Let's Talk Gay

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As of now, I'm fed up with members of both sexes. My boyfriend is only around when he wants something (if you know what I mean). And every girl in my life is being extremly annoying.

I love reading your guys' stories, it's comforting :)
Oh, wow! I didn't know this thread existed. lol

I'm not gay - neither is the other twin - but I'm so pro gay, that it's not even funny. I know it's kind of cliched, but I'd wear a shirt that says "I'm not a lesbian, but I'm a big fan." Daphne Chanders Queer as Folk

Slash is only the icing on the cake for me. I mean, I desperately want a gay friend so I could join PFLAG, but I don't have a life. (I do have a few gay male friends on the Internet! lol) I have never, never, never thought that being gay was different, or wrong. Even as a child. I had to have been 10 or 11 when I finally figured out what it was, and it didn't even phase me. Then a few years later RPS caught my attention and that's when I realized the thought of two men together was erotic. As is two women for straight men. Though that can be way different and perverted. Eventually came more RPS, Queer as Folk, and now slash. Nick/Greg sits at the top of my okay-sized pile.

I especially hate the thought of someone thinking that gay men or women can "turn" or "go" gay. Or that it can be influanced over time. I was called a fag for the most part of the 3rd and 4th grade, and *ta-da* I'm straight.

I'll definately stick around this thread and lend the support that the LGBT community definately deserves!
hi twins! i loves me some gay lovin str8 peeps. when i joined the Outlet Alliance at my college i found out that half of the officers (including our president) were straight. i thought that was oh so cool. well, until i started diggin this chick in the OA and she turned out to be straight. quite ironic actually.

oh my straight girl trauma. i have the stories and the scars, folks. anyone else been an "experiment"?
^ I'm still too shy to try and say anything to anyone, but one time this girl may have been hitting on me because she passed me in the grocery store and shot me THE flirtiest smile I'm ever seen :lol: *sigh* When will I ever have the guts... :rolleyes:

And welcome to the thread, twins1729! Glad to have your support :)
I've sort of been an experiment once, only it didn't end the "typical" way.

I had a little summer fling with a girl who had a boyfriend back home, I knew from the start so I didn't expect things from her. It wasn't even planned in the first place, but who was I to turn her down when she kissed me :p

Anyway, after a little while, she developed a little crush on me, even considered leaving her boyfriend (At least that's what she told me). But I wasn't up for a relationship back then, let alone a long distance one, so we ended it, leaving it in a sort-of-friendship (2 e-mails in half a year) and that was it. Last I heard she didn't leave the boyfriend after all, but that could have changed by now.

Wouldn't say I'm traumatized now, I still like straight girls but wouldn't fall for one. In most cases that's no use, they're straight for a reason :p
I wish I had been an experiement ;) No, seriously, I used to always fall for straight girls, and it got to the point where I despised them all :mad: Although being an experiement wouldn't have been the best idea after all, seeing as I was actually in love with one a year and a half ago. And it probably would have ended badly, it was horrible the way it was, I don't think I could have dealt with it any other way.

I find it quite funny though that now I tend not to find straight girls as attractive. There's something about them that turns me off, though the stereotypical butch dyke turns me off even more. I like my girls femmy with a touch of dyke inside :D Thankfully I've found one, so I don't have to desperately search for one anymore :D
I guess you can call me straight. i dont think it matters who you are attracted to. I dont have a problem with gay people AT ALL!! i grew up a catholic (not anymore) and i just didnt agree at all. they seem crazy to me... my mom would say "god made us who we are" so if your gay he made you that way. My mom has always made it clear to me that gay people are just like EVERYONE else so people with a problem actually are the one with the peoblem. why should gay people "get fixed" and not be happy. you dont see gay people going to straight people saying "you need to get fixed". i have always thought that everyone is equal, so what if your a different color, so what who you like. i think what ever you feel is YOU , and YOU are happy, than that is great!!
I guess you can call me straight. i dont think it matters who you are attracted to. I dont have a problem with gay people AT ALL!! i grew up a catholic (not anymore) and i just didnt agree at all. they seem crazy to me... my mom would say "god made us who we are" so if your gay he made you that way. My mom has always made it clear to me that gay people are just like EVERYONE else so people with a problem actually are the one with the peoblem. why should gay people "get fixed" and not be happy. you dont see gay people going to straight people saying "you need to get fixed". i have always thought that everyone is equal, so what if your a different color, so what who you like. i think what ever you feel is YOU , and YOU are happy, than that is great!!
Ok so I'm reading this thread for a long time and I registered today because I need my story to tell somebody, and you understand me so..

I might be gay but I'm not sure. This last year I'm thinking more about it being gay. I don't care at all IF I'm gay but I've to tell my family and friends and I think that is the hardest part. My mom told me one day that if I have a girlfriend she would be happy for me and she will accept it. But I still have to say it. i figured out that I might be gay 2 years ago, since than I've a crush on a girl I know for almost 4 years. it's strange because you can't tell her because you don't know how she will act. I'm not really a person that's comes out that well. Shyness :rolleyes: So I've some questions for you..

1) When do you know you're gay?
2) When do you have to tell your friends and family?
3) is it easy to live as a gay person?
Hi Yesterdays and Welcome to the board :)

I can't tell you when you know you're gay, and I doubt anyone here can. I think you need to really listen to yourself, your feelings. Are you (still) attracted to boys/men, do you feel drawn to them etc. Or do have those feelings for women? If you have a crush on another woman you already know that you're capable of falling in love with girls, so I guess the question you're asking yourself is whether your bisexual or not. As I've written before, listen to yourself, try and figure out what feelings you have for guys.

In my case it was pretty easy, I had never really been in love with a boy, at least not the way I would fall for women. And over the course of time I kinda grew disgusted by the the thought of having sex with a man, whereas I dreamed, fantasized etc about women. Plus, I had always felt very strongly about women, even before I'd realized it was sexual.

As for your second question, I really cannot tell you when to come out. I don't know where you're from, but I knew beforehand that I wouldn't get into trouble for being gay. I had no idea how my mother would react, but I knew that here in Germany gay people are accepted and gay couples have almost the same rights as straight couples. But the reason I came out was solely because I felt suffocated by the straight lifestyle. I needed to talk about my attraction to women, I needed to have my family stop treating me like I was straight, I actually resented others considering me to be straight. In short, I felt like I was living a lie and I wanted people to know that I was gay.

Coming to your third question, I think it comepletely depends on where you're living. Over here being gay is nothing special. Of course there are people who might resent you for your sexual orientation, but overall I think discrimination against gay people is very low in Germany.

There's a great website you might want to check out www.afterellen.com
A reminder to please not double-post...if there's something you want to change, you can always edit your original post for up to 24 hours. Thanks :)
Thanks! I'm glad I know what to do now, I'm only 15 so I've enough time to come out, and the country is not really a problem..
Well, if you're only 15 there's lots of time :p. But seriously, no matter how old you are, you should always take the time you need to figure things out, don't let anyone pressure you.
Agreed. If you need 50 years, then you need 50 years. I really do not see a reason to try and rush to a decicion. Just take your time, and if anyone tells you to hurry up, ignore them.

I have a friend who's pressured into making decicions all the time. At first she came out as gay, but then changed her mind, then was gay again, then changed her mind, then was gay again, then changed her mind, and now she doesn't know. She says it's mainly because of her mom, who told her that being gay was horrible and that she would send her to therapy etc. I also must say that her group of friends (including me, although I try not to) bugs her all the time about her not being able to make a decicion. And it makes it really hard to figure out what you truly want.

So yes, I think ignore all the pressure, otherwise you just may end up more confused then you were in the first place.
Hey Yesterdays!!! Welcome to the thread.
I totally know how you feel. I’m 18 and at the moment my best friend is the only person (apart from you lot) who knows that I’m gay. I remember being completely confused at 15. I was 13 when I had my first crush on a girl. And I mean proper crush, like head over heels, weak at the knees kind of crush. It took me awhile to figure out what was going on, and longer than that to accept it. Until that point I had never really liked a guy, but being gay had just never crossed my mind. It didn’t repulse me or anything but I was so messed up because I just didn’t understand what was going on.
My advice, if you want it, is to just try and carry on with your life for now. Concentrate on something else and don’t let it bother you. I know it is hard, but for something like this, only time will tell. In the meantime looking around on the internet might help, and you always have us to talk to.
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