Let Love In - A CSX RP

Tina sighed as she watched the clock. Warrick still wasn't home yet. She decided to call his cell phone.
Catherine gave him a light smile, "Hey sweetie"
Catherine smiled at Nick's sleepy smile, He sure did look cute doing that, "No, just got here a minute ago"
Nick nodded a bit, moving to undo his seatbelt slowly. "I must have been asleep the whole way.. I don't even remember the way here.." he replied, stifling a yawn.
Warrick heard his phone ring. He didn't bother with caller ID, he pretty much figured who it was "Hey hon." He said.

(No, what would have been funny if Brass or someone had called him)
(haha it would)

"Where the heck are you?" She practically screamed into the phone. She was one pised off wife.
Catherine rubbed his shoulders, "Come on, lets get you in the house, so you can go back to sleep"
Catherine leaned a little closer, to lightly kiss him, "Think, if we go in, we can cuddle"
Tina sighed, "Yeah, I know, I just miss you thats all"
Catherine winked at him, before getting out of the car, and going to the front door.


Forgot I was Tina. lol.


Tina smiled, "I'd like that" She wanted to see him.
(How could you forget Tina)

"I'll be waiting for you." Warrick said in his way of engaging his wife in a little friendly competition.

(WHat resturant are they going too?)