Let Love In - A CSX RP

Tina told him about the racing home, and the car pulling out in front of her, and him crashing into her, and wondered if he hated her or not.
Tina lightly kissed him, and put her forhead against his, "Because this is my fault, I asked you to race"
{Dear god...The drama...The romance! I feel like I'm watching Finding Neverland again...But there isn't any Johnny Depp, so it's not as fun.}

Greg felt that now familiar shiver run down his spine as Sofia's hand ran over his. The meeting of their flesh sparked something in his mind, but he quickly shook it away. One of those rock songs that hadn't meant much to him earlier came back into his mind, replaying itself over and over. Only one line meant anything at the moment, 'Your hands are mine to hold.'

"Greg, We still need the answers that only you can give"

Again, Greg chewed on the side of his mouth as he contemplated an answer. "Like what...?" He asked curiously, looking at her again after a breif staring game with the wall behind the blonde detective. 'So a day when you've lost yourself completely...'
{Finding Neverland, happened to be a good movie dangit!}

Tina smiled, and licked her lips, then leaned over the bed, and kissed him, "I love you so much"
Sofia winked at him, "There is some questions that only a guy like you, could know the answers to" she continued to rub his hand, and noticed he wasn't really looking at her, but she shrugged it off.
{I know it was. I'm just saying that I like Johnny Depp...}

A smile formed upon his lips. It almost looked proud, like he was special now. Even if Sofia was making it up just to make him feel a bit better, the fact that she was trying lifted his spirits a bit. Alot, actually..."Oh, yeah?" He asked, that old Greg personality flooding into his voice. It had that sort of...joking feel to it, certainly not as serious as his previous words.

"Hello, my name is Haylee, how may I help you?"

Greg looked up, that same goofy grin still stuck on his face. Finally, a waitress had come to get their orders, maybe at a bad time, but at least she was there. Being the gentalmen, or as close to one as he could bring himself, Greg motioned for Sofia to order her food first.
(Finding Neverland was a chick flick :p)

"I love you too." He said, lifting up his arm and rubbed her cheek, it hurt a little still, but he didn't care.
{Everyone loves Johnny Deep}

Sofia smiled at him, and ordered pancakes with syrup, and a coke, and smiled back at Greg, and laced her fingers through his, She wanted to mark her "turf" so to speak. Wait? Was he even her turf, she wondered.
Tina watched him, and reached her hand through his, "I was so scared I lost you"