Let's Talk Gay

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Im from England, the Children Act was updated a few years ago.
Im currently doing a child care course and learning about it.
They say that parents are entitled to see their adopted child. Parents have more rights over their children.
Adopted children are also not allowed to be brought up thinking the adopoted parents are their real parents.

Anyhow, I think fostering is good, but I can see why alot of people do not do it. Must be hard to look after a child for a period of time, then they have to go back to their parents or elsewhere. Its like you have to give the child up. I take my hat off to the people who do that.

But I think that is a very good option for gay people.
Alien_from_mars said:
Although, next Monday I am going to Romania for ten days to work with children in an orphanage, perhaps I will have a different opinion when I come back, about adopting.
Alien, my brother was adopted from a Romanian orphanage, and we are the last family in almost ten years to adopt out of Romania. I know the Romanian government is very anti-international adoption and they closed their doors to it. As far as adopting from Romania (specifically) goes, you'd probably have a better chance of being crowned Queen of Denmark tomorrow. But I see what you mean - working in an orphanage can certainly be eye-opening. I wish all of you well in your 'quest for children' (and I'm sorry for how cheesy that sounds. :rolleyes:). I certainly don't think that just because someone's gay they shouldn't have children. Does being gay impair your judgment or your maternal/paternal instincts? I strongly doubt that! :lol:

If anyone has any more questions about the pros and cons of adoption, feel free to PM me anytime! :D
Anyhow, I think fostering is good, but I can see why alot of people do not do it. Must be hard to look after a child for a period of time, then they have to go back to their parents or elsewhere. Its like you have to give the child up. I take my hat off to the people who do that.

But I think that is a very good option for gay people.

Generally I agree, it's an honorable thing to do. Still I think it would be a better option for gay couples if they could do it by choice and not because they see it as a compromise solution. Foster-parenting is not a substitude for adoption, it's an entirely different affair.
4ENSIX said:
Alien, my brother was adopted from a Romanian orphanage, and we are the last family in almost ten years to adopt out of Romania. I know the Romanian government is very anti-international adoption and they closed their doors to it. As far as adopting from Romania (specifically) goes, you'd probably have a better chance of being crowned Queen of Denmark tomorrow. But I see what you mean - working in an orphanage can certainly be eye-opening. I wish all of you well in your 'quest for children' (and I'm sorry for how cheesy that sounds. :rolleyes:). I certainly don't think that just because someone's gay they shouldn't have children. Does being gay impair your judgment or your maternal/paternal instincts? I strongly doubt that! :lol:

If anyone has any more questions about the pros and cons of adoption, feel free to PM me anytime! :D

I thought I replied, but obviously I didn't. :lol:
If I was adopting I think I would adopt from Britain, its very complicated to adopt from abroad aswell, isnt it? After hearing everything about Madonnas and her adoption.
But I think we have enough children living in the UK who need adopting, so that's what I would do. :)

Anyway, back on topic about gay parents.
I think if a child is brough up in a loving and caring environment then it should't matter if they have same sex parents, aslong as they are getting the care they need. Which is alot more than what some children are getting.
I also think if more gay people adopted children it would become more "normal" within the society and children will not be bullied at school as much, because they have same sex parents.
my family is in a foster/adoption support group thing and the family that runs it is a gay couple and i respect them so so much. they have 7 kids and are so wonderful to all of them. i know plenty of gay couples with children but most of them are children they had before they were in a same-sex relationship. hey, whatever works. but the two guys that are foster parents, one of their kids was getting made fun of at school so badly that he opted to leave their family and other foster parents that we know won't even go to that group because of those two guys, even though they are doing a really great job with the program.

maybe its just my area but gay parents, specifically children of gay parents, have a difficult time. i keep hoping that we are evolving and accepting different kinds of families but sometimes it feels like we are going backwards instead of forward. i hope by the time i decide to have children things will have gotten better in society, i wouldn't want my child to suffer for something they can't even help.
Indeed. I always think the Child is the most important, and if a child is going to be bullied from having gay parents then should they be with them?
I do believe gay couples should have children, and the only way to stop the bullying is to have more gay couples adoptiong.
But its not nice for the child, although children will be bullied for anything these days.
Well, I think the argument of gay parents' children being bullied due to their parents sexual orientation is ridiculous. Kids will always find reasons for harassing each other, be it obese parents, parents without a job, divorced parents, poor parents and so on. And the child itself might give them reason enough to bully, maybe it's obese, wears braces, does not conform to the "designer dress code" etc.

Children get bullied every day, and only a small percentage of them actually has gay parents. In my opinion it is the parents responsibility to raise their children with enough sense of self-worth and strength to stand up to those harassments. Usually bullies pick their victims not based on what might be "wrong" with them but on the way they carry themselves, e.g. shy or withdrawn kids, kids who seem easy to put down.

That argument being proven wrong I think it would be way more important to check biological parents' mental capacities to actually raise a child BEFORE they get pregnant, just like they check adoptive parents character/psychological status prior to adopting.
All children bully however they have been brough up. ;) When they are young they bully.

I dont think it matters really. All children can be nasty, its the children they hang around with.
Not only that, but some children may not like having gay parents, ever thought about what a child may want rather than what the couple want? :)
First of, I have never bullied anyone, and neither have my friends. It's flat out wrong to say all kids do one specific thing. Children mirror what they see, and most often children who bully have parents who talk bad about other people etc.

Second, I hardly think that there are children who want parents who are poor, mentally and/or physically abuse them and so on. If kids could choose their parents we wouldn't need social workers. And of the children who are brought up in gay households, I have yet to come across one child who says it would have liked straight parents for other reasons than the bullying part. I know a couple friends who would have liked other parents than the ones they were born to, and those parents were not gay, but does that mean they should have been taken away from their parents only because the kids didn't conform with all of their parents' choices?
^ I think Alien just meant it as a generalization :) I don't think she was saying all kids bully people, but in my experience all of my old "friends" have bullied people including myself, so saying that all kids bully people is just kids in general. I do think it's refreshing that you and your friends don't bully others, kudos! :cool:

This is just my opinion but I actually think it'd be awesome to have gay parents. I think they'd be much more accepting of certain things. Imagine-- it'd be so easy to come out to them :eek:

You: Hey, I wanted to tell you something...
Parent: Sure! What is it?
You: I think I'm gay...
Parent: Oh is that all?

:lol: :p
Personally I think I wouldn't want gay parents. It would be so weird to grow up being just like them, so I guess if my parents had been gay I wouldn't have been. That's not to say I'd be straight, I'd probably be asexual, seeing how in that case both other options would disgust me (straighness because it lies in the nature of straightness and gayness because I'd have to think of my parents doing the same things me and my girl do)

But I guess that's just me...

Anyways, I actually think my mother is a little bit gay, she just doesn't know it and thankfully doesn't act it out. She's doing all kinds of dykish things like DIY around the house, going to Melissa Etheridge concerts (that was embarassing btw, being seen there with my mother)... she even looks a little gay and she's very against dating and guys in general. After all there's a reason my grandma thinks my mother is partially responsible for the way I turned out... but I'd never agree on that.

I don't think I have a point here but then, who does :p
Quoth, does that mean one reason you're gay is because your parents are straight?

If anyone is interested, CBC started a group on Facebook called The Great Canadian Wish List. Currently, an anti-abortion group is in first, with a pro-choice group in second. Coming in fourth? "Restore the Traditional Definition of Marriage", with approximately 2500 supports.

The progressive groups could really use some help (pro-choice, pro-gay, pro-environment, etc). If you've got a facebook group, come show your support.
I don't know whether I would want gay parents or not. Infact, it doesn't really matter to me. I was raised to be open minded about everything, at a point I wasn't, but that changed. So even though my parents aren't gay...it's not much of a problem for me. Because they're both extremly open minded.

I don't think I'll actually come out to them for quite sometime, just because they've been through a lot the last couple years, and I think it would be a little over whelming for them to find out at the moment. But when I tell them, I don't know how they'll react, because they are so open minded towards everything, it might not be much. Who knows... (the coming out part very random :p)
Showtime said:
Quoth, does that mean one reason you're gay is because your parents are straight?

Oh! No, not at all, I was just saying I thought if you turned out to swing the other way it'd be easier to tell your parents you were gay if they were gay as well because they'd know how you were feeling since they had been in the same boat ;) I'm not saying that I would like to have gay parents-- my parents are my parents regardless, and I love them. I just thought it'd be interesting.

I blame my overactive imagination and nosy nature :p
For a very long period of time I was like "yeah, I want kids" Me and my ex girlfriend (to whom I was engaged) actually talked about it a lot. We would get married shortly after graduation, get a job and than in a few years we would try to get pregnant (me being pregnant!). Anyway, that never happened..

At this point I don't quite know I want kids. I like kids. I really do. And I know I would make a good parent. I don't know. At some point I don't see myself pregnant again. Maybe it will change. Maybe it won't.

Gay parents can raise a child jus as well as straight parents. And I think that at one point gay parents can do better cause they will most likely teach their child to be open towards anything and not to judge about people being different. I know kids raised by gay parents and they are a lot more open minded than some kids from straight couples. But than again, I am a kid from a straight couple, I am extremly open minded and liberal but my parents are not quite like that. :confused:
But gay parents can just as well raise a child as straight parents. Its about the love and care you profide for your child. As long as the relationship is stable and the child has a loving home, who cares if the child has a mom and dad, two dads or two moms?
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