Liev/Keppler Thread #1

Best Guest Actor Emmy Submission
C.S.I. (Liev Schreiber - Law of Gravity)

Remember, this is just the list of submissions and not the list of nominees.

Here's hoping Liev gets the actual nod and maybe, just maybe that'll lead to a win. *crosses fingers*

Emmy Episode Submission List
There is a thread that is a discussion Nominations, awards, not winning awards and submissions for awards That can be found Here.
Some more Liev icons.



More are here.
hhunter said:
Bummer he did't win. :( He's so talented.
I was so disappointed he didn't win. I saw a clip from Talk Radio and he looked awsome. He's the best at doing really intense characters.
He is the best at intense characters. I like his intensity on the show. It, to me, brought something. But that's JMHO :D

I really wish they had not killed him off... :(
Unfortunately,Liev didn't won as best leading actor for "Talk Radio".
He didn't? :( But why? Not only did I miss seing him in 'Talk Radio' (stupid, expensive tickets *sulk*) but he didn't even get a nod for it? Shoot!
Now I'm gonna root for him to get that Emmy nod. Just a nomination will be good.

And if he ever decides to do another show here I will definitely see him with a friend! (I've been saving money like crazy! :))
Hormiga said:
hhunter said:
I really wish they had not killed him off... :(
^^That didn't stop CSI:Miami to bring Ray Caine Sr back. :lol:

Ain't that the truth! If Dallas is example of anything, it's that no one ever truly dies. And with episodes like Toe Tags, where the dead converse with one another, CSI is on the fast track to some super freaky, sci-fi craziness.

So Keppler could come back. He's got a .0005% chance of that ever happening, but it's a chance! :lol:
Keppler was by far the best choice for guest star actor while Grissom was away. :) And now that the experiment seems to work, TPTB have to really try hard to top that choice next time Billy has to leave the show for a couple of weeks. Keppler is secretive, attractive, showing good chemistry with Cath, and that dark side which we so frequently find veryy sexxxy!! :D ;) Of course Grissom is above and beyond any comparison, (i wish we saw a 'dark moment' in his life -or past- too. He's too d*** perfect and we love him for that!! :p)

Welcome to the world "Alexander Pete Schrieber"

Capping what felt like the longest pregnancy in recorded history, Naomi Watts gave birth early Thursday morning, "Life & Style" is reporting.

Watts, along with proud papa Liev Schreiber, is said to be resting comfortably. The couple did not reveal the sex of the baby -- in fact, L&S says Naomi and Liev didn't know the sex right until the birth.