"Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers*

Yeah, I didn't realize about Brass' tongue either until I saw them point it out on the Early Show with Paul this morning. I was wondering why they had a close-up of Brass drinking during the episode. I was watching Brass' eyes instead of his mouth in that scene, I guess.
When Greg started laughing i though this boy has lost his mind at first too, and Brass's little tounge was...umm...cute...i don;t know, but i liked it.
i liked that episode.
Greg laughing was hilarious! it came out of nowhere and ended as fast as it started :lol:
Brass was so funny while interrogating...ehm, what was her name?...Shannon or something like that. "oh 4000 - the new 50?" :lol: and that special effect with his tongue was weird but pretty cool.
i thought it was cute when Doc Robbins remembered the old times when he and his dad went hunting and he said "oh, if mom found out she would have killed him" or something similar.
Great episode, poor Nick having to wade around in pig slug. UGH! I do have to ask what was up with Grissom straw hat? Loved his pigs are smarter than some politician crack!!

Poor Greg what is he the Charlie Brown of the group? Seems like bad things happen to the poor guy.

Robbins was a hoot. Loved his family story about his dads hunting knife.

And Warrick looked totally yummy in this episode. *fans self*
I liked most of this episode pretty well, but there were two things about it that I didn't care for. The first is that the show was a particularly gruesome one, similar to that of "Butterflied" and also the one where the chef was ground up in a meat grinder. I thought that the scene where Doc Robbins was explaining to Gil how to mount a human head the way an animal is stuffed and mounted was overly long and quite unpleasant to see.

The other thing I didn't like was, you guessed it, Grissom and Sara and...a dog? Oh come on! Are we supposed to believe that because Grissom is in wuv with his underling, he now has made room in his life for a pet? This is a guy who lived in an antiseptic clean townhouse where the only creatures he kept were behind a glass stuck with pins, and now we see him and Sara on the bed with a fairly large dog. Yes, I know that the dog really belongs to Bill Petersen, but it was still an unbelievable scene. In addition, aren't they worried that Catherine might just drop in on Grissom and discover the secret relationship? She'd probably be more surprised to see that Grissom has suddenly become an animal lover.

Changing subject...I was quite surprised and a little disappointed that Greg would call that woman who bit him a bitch. I understand that he was shocked and in pain, but it was totally out of character for him to call a woman a bitch, especially with her still in the room.

Nice to see Archie again.

I'll have to watch it again to see which portions of the episode I forgot to mention.

Edited because I was glad to see that Greg got a tetanus shot and some antibiotics. Human bites are so nasty!

Catherine and Greg's scenes were really good. Glad to see that she cares enough about Greg to get him to laugh at his misfortune. I liked her line to him about him having a great year as opposed to a bad year (because he's been doing a great job).
I didn't think it was out of character for Greg to call her a bitch, with what she did to him. I think almost anybody would have said that.
pabzi said:
Brass tongue? I didn't catch that!

For you and others who missed it. Brass's snake tongue.

i really liked this episode. Even though at first i thought it looked a little out there. I loved the scene with greg laughing, and it was just nice seeing everyone having screen time...cough cough..warrick... :)
I even liked the GSR scene. I liked seeing them together and i loved the dog :p
Ok I just watched the episode and have to say this 'what are the writers on?' I'm soory but the last few episodes have just been bad. I feel like the show could have done this episode a couple years ago but now the plot seems more rediculious and different from how the series should be at this point, and different from how the series started the saeson.

Although surprisingly in this episode I really didn't mind the GSR scenes, I still really hate them as a couple but at least in this episode the scenes were somewhat coming together the the plot, seeing them watch Godzilla. Also unrelated to the episode but the dog it's either Sara's or Grissom's don't know which, is beautiful but I probably only feel that way because it;s at least part Boxer which the the breed of dog I have.

Back to the episode unlike the previous episode Brass did give a couple good lines which helped a bit, and the scenes with Nick and Warrick really reminded me of the first couple seasons.

If the remainder of the episodes in the season are like this than I hope they've hired all new wirters for next season, if not I have a feeling they'll lose at least me as a viewer.
Just wanted to drop by and say that I think Grissom was making a miniature of his own office, too. :D The walls were dark green, there were two windows on one wall and three on another, and the shape looked just like the floor plan they showed in the Ultimate CSI book. :)
loved this episode.

I like how the writers are subtley setting up an unveiling or something of the GSR. rick and nick talking about relationships with people in the same field and such.

The storyline of this episode was awesome. As a bit of an astronomy nut with a friend in the tin foil hat club, it was great (he would have hated it though :p )

Brass' tongue I picked up on right away, but loved that we saw it thru the suspects eyes. the transformations were great.
welcome phantomscreams :)

This was one of the better episodes of this season, hopefully the next two episodes will be a little better. I loved the part with Nick/Sara and Greg getting bit and then the laugh also.