Liev/Keppler Thread #1

He could have been! Or at least put him on days and let us see him every now and then. That'd mean that Billy/Grissom could go for a few eps again if he wanted, and we'd have an awesome character to take on the lead mould already.

At first, I admit that I didn't want to see a new character, though. I guess I was also of the frame of mind that nobody can replace Billy P, but yeah, once you watched Keppler in action, you just knew he wasn't meant to *be* a replacement. Just a very awesome, very talented stand in. (That should have stayed on *grumbles*)
A cute pic :

Bumping this up
because .....

on the Season 7 DVD there is audio commentary
about two of the episodes Liev was in
Sweet Jane and Redum (I'm not entirely sure about Redrum but I know it's Sweet Jane)

ETA: It's Sweet Jane and Law of Gravity that have the audio commentary
Thanks to wojo at Black Tie Affair
Some folks are still interested in the Actor and discussion of his Character when he was on the show, therefore I thought it only right to bring up his thread.
Thanks, Destiny for bumping this thread.

I loved Keppler. He was dark, brooding and mysterious. He had this quality about him that was 180 degrees from Grissom that was really, really interesting.

I wish they hadn't killed him off, but from what I understand, Liev Schrieber didn't want to be on the show, and requested that Keppler be killed.

I doubt with the way the storyline played out that even if he'd survived, he'd have been able to continue as a CSI, just because of what happened with McCarty and Graves (although it's unclear to me whether it was Keppler or Graves who actually shot the guy). Still, I thought he was fun.

BTW, how tall is Liev? He looks really tall in those pix.
BTW, how tall is Liev? He looks really tall in those pix.
According to IMDB he's 6'3". He literally towered over Billy's 5'10" in the scenes they had together. And, his nickname is "Huggy". :) Why do I find that amusing?

I've always liked his style and I thought he was a good fit for CSI. I'm sorry they didn't leave the door open for Keppler, but according to reports Schreiber didn't want to commit to TV. Our loss IMO.

If you're familiar (or not) with The Manchurian Candidate, check out the remake (2004) with Liev and Denzel. He's amazing as Raymond Shaw, a role I thought no one could ever do as well as Laurence Harvey.

Thanks for bumping this up Destiny... how the heck did I miss it first time around?
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Another baby boy for Liev Schreiber:

Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber welcomed their second child, PEOPLE has learned.

"I can confirm Naomi and Liev had a baby boy yesterday," said the actress's rep.

A couple since 2005, Watts, 40, and Schreiber, 41, already have a baby boy, Alexander Pete Schreiber (Sasha), born July 26, 2007.

Earlier this year, Watts boasted of her first-born, "He's turning pages in the book. He's crawling and standing up. He can wave. I read Goodnight Moon to him every night." (source: People)
Congrats AGAIN to Liev and Naomi

Wow,they are going to have their hands full with two children under age 2!
Best of luck and Merry Christmas to them.


Some people like Liev/Keppler, and this is their place to discuss him. You are free to express your opinion, of course, but I've always thought it best to say something nice or nothing at all. Either way, bashing the actor/actress is not cool here.
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Sorry Smokey I deleted my post if you want to do the one you quoted go for it. I was just stunned about that article.. I won't say anything negative again:(