Linkin Park


Those radio station people really know how to get on your last nerves with the repeating songs shit.
Yeah but now they are over that. They don't play ANY Linkin Park songs anymore...*sniff* its so sad...oh well..SRPING 2006 NEW ALBUM!!! Im excited, i SOOO cannot wait :)
:eek: don't kill me but i had no clue they were bringin a new one! doggonit!! I can't wait man every cd they make makes me think they couldnt get any better, then they prove me wrong!

so what if they don't play LP stuff now, its better than it bein overplayed and everyone obsessing over it. Its irritating.
Yeah I'm not like obsessed or anything but my friend (cough cough) is. Just to make her cry I rewrote part of Crawling (ahem) here goes

Crawling in my toes
This fungus will not heal
My feet smell so bad
It is very unfortunate

oh wait for it, wait for it ----- there she goes
morgan that is friggen funny....btw its katie...the one that did the firework thing...lmao hahah i always say mikes ugly and madi's just like :mad: :mad: :mad:im going to kill you katie!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: lmao haha jkjk
Yeah I'm not like obsessed or anything but my friend (cough cough) is. Just to make her cry I rewrote part of Crawling (ahem) here goes

Crawling in my toes
This fungus will not heal
My feet smell so bad
It is very unfortunate

oh wait for it, wait for it ----- there she goes
morgan that is friggen funny....btw its katie...the one that did the firework thing...lmao hahah i always say mikes ugly and madi's just like :mad: :mad: :mad:im going to kill you katie!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: lmao haha jkjk

Jeeze I never get THAT mad...besides, he is ugly now with the stash...anywhoo...New Linkin Park Song Coming Soon..CAN'T WAIT!!
Erm, guys - I know you're just talking but please be careful about what you say in your posts. Death threats against each other are a no-no, even in jest - it can cause problems. Thank you.

So, they are bringing out a new album in Spring? Cool - I didn't know that. I wonder what it will be like...better than their other albums perhaps, or maybe not so good. Does anyone have anymore details on this?
Erm, guys - I know you're just talking but please be careful about what you say in your posts. Death threats against each other are a no-no, even in jest - it can cause problems. Thank you.

So, they are bringing out a new album in Spring? Cool - I didn't know that. I wonder what it will be like...better than their other albums perhaps, or maybe not so good. Does anyone have anymore details on this?
oops...sorry. but yeah if the new cd is coming probably not up for listening to kinda hooked to fort minor.
I'm glad they're making a new CD. Anything confirmed? Like the name and date of release? Hm... I may not even get it- I hardly buy CDs nowadays. :lol: Lazieness is my trademark.
So, they are bringing out a new album in Spring?
Yay, I can't wait for some new material from them, I feel like we have waiting for ages, but they have been very busy, I think they deserved a rest! :D
*flails hands in air* I HAVE NEW DETAILS ON THE ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!..

Okay Chester was talking about it over the chat recently on wednesday and he said that he screamed so much on the songs while recording that he had to take a break for a day, leaving Mike to work on the rest. So Chester has confirmed that there is ALOT of screaming on the album. I don't know about the release date or name of the album yet but that info will probably be out soon. Also they are leaking a new song soon..i don't know when but probably in the next couple of months. Anyways...yeah.
*flails hands in air* I HAVE NEW DETAILS ON THE ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!..

Okay Chester was talking about it over the chat recently on wednesday and he said that he screamed so much on the songs while recording that he had to take a break for a day, leaving Mike to work on the rest. So Chester has confirmed that there is ALOT of screaming on the album. I don't know about the release date or name of the album yet but that info will probably be out soon. Also they are leaking a new song soon..i don't know when but probably in the next couple of months. Anyways...yeah.

Thanks very much for the info :) although not too much screaming I hope - otherwise may just sound a bit, erm, silly :p But...well, I shouldn't make any judgements properly until it's come out and I've listened to it :) And I will have to keep an ear out for this song they are apparently going to leak, hopefully sooner rather than later ;) I hope poor Chester's voice has recovered somewhat after all that screaming though.