Let's Talk Gay

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SaraSidle_girl said:
After I got raped, I was scared to death to be pregnant. And had I been, I would have had an abortion. For myself and for that child.. And no one would have stopped me!

*hugs* Awes. I know what you're must've went through, Would rather not go into a lot of details, but we can just say I've been there also.
CatherineWillows said:
SaraSidle_girl said:
After I got raped, I was scared to death to be pregnant. And had I been, I would have had an abortion. For myself and for that child.. And no one would have stopped me!

*hugs* Awes. I know what you're must've went through, Would rather not go into a lot of details, but we can just say I've been there also.

I got you on msn but I just never get to speak to you, CW And reading some of the things you wrote, I think you and I have some things we can talk about...
I cannot even begin to imagine what you guys must have gone through. It's a terrible thing that Bush and other supporters think they can take away someone's rights, when he has no idea what it'd be like. He never had to be pregnant, or to raise a baby alone...*hugs you guys* I'm so, so sorry.
cainesugar said:
I cannot even begin to imagine what you guys must have gone through. It's a terrible thing that Bush and other supporters think they can take away someone's rights, when he has no idea what it'd be like. He never had to be pregnant, or to raise a baby alone...*hugs you guys* I'm so, so sorry.

hugs from me too.

In my opinon people who feel the need to take away people's rights are ignorant and stupid. They don't understand the other side of the argument. They only care about their side and don't see it from any other view. In case of abortion, they could be the opposite sex and think that they could just keep the baby. If men got raped, then they wouldn't have to really worry because they don't have babies .For Women if you get raped, you have to worry because you could have a baby. If you are pregant and you don't necessarly want the baby, you should have the right to an abortion.If you didn't have the rights you would be stuck with the baby, and it will just remind you of what happened and you'll be sad.
Awe, thanks for the hugs guys.
But yes, I believe that it is someones right to get an aborotion, and be gay. Like, I'd rather not have someone walk up to me "you are breaking a law because you're getting married to a girl" honestly, how is that right? I thought everybody was supposed to have freedom of choice and speech. What happened to that?
I'm so sorry that happened to you guys :( If any of you want to talk, feel free to PM me.

CatherineWillows said:
I thought everybody was supposed to have freedom of choice and speech. What happened to that?

The problem is through the years that has become somewhat of a myth :rolleyes: This is America, home of the free and land of the brave. I guess half of that statement is true :rolleyes: I've grown up through the years being oblivious to how unjust several aspects of my own country is. It's just become worse through the years. There's so much more important things to worry about than a woman marrying a woman or a man marrying another man!
I know. Why would people make up stupid laws like that? Is the government so bored with their dumb wars that they have time to sit on their a$$es and take aaway the supposed freedom of choice from people who have a different sexual orientation then themselves. Personally I think no counrty could be a 'free' country because if it were there would be no laws at all and no jails (only my opinion please don't shoot me). What would be the worst that could happen if gay marriage was legal all over the world? Ohh gay people would start ruling the world and make straight marriage illegal? :p
Who cares if I want to marry someone of the same sex? It's not like I'm marrying my sister. There's nothing wrong with same sex marriage. It's not hurting anyone and it's a personal choice.
^^Yes, that is what will happen if you let gay people get married to eachother, they were end up marrying their sister :lol:

I don't know what's wrong with the world today. I don't even know if I want to know. Everybody is against something, what if the government was against straight marraige and only aloud gay marriage? Then straight people would be freaking right out going "it's our right, it's not fair, bla bla bla" but with gay people, they're like "it's differenet cause gay people are disgusting" like what the hell? How does that work, agh, governemnt makes me so mad
I couldn't imagine if someone said I couldn't marry my boyfriend or if it was "immoral" to be with him. Like if someone came up to me and said "you can't marry him, he's Italian" or some crap like that, I'd slap them in the face :rolleyes: and that's no different than people telling girls they cant date girls, that's just so... STUPID! Who are people to say someone's love is immoral? I agree with Quoth though, (and LOVE her icon :lol:) that we have better things to worry about.

And to CW and SaraSidle_Girl, I can't say for sure that it happened to me too, (I honestly can't remember :( ), but if I had gotten pregnant I would've gotten an abortion, cuz I couldn't live raising a kid that looked anything like him.

Okay, I don't if this is going to make sense but I'll go for it.
In the U.S. gay marriage laws are different depending on the state. So what if I go get married somewhere it's legal and than come back to some place where it's illegal?
I mean is the marriage "not valid" or what?

I can't see going to jail for marrying a woman.
Haha, thanks glm :p And again, if you want to talk about anything, feel free to PM me.

I discovered something a little disturbing the other day and it was that more than three-fourths of America does not allow gay marriage. To my knowledge, there's only one state that does. I live in California, so basically that means I'm screwed :rolleyes: :lol:
I found this on a website. Its about gay marriage.

Massachusetts has recognized same-sex marriage since 2004. Connecticut, Vermont, New Jersey, and California have created legal unions that, while not called marriages, are explicitly defined as offering all the rights and responsibilities of marriage under state law to same-sex couples. Maine, Hawaii, the District of Columbia, and Washington have created legal unions for same-sex couples that offer varying subsets of the rights and responsibilities of marriage under the laws of those jurisdictions.
In contrast, twenty-six states have constitutional amendments explicitly barring the recognition of same-sex marriage, confining civil marriage to a legal union between a man and a woman. Forty-three states have statutes restricting marriage to two persons of the opposite sex, including some of those that have created legal recognition for same-sex unions under a name other than "marriage."
In my town, a woman was murdered a couple months ago. They said she lived with a long term friend, than the media found out it was her same-sex lover. and instead they said "domestic partner", if it was a straight person it'd be girlfriend, it got on my nerves.

Why can't same-sex unions be considered marriages, that's stupid.
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