Let's Talk Gay

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Haha, quoth, glad your brothers cool with it.

Haha. After she said that to Allie (Imperfect) she was like "I didn't mean it" I was like "uh huh"

So today, I was at the pool with the sister and a couple friends. And this guy wouldn't stop following us around, (yeah creepy) and kept talking to us and wouldn't get the hint that we wanted him to go away. We tried so hard too. At one point my friend screams really loud "so Levon, got a new girlfriend yet?" and I scream back "No I do not have a new girlfriend yet" Haha, he heard us, backed off for like 15 minutes, then followed my other two friends around. Worked for a while though :p

I had a question for you all. This weekend I was with a friend who I think may be gay and I wanted to know if it's likely based on a few things I noticed. I really only noticed these things because he used to be a womanizer.

I noticed that when we saw a preview for a tv show and it showed a preist using the toilet in front of another preist who was taking a bath, he said it was very hot. Also he made a few jokes about gays, and people say that people who usually are against gays they secretly have gay fantasies and are gay, so I fgured that the jokes could be the begining of that. Finally me and my other friend told him that he needs a haircut and that people have told me that they didn't even think he was male because of his hair a few months ago, and that they called him the ugliest girl that they've ever seen.

I'm really just wondering if my theoire make sense and if it's likely.
^ hmmm, sounds like they could be gay.

In high school I knew this guy (we always talked in history class :p) who had a secret relationship with another guy for over three years but he always said gay guys kissing and stuff was gross. He had like a bizzillion girlfriends too. Sadly he ended the relationship :( because his boyfriend told this other person when they were in a fight and the whole school found out. Only everyone sympathized with him and didn't believe the rumor, those who knew the thruth pretended that they didn't believe the 'rumor' either. It's so sad when you have to hide your sexuality. I wish people could accept others.
It's so sad when you have to hide your sexuality. I wish people could accept others.

Thats a good sound, yes i wish it to. Because its so hard to be gay and people dont accept it. Espacialy when they are family of yours..Damn I know enough of this stuf..So i hope the world will change its thinking and looks at the bright and beautiful side of humans. ;)
It is terribly sad when people have to hide their sexuality because tehy don't want to be victimized. It's quite terrible, I know when I first told people, everybody was non stop "ew your disgusting" and it really hurt, but I had to learn to ignore it, and now, it's barley mentioned.

Speaking of ignoring it, instead of ignoring someone going "that's gay" today, I like lectured them. I was like "That is NOT gay, does it like it's same brand name? I didn't think so, gay is a name for a sexuality, not for you to go around telling everything and everyone their gay" and went on, for like 5 minutes :lol: It didn't have much an effect besides the fact that it shut her up...which was a relief :p
Whenever somebody goes "This Is SOOO Gay.", like about homework, My English teacher goes "I doubt this paper has a sexual preference". :lol: It's so funny.

Hiding your sexuality sucks but I mean some people won't accept it, and not everyone ever will but hopefully one day at least people's families can accept it.
^that's funny about your theacher. I had a teacher once who everytime someone said gay would be all liek'that's inappropriate school language'. I don't get it, how can saying gay be inapropriate? If someone says 'straight' no one cares, but if anybody mentions 'gay' people get all blah.

I really hope families can learn to be more accepting. I think they will be when this generation has families and stuff because we are so much more open then others. when my mom was a kid, no one ever thought of liking the same sx, hence she's homophobic. I mean this generation is still homophibic, but not nearly as much as past generations.
Hahaha I love my English teacher.

Yeah, when my mom was younger she didn't really know anyone who was interested in the same sex, so she was never really exposed to it, but our generation is a little bit more open I suppose. It's also our generation I mean look how some girls at clubs behave or even at parties. I dunno where I'm going with this...
Today was the National Day of Silence. Did anyone participate?

I wanted to, the Outlet Alliance at my college was participating and ended the evening with a discussion type thing on the south lawn about what their experiences were throughout the day. Unfortunately I wasn't on main campus today. :( It's a great cause and I heard from my group members that it was successful.
I have a bad habit of calling random things gay if I don't like them, lol, but it used to be a lot worse, and I'm trying to stop saying it. One of my best friends is gay, and it made him mad that I always referred to gay as being a bad thing, even though I like actual gay PEOPLE, so he started calling things he didn't like straight, it kinda put things into perspective.
ilh214 said:
Today was the National Day of Silence. Did anyone participate?

I would've, if I wasn't an idiot and knew it was :lol: I acutally had no clue, otherwise I would've.

And to be honest, I used to do it to, until I was like "wow, I'm totally being harsh about peoples sexuality, and not even realizing it" so I like completley stopped. And now, I flip out on people who bug me by saying it. It generally doesn't bug me, like I'm used to it, but that girl was driving me insane. Not just because she was calling everything gay, but because she wouldn't shut her face when I was trying to focus on writing something. After I said that the teacher was like "well, I don't really know what else there is to say...besides the fact that Levon is scary when she's mad" :lol: Interesting class that was :p
I also used to casually refer to things as gay, but I've stopped, and told my friends to stop, at least when they're with me. Now they call whatever they would have called gay 'retarded' and that's my point exactly, they mean 'gay' as 'retarded'! It infuriates me that people can be so insensitive and not even realize it. They're not against gays, it's just become so normal, which is a terrible thing. :(
I know what you mean. I don't like referring to things as retarded either, even though I think of "retarded" and "mentally ill" as 2 different things. I don't actually like calling things gay, it just became habit :( I really don't like the negative affect it has on actual gay people... it's like we're trying to push gay people farther away by referring to gay as a bad thing, instead of accepting it, and showing that gay is a good thing. It's like people who still unknowingly make racial slurs, we just push them farther away from being accepted... I kinda hate how words like that are veiwed in society today. I think if they referred to good things as being gay, gay PEOPLE would be more widely accepted, but nobody ever does...
Here in Holland we use the word "faggot" for all sorts of things. I must say, it doesn't share the same bad meaning as it does in the US or anywhere else. The word "homö" is also often used to yell at someone, like a stupid bus driver.
I don't usually use those words. I am a gay girl myself. I do use the term "dyke" sometimes but somehow it depends on how you say it..
The only time i just the word Gay as a bad word was to my roommate because he is gay. I never say it to others but sometimes i call someone gay by the way the walk or act. But thats more because i see it a lot around me and than put it on a straight guy or girl. Stupid me!!;)

But i live in Holland to truffel21 and yes you can hear to words very much as a bad thing when people are angry and that makes me angry to. We arent bad people at all. And I love Gay people.. hihi *Hides herself for what she just said* **blushes**
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