"Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

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Yeah me too. I love how we discover Greg wants to leave the lab and go into the field. Ands that it not about the money. The whole pawn shop undercover thing was pretty cool. I also loved the "Your busted" remark.
I love Precious Metal... I need to cheer for Greg being in the field. He's so adorable... And, oh how I love him in that jacket/long coat... *sigh* When he's in that store he looks so mysterious and cool in it with the lighting and such.

And the fact that he knows so much about coins... dude this guy knows about a lot of things. I love that about him :)

Hehehe "I think you're busted." :D Awww... love that episode.
Silhouette said:
And the fact that he knows so much about coins... dude this guy knows about a lot of things. I love that about him :)

I know! It's like Grissom said...

Grissom: So, let's see. You surf, you scuba dive. You're into latex, you like fashion models and Marilyn Manson. And you also have a coin collection?
Greg: Weird huh?
Hehe I love Greg! He's so amazing. I was explaining to my mom last night, because I was watching CSI and she was trying to fix the computer speakers, and the computer is in the same room as my TV. But yeah, I was like "Mommie he's a child prodigy! He's so smart. And he's just amazing!!" and then she goes "He's a fictional character" And then I just huffed and said that Eric Szmanda was amazing too.

Precious Metals is sucha great episode. I really wish I had the seasons on DVD, cause I really wanna watch it now.
Omg I do that allll the time. This would be our convo:

Kt: hahahahaha (me giggling uncontrollably)
Mom: Whats so funny this time?
Kt: Greg!! He's hilarious, jeese you said he was your favourite character!
Mom: I know, he is. But its just a show.
Kt: *Gasp* Just a show...are you kidding me!!! CSI is the best show in the Milky Way!
Mom: Theres more to life then CSI you know. *rolls her eyes*
Kt: *Gets up discusted*

:lol: I swear I had a convo like the before :D
that's just sad. who would say something like that? CSI is way more than a show...it's a way of life. and i'm being totally serious how cool is that? not like Angella's Eyes..because everyone looks around their boy/girlfriends appartment just noticing everything...while their making out.

Greggo makes the world go round.

hollie said:
Hehe I love Greg! He's so amazing. I was explaining to my mom last night, because I was watching CSI and she was trying to fix the computer speakers, and the computer is in the same room as my TV. But yeah, I was like "Mommie he's a child prodigy! He's so smart. And he's just amazing!!" and then she goes "He's a fictional character" And then I just huffed and said that Eric Szmanda was amazing too.

Precious Metals is sucha great episode. I really wish I had the seasons on DVD, cause I really wanna watch it now.

Haha you go girl!! :D I talk about Greg a lot to my mom cause she watches CSI too... My little sis loves him too but she's too young to watch the show. :( My dad, however, thinks I'm crazy lol! :p

I'm so obsessed that I actually recorded seasons 1-5 on dvd just so I can watch Greg whenever I want... :D
Yeah.. my parents are so sick of csi, Greg mainly because I go through obsessions.. and well it is Eric's turn and sense csi is the best place to see him, its always on. hhee my parents were very... happy when i told them that on labor day there will be marathon!
I think my husband is getting a bit irritated by my Greg obsession! He loves CSI too, in fact he's the one who got me to watch it. I wonder if he regrets that? :lol: :lol:
my friends are seriously going to kill me if i keep talking about CSI. one of them got me addicted because she was addicted...and i thought she was weired...now i surpass her in all CSI knowlegde. and i'm getting my other friedns into it too. all i talk about is Greg. i forced them to watch True Vinyl with me...yeah, i bought it. i saw the link for it on the last thread and i bought it. i'm suck a dork. and i've seen Snow Wonder, clips from Laws of Attraction and the trailer for Little Athens(which looks so halarious)

I love Greg, but my best friend loves Nick. When we talk on the phone, it bounces back and forth. (We talk mainly about Greg, because I always say, "BUT NICK'S AS OLD AS OUR FATHERS!!") And I have seasons 1-4 on DVD. My best friend wanted to borrow them to see Nick, and I said "Heck no!" because I knew she'd probably never return them. :lol: And whenever I get a new binder and Sharpies, I have to refrain from writing "I love Greg, I love Greg" all over them because there's a guy named Greg in my Freshman Academy. :lol: I don't want people thinking I love him, because I don't even have a boyfriend. (Just fantasizing... about Eric...)

And sometimes, when I watch a rerun of CSI that I have on DVD on Spike TV, I recite Greg's lines, just for the heck of it.

And about Greg's coin collection: He mentioned something about how to keep coins in better condition. I can't remember what season (fifth, I think) but he traded a coin his grandfather gave him for something else. (I was saying, "GREG!! YOUR GRANDFATHER GAVE YOU THAT COIN!! DON'T YOU DARE!!" :lol:) But I know somethings about coins myself because my cousin is a coin collector and I have had a couple of red quarters and silver pennies. :)
Well, most of my DVDs skip now and I can't watch them without them all skipping, so it was a guess at the season. :lol: And I've watched some of the epis on that DVD and they skipped. And I had to stop it, unfortunately.

Maybe it'll play better on my computer.
I demand more Greg in Season 7!!! He's the second hottest man on the planet. After Ryan from Miami....

*Mega drooling*
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