Let's Talk Gay

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That's the right thing to do, nod and move on.
I only did that a very few times because nobody really asked me to the face. It was strange because somehow I wanted everyone to know, I just didn't ever feel like shouting it through the hallways. I kinda expected people to pick up on it and a few of them did.
I don't know, maybe there were a lot more people who knew than I thought, they just never said anything or just didn't care. Our school was like that, nobody really cared much about others unless there were rumors about pregnancies or relationships...we had a lot of those :rolleyes:
Haha, the other day my aunt and I had a 20 minute conversations about how the world has to start being more open minded about gay people, and not care. It was interesting though, becaue I haven't told her yet, so it just makes me want to tell her more :lol:
Would have been a great opportunity then, don't you think?

I wouldn't talk about that with my aunt. Her stepdaughter's husband's sister is gay. She and her wife have 2 kids by artificial insemination. My aunt was like "that's unnatural, what are they gonna raise their kids like"
I just shook my head thinking it's so great they have the oportunity to do this and be happy.
My extended family are the only one's I'm not out to, not that I'd care much about what they'd think but I just don't wanna hear it...
Would have been a great opportunity then, don't you think?

Yeah, it was the perfect time to tell her, but it's weird with my aunt and I, I'd rather tell her things in person, I don't know why, but that's the way I am.
Today the nicest thing happened. I was waiting at my bus stop and these guys from one of my classes all were asking me questions about my relationship with levon and I answered them like it was no big deal but when they asked if I had told my parents I tried to ignore them. Anyways these two girls at the bus stop from a different school completely told them off, it wsa so nice and they said if they bugged me again they would get their boyfriends( who were like three years older then the guys)

But it's so wierd because the other day the same guys kept bugging me about my sexuality and they tried throwing candy and saying mean things but the one guy was all like ' I think it's cool' and 'Don't throw that at her, what did she do?' so weird, some days he's nice to me and other days he's a complete ass. I don't understand people.
hi! i'm linda, i started the first "say NO to homophobia" thread a while ago. i'm soo happy that it's continued, and i wanted to make a small request/suggestion? do you think you could come up with a title like [insert title name here] #3" or something? it just makes continuing it easier.

i'm sure someone will remember? please? i'm not around anymore but like i said, i'm so happy it's keeping around!

love linda
some mentioned gay family?

I have a gay family! All on my moms side i have two aunts (like as a couple) my uncle whos currently single and my other uncle who recently lost his partner, who he was with for like a gazillion years, to lung cancer unfortunantly.

The really neat thing about growing up with a prodominantly gay family is that everyone is so accepting. I currently don't know what i am and i'm fine with that but if i ever needed to come out I'm sure they'd be happy for me but probably not care that much....in a good way ya know?

As a kid i was never miffed by why my uncle never married a girl or why my aunts lived together it just was what it was. I only really realized that they were all gay in like 6th grade and it wasn't like this huge revelation i was just like "ohhh now that makes sense" and went back to playing 'Mortal Kombat.'

phew. sorry that was so long.

wow. i haven't been here in ages. i think i'll be stopping by more frequently now.
No one is gay in my family. So it's like a new thing for the whole entire family. But we have some family friends that are, (of course these are family friends I've never meant) So, it's been kinda hard with me getting enough courage to tell family members. Not to mention, I don't get along with some family members, and haven't for a long time. So eventually I have to tell them, I just want to wait.
Nobody in my family is besides me and I find that really annoying personally. It's like come on not all of you are straight, statistics say otherwise! I could see me doing this huge presentation to all of them (large aunt-uncle-cousin family) showing them how statistically about at least two other people should be gay or bi, statistically!
I think nobody in my family would be surprised if I decided to tell them I'm bi. I've always been the black sheep and I guess it would come as no surprise. :rolleyes: On the other hand, I think it would probably be the worst thing of all for my parents (and, trust me, I'm not exactly the girl every good catholic parent would dream of. :p).
It's going to be so weird when I tell them. Because for a long time I was so boy crazy, and my family still thinks I'm like that. But well, kinda the opposite. So it's going to be interesting...once I tell them :p

Oh god, my roommate just said the meanest thing. She was like "You make out with girls, you're so f***king disgusting, you stupid slut" So I started yelling and freaking out at her...then I wanted to jump on her, but my roommate pulled me out of the room before I could. Which is good, because she's stronger then me.
Laetri said:
Personally I would laugh at a straight pride parade. I would absolutely love to see one :lol: and find it thoroughly amusing.

:lol: :lol: :lol: I would laugh at that, too... :lol: :rolleyes: *sigh* I'm terrible, I know :p

I find homophobic people amusing- the ones who just get really awkward at the idea of two girls holding hands.

My old friends were that way :lol: They'd hug eachother and stuff but the second another girl hugged one of them they were automatically a lesbian. :rolleyes:

CatherineWillows said:
It's going to be so weird when I tell them. Because for a long time I was so boy crazy, and my family still thinks I'm like that. But well, kinda the opposite. So it's going to be interesting...once I tell them

Ohhh, the guy-crazy thing. Yup, been there. My mom said she's pretty sure I'm straight because I've always been the one who's had crushes on guys, but... :lol: I'm pretty sure I ain't ;) But just remember, CatherineWillows, that you are who you are and you shouldn't be ashamed of that, not matter what anyone else thinks.

Oh god, my roommate just said the meanest thing. She was like "You make out with girls, you're so f***king disgusting, you stupid slut" So I started yelling and freaking out at her...then I wanted to jump on her, but my roommate pulled me out of the room before I could. Which is good, because she's stronger then me.

The rational side of me says to take the high road and just ignore her. She's stupid, obviously and she's not mentally and emotionally mature enough to realize how stupid she's being. She's not mature enough to learn how to tolerate other people.

But the other side of my brain says this:

Tell her there's an angry lesbian that's twice her size comin' over there from California to knock some sense into her. :p
My mom is sooo homophobic. We got into an argument over the phone about gay rights and she was all like waht about traditional famlies, and stuff. The my sister came on the other line and said "Allie's GAY!!!!" (even though she doesn't know) and my mom yelled at her and told her that that was a disgusting gross thing to say.

Then i vistited my two sister at their new house with Levon and we took over a closet. It was funny cause we sat in there and said it was the gay closet with her gay cat. (trust me you would think he was gay too if you met him) then my little sister came in and was like "I'm gay!" so she could sit in the closet. It was really cute cause she's only eight. then i told her she didn't have to be gay to sit in the gay closet, but that she had to be a supporter of gay rights. And she is so it's all good. Then when we were told to get out of the closet we were like "we're not ready to come out of the closet" and started laughing because we actually in a closet.
Hmm, Ann, I didn't know you were a lesbian. That's pretty cool.

Okay, this is going to sound really strange because I'm only 13, and I still don't know if I'm gay or straight or what, because I haven't been in enough relationships to know. But anyway, I'm a toal supporter of gay rights. I have nothing wrong with people being homosexual, bisexual, or any other kind of sexual. I think it's totally awsome, and you should be who you want to be.

I think it would actually make more sense for everyone to be gay, because the guys I know are such asswipes that it would be so much easier for girls to date girls. Less stress, less trying to look nice and be perfect. Girls accept girls better than guys accept girls, and vise versa.

And again, this'll sound lame and corny, and you probably hear it if you get talking about beings homosexual with a hetrosexual person, but I'm totally in love with Rosie O'Donnell. I watch her on the veiw daily, and I could listen to her talk about her family for hours. She's just so accepting of her sexuality, and the other girls on the show are, too. I love it so much. It actually gives me confidence to realize, if I was ever to know I was gay, I'd be able to accept that. And I know, for a lack of a better word, that sounds loserish, but that's totally how I feel. :)
Mini_Catherine said:
Hmm, Ann, I didn't know you were a lesbian. That's pretty cool.

Okay, this is going to sound really strange because I'm only 13, and I still don't know if I'm gay or straight or what, because I haven't been in enough relationships to know. But anyway, I'm a toal supporter of gay rights. I have nothing wrong with people being homosexual, bisexual, or any other kind of sexual. I think it's totally awsome, and you should be who you want to be.

I actually don't even know if I am, Alyssa :p But I'm leaning more toward it.

I'm still very young as well and my mom just doesn't want me to worry about my sexuality yet because of it. But she and my family support my decision (except for my homophobic/racist/sexist cousin :lol: :p) entirely :)
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