Let Love In - A CSX RP

Nick looked over the stool once before going to a drawer and pulling out a chisel and a hammer. He handed the chisel to her, smirking a bit. "Want first crack at it?"
Nick studied the stool for a moment, noticing there were no screws holding it together. "Give one more.." he then said, looking at the large crack the chisel made.
Nick was able to get his fingers under a piece and the whole top half of the seat came off easily. "Yep, good job," he replied with a grin.
Nick laughed a bit. "More like go you," he replied before looking back at the stool, and sure enough, there was the knife lodged inside.
Nick gently pried the knife from the wood, setting it on the table and beginning to process it for fingerprints and blood. "I'm impressed, Catherine.." he said.
Catherine watched him, and leaned in behind him, "Why's that?" and made sure her arm and hand ran across his back.
Nick fought a blush, glancing to her once. "With all you can do.. You're not afraid to show your strength," he said, grinning a moment later. "This has gotta be it, it's positive for blood."
Nick bit his lower lip a little when she did that, a chill running up his back. "You're breaking what little concentration I have left," he smirked a little.
Nick pinched the bridge of his nose before rubbing his eyes. "All right, all right.. Let's go.." he said quietly. "I can barely think anyways."