"Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers*

Great Brass line: You know, every time I think about leaving this job, a guy like you comes along... and reminds me why I can't.
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Re: "Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers* *DELETED* *DELE

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Re: "Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers*

I actually enjoyed this one more than I thought I would. I think the Marg/Billy kiss still had me giddy going into this episode. Anyway...
* The shootout at the beginning was cool.
* Nick with the pigs - AWWWW! I grew up on a farm, so I was itching to get in the pigpen too!
* Loved David's little comment about his wife, and how she loves gross things too.
* Greg getting bitten - and ending up getting the DNA sample that way. That was cute. "The bitch bit me!" LOVE Ally Sheedy! (will have to get out The Breakfast Club later tonight!)
* I liked the scene with Brass & Cath searching the house and Cath finding the sword. "Well, hello Xena!"
* Doc with his taxidermy backstory - Can't Gil ever seem more amused than irked and impatient when Doc does his stories?
* Catherine & Mandy together - have they ever had a scene together before? That was refreshing.
* Catherine & Greg - "up for a bite?" Oh how I've missed the outright flirting between these two. Cath even gave him a little wink. Actually, all of the characters FINALLY seemed to have a little sparkle to them in this episode. The humor throughout this episode seemed a lot less forced than in the previous one which was supposed to be an outright comedy. Just goes to show that you can't force chemistry when it isn't there.
* Brass: “I’m just a phone booth away from changing into tights and saving the world” - finally the quirky one liner is back for the sarcasm king!
* Warrick at the beginning, Warrick in the middle, Warrick towards the end - WOW! maybe there is intelligent life on this planet after all.
* Catherine's "Men are snakes" comment - I would liked to have heard Hodges & Greg's remarks to that comment!
* Gil making the miniature - I'm guessing it's just his new fascination with them and TPTB are trying to throw us off track with that small tidbit of Gil making one.
I am so excited! the episode is about to start! 5 4 3 2....almost there!! I can't wait!! Does anybody like Lady Heather? I don't!! I hate her!! that is just my opinion though!
hollistersara said: Does anybody like Lady Heather? I don't!! I hate her!! that is just my opinion though!
One you're entitled to, But what does Lady Heather have to do with this episode? :confused:

Also please note that you have up to 24 hrs to use your edit button if no one posts after you to add something to your post, double posting (ie back to back posting) is a no-no. Thanks.
I enjoyed it. The last two were funnier, but this one was quirky and I adored the Warrick/Nick and Catherine/Greg and Warrick/Superdave and basically all the cast interaction. lol. Quirky, fun, interesting... all of the above.

And FWIW, Grey's Anatomy was almost appallingly bad.
I really liked that eppy, it was funny :lol:

Poor greg, he had some great lines though

Glad to see Warrick, and he actually mentioned his wife! Shock.

Nick mentioned Canada! He brought up the Robert Picton case..I was wondering when CSI was going to do the pigs eating the body thing. He was so cute with the pigs :lol:

Grissom and Sara working together...gee what a surprise.

Brass was great, and it was really funny that the 'protector of the human race' looks like Xena :lol:

Nick and Warrick were flirting :lol:

And a random 'at home with the Grissom's' scene, so Sara would have a purpose in the episode. So, now they live together?? And have a dog? AWWWW how cute :rolleyes:. Can this relationship get anymore cliche? Oh wait, it did. A love letter!? I hate cheesy romance crap. That was LAME! There is a reason I don't watch girly shows, why must it invade CSI!! :rolleyes:

The guest actors were really good...and creepy!
And a random 'at home with the Grissom's' scene, so Sara would have a purpose in the episode. So, now they live together?? And have a dog? AWWWW how cute . Can this relationship get anymore cliche? Oh wait, it did. A love letter!? I hate cheesy romance crap. That was LAME! There is a reason I don't watch girly shows, why must it invade CSI!!

That made me smile. It really is cliche...ugh. Gris building the miniature was intruiguing.

Why? Is it to see how long it takes to make one? To ge into the killer's head? Or maybe the writers think that we will say "it's so obvious, theres no way he could be the killer becuase it's so obvious" so...........?
Re: "Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers* *DELETED* *DELE

Reviewing as I go (Each commercial)


So, I love the hat.. I love Grissom. I love Warrick. I love the episode thus far (And yes, it is only four minutes into it)

The very beginning reminded me of "ABRTI", I loved how he found "Chyna's head" Reminded me of Jeepers Creepers! :lol:

YAY. Nick mentioned the Pickton case from Canada!! - Then he found a bone... How disgusting.

I loved Sara's line "I don't even think there's intelligent life on Earth - I was just in the pig barn" (Something along those lines) :lol:

Greg was very.. Different. I liked it, I thought he did the scene very well. "I got my sample" and walked away. I'm glad he, whlie he did get bitten just walked away with the sample (There wouldn't be much he could do anyway).

Catherine is looking friggen' hot in this episiode thus far.

Haven't seen Super Dave yet - well a scene I am anticipating :(

Loved Doc. Robbins' one liner too. "Went deer hunting with my dad. Used the same knife at Thanksgiving, when mom found out, she almost killed dad" - "Heartwarming". :lol:

Greg laughing - way over a happy laugh, cute. Catherine winked at him, he is doing a great job - nice to know they are even (kind of) continuing from what happened in Fannysmackin' :)

Wow, here is more Warrick. Honestly, so far - I am amazed at this episode.

I was really thinking Warrick was going to say "Don't you like Bacon?" but, guess not. :p

Yay, Warrick mentioned his "wife". They are still together, obviously not doing too good with each other.

That dog was friggen' cute.

Still no Super Dave and aliens, not liking it.

To end this now.. I loved this episode.

Everyone had enough screen time, and, it was just awesome.

9.5/10 for me.
Re: "Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers* *DELETED* *DELE

I'd say 7.9/ 10.
It was pretty good.
I was dissapointed at the lack of Davids. Meanng no alien comments from Superdave, and little Hodges.
Little Hodges is better than no Hodges though. FAR better.
Don't mind the moderator, just putting the Title of the thread back on track. :)