Let Love In - A CSX RP

"So..." Sara began, searching for another subject before she was forced out the door to her crime scene. "How is Tina?" She asked, curious about her friend's marrige and it's well being.
"We're trying to work things out." Warrick said, remembering their fight a few weeks ago. "We had dinner last night and we decided that maybe we rushed into marriage to quick, and that we are going to take things slow" He really wanted things to work out between them.
Sofia looked at Greg, and sighed, "How are you?" and starred into his eyes. She could get lost in them yes, but wasn't sure she could.
Slightly out of characterly, Sara placed a friendly hand on Warrick's shoulder. "I hope it works out." Offering him a smile, she began to walk away. That was, after all, her cue to leave. If he didn't want her to, then he could stop her...


Chewing on the side of his cheek for a moment, Greg thought about his answer. "Meh, fine, I guess." He said, lifting his shoulders to form a small shrug. "And you?"
"Good then." He said, nodding his head slightly, before searching for something else to say.

{Be back in a little while.}
{That is such a great song...}

Greg dropped his head slightly, not really wanting to look at her. Well, of course, Greg wanted more then anything to look at her. Look at her until his eyes dried up, but, he knew that if he did, he'd never be able to rip himself away. "Hm-hmm."
{It really is :D}

Sofia waited for a few minutes, before speaking again, and then looked him in the eyes.
{Agreed. And, I'm writing a fanfic without your dumb bunnies.}

He knew he shouldn't have, Greg really did. But once he felt her blue eyes burning into his skin, the man just had to look back. Once he did, however, he felt a breath catch in his chest.
{No your not..my bunnies are there, you just don't see em :p}

Sofia looked at the man in front of her with interest, well yeah sure she was interested in him, but she didn't know if she could go there again, not after what happened, but could she give her heart to him? What if he didn't want it? then she was talking crazy..She noticed she must've been talking to her brain for awhile now so she decided to speak up, "What's up?" yeah, stupid question she knew, but it was the only thing she could think of at that moment.
{Oh...Well, that kills the fun, then.}

After looking at her for a moment, Greg decided to lighten the mood a bit with one of his jokes. "They sky." He responded, a large grin splitting his face. It was one of the few that had actually been shown since they began talking.
Sofia laughed, a real laugh, not one that she faked for the sake of her friends, but a real one, and that was because of him., "Your a funny guy"
At her comment, his cheeks got rather warm and turned a pale shade of pink. Sure, Greg had been told that on a number of occations, but this time was different. This time, she had said it. And, somehow, that was comforting. "Thank you."