"Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers*

Re: "Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers* *DELETED* *DELE

Let's see...
take one part A Bullet Runs Through It with one part Shooting Stars add one part Pirates of the Third Reich and mix it together and VOILA!!! you have one of the best episodes of season 7!

I too am familiar with the Pickton case since it was not to far from the Washingotn State/Canadian boarder. And YES that guy fed his victims to his pigs to cover the evidence.

Nicky, glad you grew your hair back. You look great :)
and so cute chasing pigs.. Sara: "I think the fat one likes you" Nicky: "They all do." :lol: I rolled at that one
and his scene with Warrick. "Just like us." Ha ha
These two are so funny together.

Warrick-WHERE have you been all season. Probably trying to make it work with Tina. At least she was mentioned and we got to see you. Good luck with the marriage

Cath-Great as usual. "Men are snakes" WHY YES DARLING most of them are. :lol:

Grissom-WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL SEASON? AHHH dump the straw hat please.
This case was right up his alley in talking about human behavior. It fascinates him. too bad we didn't get to see more halucinations.. or why???

Brass- You ROCK!!! "I'm a step away from saving the word" or something like that. And WE are glad you didn't leave your job either. :D

Sara- "I'm glad I'm a vegetarian"
Yes I'm sure you are.

Greg-He's back!!! Or he has the same spunk he had in the lab. I'm glad. And I did miss him and Cath working together and flirting. They both are such flirts ;)

The down side of this episode is that is almost the end of the season and this is one of the best IMO.
Too bad we didn't get to see more of the 'clubs' origins, if they take something and theories on repilians.
What was more cuter? Catherine saying "All men are snakes" or the fact that she looked towards Hodges' as she said it :lol:

Man, I'm sorry - a few people may dislike this episode. But it has managed to make my top two of this season.
Re: "Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers* *DELETED* *DELE

This was a strange..creepy episode, still showing that there's so many weirdos on the earth..the opening with Brass in the line of fire again.. I was going "NO" and Grssiom to Warrick on discovering the shrunken head on the wall :eek: "I feel like Marco Polo", I just discovered China"

Sara saying to Nick on the pig' I think the fat one likes you" and Nick "they always do" :D

Ally Sheedy biting poor Greg.. :( gawd, she's aged and looked haggard :confused:

Doc talking about his dad, going on an on, and Grissom saying "heartwarming" :D

Cath and Greg.. and Greg's fake laugh.. how he'd been through so much, and he has.. poor baby :(

Warrick.. so intense and so handsome.. so good to see him. he look's so tall next to Grissom!

Brass and his always killer zingers :lol:

And the GSR scene,on the bed watching an old monster/Godzilla movie like couples do, with their doggie ;) and when he leaves briefly, she finds the love letter, I had tears streaming down my cheek's, so touching, so sweet and so romantic
and he looked so good in blue jeans and the black t-shirt, and her hair looked marvelous pulled up! and both so beautiful together.. and comfortable and casual with one another.. and I'm luving it!

Reptilians.. EWWWWWWWW :mad: good special effects/make-up

Brass at the last with that freak.. "Everytime I think about leaving, this job, a guy like you comes along, and I can't"

And what the hell was Grissom doing at the end :eek:

another interesting ep. the writers rule
Re: "Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers* *DELETED* *DELE

What was mentioned about Tina? I missed it :(

lol the reptilians made me think of another show I used to watch...long story, I won't post it here.

*Protects the hat* no touch, I like the hat! lolol
mrb105 said:
He was making a miniature crime scene, what's the problem? Its not like he's the killer, I think he is just fascinated by it all.

That's exactly what I thought, knowing Grissom it was just his normal 'getting into the mind of the killer' thinking :p

I liked this episode okay, it was a bit boring in parts but I loved that we finally got to have more Warrick screentime :lol: Greg's laugh in the middle in the scene with Catherine was one of my favorite scenes in this entire episode.

I loved the scene between Nick and Sara when Nick was in the pigpen. I thought it was just adorable :p "I'm so glad I'm a vegetarian"-- loved it :D And of course the "I think the fat one likes you"-- "They always do." :eek:

My favorite line in this episode was Sara's in the beginning when Grissom asks her if she thinks there's intelligent life on other planets and she says, "I'm not sure if there's intelligent life on this planet." :lol:

I also liked the scene between Grissom and Sara when they're watching Godzilla. And really, it wasn't even because of the GSR. I've always been a GSR fan but that's not why I watch the show. I watch it for the characters and storylines, and I loved seeing Grissom and Sara more casual. We never get to see that in anyone anymore. Billy's dog was also a great addition to the scene :p
O I watched it briefly just to see Warrick - gawd I've missed him - and Nick and the pigs.

But lemme say, the acting in the GSR parts! *shakes head* What was that face Sara made? Was it intentionally non-descript for everybody to project their feelings or what was that? Nick and Warrick had more charisma than the so called canon lovers. The faces both JF and WP have started to pull in scenes together, what is that all about? Or the over-acting from WP in the scene he had with Nick? What was that? an illustrationthat doesn't think Nick is intelligent or even worthy? That he finds everybody else than his new love-interest a nuisance? What was that supposed to convey? Even the acting has gone soapish now? I pull an undescript face so the on-lookers can fill in their own projections? It's like they're not even trying anymore, they just show up and to what's said on the script, heart completely elsewhere. It's so bad when I've seen what both actors are capable of if they put their hearts too it. The thing that made this series stand out is not there any longer.

When comparíng the actual acting in the GSR scene and in the following Nick/Warrick scene, the latter feels real and natural, not stilted and forced out.

And how was that scene even supposed to fit into this ep? A minute of bad acting to sell a romance that feels totally fake?

Ok, this was the last ep I'm ever gonna watch of CSI so y'all take care now! Bye!
I have to admit, at first I believed this would not be an episode "up to standards". From the commericals, I believed the episode would deal more with "sci-fi" than CSI. I was wrong, and was pleasingly surprised.

A gorgeous dog, such a magnificent beast. Was it Grissom's then? I do not recall any eariler episodes where Grissom had one.

Grissom building a miniature? What a piece of "mind candy" that ending scene was. Something to "savor" until the final episode of the season.
I thought the ep was only ok..... I do enjoy it, kinda weird, kinda funny.... but could be better... :confused:

this is the third non-serious episodes, and we r stepping closer and closer to the finale... :( the last three episodes haven't been leading me more toward the finale, I don't know. Hopefully w/ Lady Heather it will be more exciting. ;)
i think i read somewhere that was billys dog, am i right? maybe he got jealous that maverick (george eads dog) got to be on in season 2 :lol:

i nearly got knocked off my chair when we got confirmation that david did in fact get married and warrick is still married! :eek: and both scenes took 5 seconds, they couldnt do that earlier because... but i digress.

warrick and nick finally together again! dont they know if you put those two together you get perfection every time? i thought my mom was going to smack me gibbs style when i was fawning over their little banter. oh and the pigs, it could only have been nick. he was adorable.

i didnt notice any bad/cheesy acting. i thought everyone did a great job as usual, but i guess we all see what we want too. i did think it was odd that there have been 3 lighter, funnier episodes in a row since csi is mostly a strict drama. i have enjoyed them though, and think this was the best of the 3 and one of the better of the season.
Did you notice that Warrick keep is sunglasses in the very dark barn ???

I may not seeing much of the crime scene with that on his nose.
Interesting ep. Good in some parts kinda ish in some parts but overall nicely done. Nick must have worked on a farm for a time cause he sure knew how to wrangle those pigs. Warrick, Warrick it is so nice to see you in all your manliness. I missed you. *swoon* I was kinda surprised we did not see any of the cult leader as part of the investigation, just peripherally. In the end it was all about $$$$$. tsk, tsk, tsk to the perps...
I enjoyed the episode - originally I thought I wasn't going to! LOL... me of little faith!!

Were Nick and Warrick just cute throughout the whole episode. And yea... Nick and Warrick should always stay together!:)

Seeing Grissom working on a model was surprising and reminded me of something Kepler said when he got to CSI. He made a comment about Grissom's personality profile reminded him of someone he once knew... a serial killer. Hmmm ... could he have been on to something?!?
allmaple said:
i think i read somewhere that was billys dog, am i right? maybe he got jealous that maverick (george eads dog) got to be on in season 2 :lol:

Yes. It's Billy's dog: "Bruno"
i was happy to see warrick again....lately he was almost never in any of the episodes...and it is always funny when nick and warrick work together