"Leggo our Greggo!" - Greg/Eric discussion thread # 9

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Raven04 said: In the previews, looks like eric and a girl do it doggie style? please tell me some stuff about "Little athens"
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Wojo said:
that averages out to $1 per min.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Haha, thats what I said after I read that.
Oh well. At least I got it cheap and not for 20+ like I've seen it listed as.
And Eric as a cop? Come on. It's worth it.

Okay, I have a VERY random thought. I was watching Play With Fire last night and I always end up wondering why they have Greg/Eric laying on the side that got burned. Wouldn't you think they would have him on the other side, since touching a burn hurts like hell?

Sorry, just something bugging me.
Hmmm, It was his back that got the worst of it. But yeah you are right. Never thought much of that.
Yeah, but his cheek and neck got hurt. And he's still laying on the shoulder.

I have no idea why that's bugging me so much. Haha.
I just watched that episode...again...and here's my theory: There was a LOT of glass in that explosion, that's how Sara cut her hand. He probably had shards of glass imbedded in his back, which is why he was wheeled out on the gurney on his side.

As for the hospital, it was probably just a continuity error. But I like my glass theory for the gurney thing.
Maybe he just rolled onto that side, because his other side got uncomfortable???

They had to wheel him out on his side, his back was badly burned.
I hope I don't sound like a weirdo for writing this, but I must have slo-mo'd my VCR tape a hundred times while repeatedly watching "Playing with Fire" to try to see Greg's injuries as he was being wheeled out of the lab and placed into the ambulance. There is one scene that when slowed down frame by frame clearly shows a couple of fairly large burned areas on Greg's back. In other words, he's got a couple of large "owies" on his back and that is why he is lying on his side as he's being wheeled out. Also, he's got an IV hooked up to one of his arms. I'm also in agreement with whoever posted that he must have sustained quite a few cuts from the lab glass as he went through it during the explosion. I'm surprised his face didn't get cut or bruised.
I'm just going with what I said before, I've seen that epi so many times..they had to wheel him out on his side, his back was too badly burned and add in that probable glass in that wound..it had to be that way..plus he was relatively conscious at the time so it was safe to transport him that way.

In the hospital, he may have been on some painkillers, and laying on one side can not only be boring but be uncomfortable, so he may have just switched sides, and regarding continuity..the laying on the side can be explained..the no scars on his back at all in 4x4 may be a little harder to explain away..or that when he was investigating the woman that was on fire, he didn't know what debreeding the burns meant when that had to have been explained to him when he was burned..not to the same extent as hers but anyone that had a burn like he did probably at least heard the term..you have to keep burns clean, they get infected really easily.
The only explanation I come up with for that is that Greg's burns were not as servere as the parmedicss first thought they were. They probably wern't 3rd degree at all, so therefore no scars and no debreivment.
There was that episode two or so seasons later where Greg is sent to the hospital to retrieve evidence from the woman who was burnt alive, and the Doctor was telling Greg about her third degree burns, and how she was lucky she didn’t feel anything. Then Greg said something along the way “She doesn’t feel anything yet.” It was the way he said it, just like he knew what was in store for her.
That's the episode I was mentioning, he didn't know what debreedment meant..which he probably would have from the explosion, there had to be materials in those burns and between that and the skin, the doctors or nurses would have at least mentioned it.
churchmouse said:
There was that episode two or so seasons later where Greg is sent to the hospital to retrieve evidence from the woman who was burnt alive, and the Doctor was telling Greg about her third degree burns, and how she was lucky she didn’t feel anything. Then Greg said something along the way “She doesn’t feel anything yet.” It was the way he said it, just like he knew what was in store for her.

Which was both good and bad. It was amazing to see the continuity fairy for that scene... but it took almost 2 years for us to see a reaction from him? That's not right. Maybe I'm just disappointed, because I'd really hoped for a scene where someone came over to him and said "Gee, Greg, sorry about you having to collect trace from a burn victim. Weren't you in an explosion? How are you feeling today?" then there could be some manly crying and hugging, and oh look, my imagination's run off again...

Eric S does angst so well, it's so frustrating to see him ...well, I don't want to say 'wasted', but there's really no other word. I thank the writers muchly for Fannysmackin', it completely renewed my faith in them and the show.
Not only FannySmackin but Post Mortem as well. Eric got to shine brightly in both episodes.
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