 6 on a scale of 1-10 (10 being best. Cliffhanger sucked, but like others have stated, under the circumstances, what can you do?
I did like the episode, more or less.

Did anyone else notice that when Natalie was making the Sara doll they panned over her work table and there were other dolls already made of both Greg & Nick!!!! That tells me she was planning on killing all of them not just Sara.

I loved the club scene, Cath & Gil sharing a pair of glasses, that was just great and I knew you all would love it. It was like the old G/C.

Tha lack of Greg of course upset me but I also expected it, I loved the looks on their faces when Griissom revealed his love for Sara crazy2

I don't like cliffhangers, because they make me wait and I hate waiting!