Life before Vegas- GSR fic

Whaha..!! I love that.. they should do that in the show.. :p!!!
Chapter 9

Greg shot down the hall, I'm in so much trouble! he kept thinking. He then realized he forgot the plan. He skidded to a stop and headed back to the layout room. Catherine's gonna shoot me.

Grissom and Sara stood in the room. They didn't look happy:

"Now we just have to sit back and wait for the crowd of lab techs." Sara said angrily.

"If Greg even utters a word to the..."

"Uhh Grissom?" Greg said nervously.

"Greg if you dare even whisper a word of what you saw..."

"I won't Gris, I promise. Anyway I came here to tell you that the sheriff wants to speak with you and Sara in the parking lot."



"Ok." Grissom and Sara left together.

Greg then sent a text message to Catherine saying Grissom and Sara were on their way to the parking lot. Catherine read it and sent one to Nick, telling him to go to the parking lot and wait for them. Catherine then went to the sheriff's office, smiling coyly.

Nick spotted Grissom and Sara walking out of the main doors and strolled up to them:

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"We are here to see the sheriff Nicky."

"Oh yeah, he had to leave. He told me to tell you that you both have to attend a conferance in Orlando, Florida."

"WHAT!" They both yelled.

"Hey don't yell at me, I'm just the messanger boy." Nick then walked off with an evil smile on his face.

"No way."

"Sara, it's sheriff's orders."

"But...aww no way."

They walked back into the building and made their way to the locker room.

Nick strolled up to Catherine, he asked: "What did you say to the sheriff?"

"I told him that Gil told me he had to attend a conferance and bring a female accomplice with him. I said I couldn't go because of Lindsey so he said he had to bring Sara. I shrugged and left. I better tell them they have to leave straight away, tell Warrick to go to the locker room."

Catherine made her way down the hall and entered the locker room. She leaned against a locker:

"So, I've heard you have to attend a conferance at Christmas time, isn't that a bummer?"

"Why us? Do you know why?" asked Sara.

"Nope." Catherine lied, "Maybe it's because I have Lindsey, Warrick has a wife, Nick has a girlfriend, Greg has a girlfriend..."

"We get it Cath, everyone has someone, but us." said Grissom."

"Sorry Gil, Sara."

"Don't be." answered Sara. "When do we have to leave?"



"How long are we..."

"There for? A week. I knew you'd ask that Gil."

"Ok, c'mon then Sara. I'll give you a ride home."

They were about to leave when Warrick stopped them:

"Gil, Sara the sheriff just told me you will be representing the lab. There will be a formal dance, that means, Tux and dress my friends."

"No chance, I am NOT wearing a dress."

"Oh yes you are." ordered Catherine, "I'll take you shopping."

"No." Sara moaned.

"You aren't serious are you?" asked Grissom.

"Deadly serious Gris." replied Warrick.

Catherine grabbed Sara arm and dragged her from the room. Sara tried to pull away, latching her hands onto the doorframe, but Catherine pulled her free.

TBC :D :devil:
Oooh, I love their little sneaky plans!! Can't wait for this - Grissom's reaction to Sara in a dress will just be....priceless!! lol.

rofl!! YEAH!! GO catherine!! Omg! this is going to be so much fun!! Please update soon!! :D
Chapter 10

Catherine took Sara to the fanciest formal wear store in Vegas. They entered the building and Sara looked around, dresses and formal attire were everywhere:

"Catherine, no chance."

"Yes chance. Now choose, or will I have to choose for you?" Catherine gave her the evil eye, indicating she would pick out the most horrible dress ever made. "Let's pick one that will impress our dear boss."

Sara stared at her, her eyes wide in disbelief:

"Oh don't give me that look honey, we all know."

"Know what?" Sara challenged.

"About your little crush on Gil Grissom." Catherine didn't want to tell her about the box they found so, she used a different excuse.

"I do NOT!" Sara screeched, obviously lying.

"Do too, now pick out a dress."

"Fine." Sara searched the store and found the perfect dress. Catherine agreed and bought it for her.

They left the store and headed back to the lab.

Grissom, Warrick and Nick sat in the breakroom discussing the suit or tux Grissom was going to wear:

"I'll wear something I have in the house, geez guys give me a break." Grissom moaned.

"Fine, but Sara has bought something she would never wear in her lifetime for this so, you are not gonna make her happy." Nick pressured.

"I don't care."

"You do so, impress the girl for heavens sake. Make her see a different side of you." Warrick suggested.

"I have something brand new, I've never worn it, so I'll wear that."

"Is it decent?" asked Nick.

"YES!" Grissom barked.

"Ok, ok, ok geez the weez."



"On a conferance trip, at Christmas, with Sara Sidle, would you be nervous?"

"Uhh...point taken."

Just then Catherine and Sara walked through the doors:

"Talking about me?" said Sara.

"No." answered all the men in unison.

"We better go Sara, pack excetera, excetera." said Grissom.

"Yeah, well see you guys in a week I guess."

"Bye." They all replied. With that the couple left the room.

Catherine glanced at the boys and walked over, they all high-fived her:

"We got them now. When they find out there is no conferance they will be so mad, and can't leave until the week is over." Catherine giggled.

"We are in so much trouble." said Nick.

"It will be so worth it though." replied Warrick.

They all laughed and left the room.

TBC :D :devil: ;) :lol: