Let's Talk Gay

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I'm so blind. I definitely need my new glasses. Seriously. I'll get them next week.

I think it's really cool of him to come out of the closet in public. I already said it, but gosh. This guy rocks. I really love Grey's. I do not hope they're going to turn the character of George in a gay-character though.
Okay, I am seriously SO stupid...I thought this was a different thread 3 times and Levon had to keep screaming the title before I understood :lol:

I haven't really told anybody so I really haven't "come out of the closet yet" Even though I don't live in a closet...you can ask Levon about living in a closet...that's what her location says :lol: just kidding. Well, I guess my friends know...but other than that nobody really knows. I don't wanna tell family members...actually, my sister knows!

I think it's great that he came out to the public :)
Hmmm...Wanna know what makes my roommate creeped out? Oh well I'm going to tell you anyways :p

When I go screaming down the hallway "MY GIRLFRIEND LIVES WITH ME BUT SHE'S NEVER HOME" She gets all "Umm..yeah, that really creeps me out"

Sorry, Allie's not home again and I jsut did that :p
I just got back together with my girlfriend and I found out that her mother hates me so much! I didn't do anything wrong but she still hates me. I honestly don't know what to do. But last night I punched a lightpost cause of the anger towards her mother. Can someone help me?
awww obsession_360 ow could anybody hate you!

hahah last night a had a very icky conversation about my brother his boyfriend and things that i cannot mention. hah and last night i discovered that my brothers boyfriend is his partner!! so now whenever i see my brother im like "howdy partner!!" haha it makes him so mad but i love it!
I'm 100% straight but I'm a supporter of gay and lesbian rights. Two of my close friends are lesbians and they're perfectly normal people; plus, one of them is the most popular girl in my class.

Just goes to show that even though she's a homosexual, people still love her for her personality because she's a really sweet, funny and friendly person.

It's just too bad that not many people actually take time to get to know them.
Awe, obession_360, I'm happy to here that you're back together with you're girlfriend. But it's horrible that her mother hates you!!

Umm well, I guess you could try talking to her. Just be like "why do you hate me so much, what did I even do?" Then again, that like rarley ever works. You could see if your girlfriend will talk to her and then she can tell you. I actually don't know really...tough situation.
obsession_360 said:
I just got back together with my girlfriend and I found out that her mother hates me so much! I didn't do anything wrong but she still hates me. I honestly don't know what to do. But last night I punched a lightpost cause of the anger towards her mother. Can someone help me?

That is not a gay/straight issue, that is an anyone issue. My MIL hates my guts. At first I let it get to me, but I have decided that I really don't care what she thinks. I am nice to her when I have to be, but I don't make a point to be her friend (if it weren't for the kids, I would tell her to bite me)

Don't let your girlfriends mother get to you, just be nice to her when you have to be in the same room (I know, respect is SUPPOSED to work both ways, but it doesn't always.) but don't let her make you do something that is not you.

My motto is "I like me, and if you don't like me, that is your problem, not mine."

Oh god, my cousin is being so weird latley. She keeps saying "has your girlfriend broke you're heart yet?" And I'm like "you're assuming a whole lot..." I don't know, she said she doesn't have a problem with it, I think she has a problem with her. And for goodness sakes, she hasn't even met Allie!
Can_I_be_U said:
obsession_360 said:
I just got back together with my girlfriend and I found out that her mother hates me so much! I didn't do anything wrong but she still hates me. I honestly don't know what to do. But last night I punched a lightpost cause of the anger towards her mother. Can someone help me?

That is not a gay/straight issue, that is an anyone issue. My MIL hates my guts. At first I let it get to me, but I have decided that I really don't care what she thinks. I am nice to her when I have to be, but I don't make a point to be her friend (if it weren't for the kids, I would tell her to bite me)

Don't let your girlfriends mother get to you, just be nice to her when you have to be in the same room (I know, respect is SUPPOSED to work both ways, but it doesn't always.) but don't let her make you do something that is not you.

My motto is "I like me, and if you don't like me, that is your problem, not mine."

this from someone who goes by Can I Be U? lol. Good motto though.
Haha. Today some guy in one of my classes comes up to me "I know you're secret...I know you're a lesbian" and I was like "you're really dumb" :lol: Yes, it took him a while to figure it out despite the fact that everybody knew in that class besides apparently him :lol:
CatherineWillows said:
it took him a while to figure it out despite the fact that everybody knew in that class besides apparently him :lol:

The world is full of jerks, isn't it? :lol:

Once a friend of mine (who doesn't know I'm bi) and I were talking about CSI (naw, I'm not obsessed :p) and he came out with this comment about the hot chicks starring in it and I said "Just the kind of women I'd love to be searched by." and he looked at me with a weird/amused expression and said "Are you sure you don't have sapphic tendencies?". I started laughing and went on for a while, but he never knew why. :lol:
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