"Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

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Little bit creeped out here... just found a pic of Eric on the net- and he looks like my exboyfriend. VERY wierded out. May actually go running back to the ex just on this photo online!
Hi MikeW!! I haven't seen you here before, so WELCOME!!! :D *hands some cookies* I hope there'd be more Greg in S7 as well... but the spoilers looking so promising, I hope TPTB won't dissapoint us again :rolleyes:

Aha, you like Ryan too, do you? I do too! Greg and Ryan are my favourite characters in CSI :D
[offtopic] Psst... we have Ryan/Greg thread in the Shipper Central, you might wanna check it out ;) [/offtopic]

Back on topic... hmm szmandatogoholic, maybe the coin he traded wasn't the coin his grandfather gave him. He collects coins, right? He's probably got a box of them. I wonder though, if it was Papa Olaf or the other grandpa that gave him that coin...

I love Greg and his coffee addiction. I don't know why. I love coffee myself, and Greg has few funny coffee-related scene. Like when Grissom drank his coffee and he was like "Hey it's my coffee!" and Grissom just said "But you use my water" :lol: Love it!
I love the scene in Last Laugh about Greg and kopi luwak. It's funny! And the fact that I'm from Indonesia, it's like he mentioned my name or something :lol: Probably like what Ryan's fans from Ohio feels when Ryan said "Ohio" in one of Miami's episode :lol:
Ohh hey MikeW! Im seeing you in every thread i go too! :D (but please dont double post. if you want to add something just use the edit button on the top right of your post :) Thanks )

Haha his Blue Hawaiian!! And how he moves his porn around :lol: Omg I love him. And i miss his lab days. But him being a CSI gave him his own episode!! Go Greggo!!!
sandersidle said: Ohh hey MikeW! (but please dont double post. if you want to add something just use the edit button on the top right of your post :) Thanks )
correct on the double posting, not to mention that people have up to 24 hrs to use the 'Edit' Function.
Greg is just a very unique character. Overall, he seems to have the most depth out of the three outer characters [as I like to call them] - Greg, Ryan, and Flack, mainly because they came into the show's picture later than most of the cast. I don't know if it's because Greg had more time to develop as a character, but he seems to be a little more different than those two.

By the way, szmandatogoholic, where did you get the picture for your avatar?
Wow thanks for the link Raven04 i havent seen that before. it makes me smile, that episode looks really good, and Greg looks fantastic, i love the hair, its gorgeous one of the best IMO *swoons*
OOO, haven't seen that before, RavenO4 . It's great! Thanks a lot... Greg looks so awesome... As does the new season! *excited*
The reason why you haven't seen it is because it's homemade. They had the whole entire John Mayer video with clips of CSI: season 6, it looks like, and possibly some season 7 in it.

I found the official CSI: Season 7 promo video. Song's just playing in the background and John Mayer starts it off. That's it. Have fun

- Lee -

ETA: Spoiler thingy. I used the "Quick reply" at the bottom, so I forgot all about the spoiler link in the original reply.
*Walks in, clears throat, gives look that says "Spoiler free zone, there is a thread for promo's and spoilers", walks out.* ;)
I got True Vinyl on DVD today. I spent my friday night grinning from ear to ear. Those eyes....and that smile..WHUMP! I just love Eric's hair! What is it about smiles and brown eyes that has me turning to a pile of goo? I'm not sure..think I'm gonna have to check it out again!! :D
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