Let's Talk Gay

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^ That drives me insane, and that just goes back to the whole labels discussion. Take Freddie Mercury from Queen, for instance. He was absolutely amazing and the only thing most people remember him for was being gay :rolleyes: My sister was on the bus to school one day and she said these guys were talking about him, and the only thing they were saying about him was that he was gay.

I don't want that to be the only thing I'm remembered for :rolleyes:

Thanks for posting that, CSI_Sidle2399. So I can't have a "wedding". What am I supposed to call it? A "wedding-type thing but oh wait I'm gay I can't call it that"? :lol:
Well, I guess if I ever fall madly in love with a girl I will not be moving to the states.

But yes, I do not want to be rememebered as that girl who was gay. Like thanks, but my sexuality isn't what makes me, me. It may make part of me up, but that is not all of me. And I do not want to only be remembered for that.
I'm glad that I live in Massachusetts so if i do fall in love with a girl, I don't have to worry about the gay marriage laws, unless they change them by the time I'm older (lets hope not and if they do make it legal in all of the United States).

I just wish that everyone would except each other, and their rights. It could help make the world a better place. It's just stupid that we don't.

quoth_the_raven your welcome.
*Has been out for 2 days and hugs everyone who hugged me. Thank you guys!*

People shouldn't be judging love. People shouldn't be thinking they can control love. If love has learned me one thing, it it that it can't be controlled. And people who are in love deserve the right to get married. Denying them that right, to me feels like denying them the right to marry someone of their own choice.

Coming back to Bush (who has been mentioned before).. how seriously should you take this guy? I mean, his IQ is extremly low, he still believes the war in Iraq was a good move and well... scandal after scandal.. And he should tell people who to love?!

To all the gay boys and girls, men and women, in the US: come to Holland (or anywhere els gay marriage is legal!) and we have a masse wedding!!!! :D
SaraSidle_girl said:

Coming back to Bush (who has been mentioned before).. how seriously should you take this guy? I mean, his IQ is extremly low, he still believes the war in Iraq was a good move and well... scandal after scandal.. And he should tell people who to love?!

He's wasting our tax money on gay marriage and abortion and other silly little things. He could be using it to do more important things, like stoping the war. Gay marriage should be allowed in all 50 states and if people don't like that then they can move to someplace in the world that doesn't allow it.
If someone was against opposite sex marriage, people would think they were crazy. But if someone's against same sex marriage, it's completly acceptable. Double Standerd.
Gay marriage should be allowed in all 50 states and if people don't like that then they can move to someplace in the world that doesn't allow it.

i agree with you i mean like seriously people have to deal with it
we are not living in some other century were you parent chose who you had to get married with
everyone just has to put their differences aside and accept the fact that it doesnt matter who you are in love with
that_girl1 said:
Gay marriage should be allowed in all 50 states and if people don't like that then they can move to someplace in the world that doesn't allow it.

i agree with you i mean like seriously people have to deal with it
we are not living in some other century were you parent chose who you had to get married with
everyone just has to put their differences aside and accept the fact that it doesnt matter who you are in love with

Agreed :D
People don't chose to be gay, they act like it's a choice and that them outlawing gay marriage is going to rid the world of gay people. Sorry, we aren't going away that easily :)
AshleyWillows said:
that_girl1 said:
Gay marriage should be allowed in all 50 states and if people don't like that then they can move to someplace in the world that doesn't allow it.

i agree with you i mean like seriously people have to deal with it
we are not living in some other century were you parent chose who you had to get married with
everyone just has to put their differences aside and accept the fact that it doesnt matter who you are in love with

Agreed :D
People don't chose to be gay, they act like it's a choice and that them outlawing gay marriage is going to rid the world of gay people. Sorry, we aren't going away that easily :)

Being gay is definitly not a choice. And even if it was.. I wouldn't change it. Its part of who I am. I wouldn't be me anymore! :cool:
^ Very well said. If I were to choose, I'd still be gay. Very much so.
I believe that being gay is a wonderful way to live even if it seems hard sometimes, especially when you grow up in a homophobic family or society. I guess I'm lucky I never had to deal with such situations, people usually accepted me the way I was...or didn't care which way I was.
I wouldn't change it either, even if I could. I mean, I love who I am, every single little part of me, including my sexuality. And sure, my mom asked me not to be a lesbian, but I don't control it. And I really don't care. Like I said, I don't want to change. I am happy with who I am, and even if someone decides out of nowhere that gay marriage isn't aloud in Canada, I'm not going to change because some government guy told me I should.
Take Freddie Mercury from Queen, for instance

Holy cow, he was gay?!? :confused:

I honestly think people in office are speaking out against gay marriage just so it looks like they're doing something and to take away from all the things they did wrong. If they weren't against gay marriage they would be sitting around twiddling their thumbs hoping no one notices all the tax cuts or the friggin war they don't want people to argue about.
I couldn't imagine not being gay, I mean sure it's confussing sometimes but in the end, I turn out pretty happy. If I wasn't gay, I wouldn't be me :)
AshleyWillows said:
I couldn't imagine not being gay, I mean sure it's confussing sometimes but in the end, I turn out pretty happy. If I wasn't gay, I wouldn't be me :)

YEAH! All the way with you, Ashley!!!!!!
Its who I am.. well, part of it. But its who I am!
Being straight is so over rated .Haha, just kidding. But yes, gay people are who they are, straight people are who they are. And yes, some people may not like gay people, but I'm not changing for them. I do not need to make someone else happy, this may sound selfish, but I have dedicated my life to making me happy, and hopefully the close people around me happy too. Not some government guy that said I was disgusting.
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