Liev/Keppler Thread #1

Oh, that should be funny. If you've ever seen the comedy Stella on Comedy Central, it's that kind of humor. David Wain is the director of this film and he also directed Wet Hot American Summer. That's his best known comedy. WHAS has a plethora of stars in it. (Chris Meloni, Molly Shannon, David Hyde Pierce just to name a few)

And The Ten looks like an awesome cast as well: Liev, Jessica Alba, Famke Janssen(of X-Men fame), Wynonna Rider and there's more. What surprises me is that Michael Ian Black is not in this. Haha, these guys (wain, showater and black) have formed their own little comedy 'frat pack', if you will. Like the Luke Wilson, Will Ferrel and Vince Vaughns before them.
Oh yey I was wondering if we had a Keppler thread. He's so fit!! Loving him atm. Wish he woulda been on a little longer.

*swoon* that suit. Gotta love a man in a suit.

I think we need a pic ;)
hey ams , my sis is named Amy too btw :D

yes Keppler is YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY :devil:

Liev ROCKED in this role!!! to bad indeed they killed him off. I would have liked to see him play off Grissom. ;)
Heylo hhunter I'm not thread stalking you, promise ;) What can I say, its a kewl name lol.

He is indeed gorgeous! I woulda liked to see him play off against Griss too, two very different sorta people so that woulda been interesting.

I haven't seen him die yet, just seen the second Keppler episode, i'm really gonna miss him when he "leaves" they shoulda left it open so he could come back :(

The pic I used in my avatar. I lurve this pic. UFF!
yes, that was sad when they killed him off. :(
Wait til you see him and Nick too, that's good. And the last Keppler episode is REALLY good :D
I think its the suit that grabbed me. Why doesn't Grissom wear a suit 24/7?!

I've just seen the ep were him and Cath lie to the team to catch that dude lol. I don't think Nick's too fond of him is he? Is Keppler in 4 episodes in total?
He was only in like 4 eps and I almost cried when he died... I wanted him to stay so so so bad... but o'course not... Felt sorry for Cath-o-rine too
At first, Keppler really creeped me out. So, I thought of him as a creepy man. I am not a huge fan of Grissom (but I do like him so i can say i am a fan but not a HUGE fan.) but when Keppler appeared I was like "I want Grissom back so bad". But while watching the epis he's in, I kind of liked him. He's a very unique character not the typical CSI. :)
Keppler was a unique character. He brought 'something' to the show.
I'm a HUGE Grissom fan, and I can say I liked Keppler.
What does that say about me?

I would loved to have seen Grissom and Keppler play off each other... that would have been good :D
*weeps* its my last Keppler episode next week. I'm reeeeeeally gonna miss him but it'll be nice to have Grissomypoo back.

I can't believe they killed him off, just sucks. I liked him because he was different to the lad and added a bit of much needed spice while Gs been gone. Woulda liked to see them work together though. It's such a shame he dies. Gutted :'(
Ok, I'm such a multi-shipper that I loved Keppler and Catherine. Yes Destiny I know this is not the shipper forum but I had to mention it that Liev and Marg played really well off each other.

ams did you see Liev's interview on The Early Show about his time on CSI? I think it's posted somewhere in previous posts.
omg i cant believe he is dead!

Can anyone here please tell me how I could get a kepplar icon and how to put it on plz? thanx to anyone who can help me.