Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

I like your new name Washington pride how's it going up there in beautiful Washington state anyway? We watched this flick "Hoodlum" from 1997 last night, a true story of Elsworth "Bumpy" Johnson a gang leader from the 30's in Harlem, true story. He was as always riveting. Great cast too. Loved the vintage cars and clothing from that period:)

Loads of photos from this movie~

I forgot to say that Marc Vann [Ecklie] was also in this film briefly as the wherehouse supvervisor, with the same attitude as he's got on CSI. So he and LF have worked together before CSI. Wonder if they caught up and chatted about this?
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Some random caps of Ray and with other team members



I watched this episode last night on CBS at 9, which was a repeat. I don't have any photos Ray in "Man Up", so I will post one of him in this one:bolian:

I saw this news on the Mediaweek site, and thought I would post it here in case you weren't aware of it:

"Thurgood, a one-man play with Laurence Fishburne filmed in front of a live audience at the Kennedy Center’s Eisenhower Theater in Washington, D.C., will debut on HBO on Thursday, Feb. 24 at 9 p.m. ET."
I saw this news on the Mediaweek site, and thought I would post it here in case you weren't aware of it:

"Thurgood, a one-man play with Laurence Fishburne filmed in front of a live audience at the Kennedy Center’s Eisenhower Theater in Washington, D.C., will debut on HBO on Thursday, Feb. 24 at 9 p.m. ET."

Thank's jtd94 I was just going to post this. I get LF news from TOPIX, but thank's for sharing it. He sold out all performances in D.C. and our President Obama and first lady Michelle went to see him in this one in D.C. And, his L.A. shows also were all sold out. We were going to go, but the tickets were $250 a piece:eek: A little steep for a group, so we had to pass on it. So I'm looking forward to seeing him in this one:thumbsup:

"Fishburne is flatout brilliant..the play is a master class in acting"
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It'll be great to see him doing this play on HBO, & yes how much higher can one go, when the president goes to see you, I wonder if he was nervous, with Obama in the box seats watching him? "A man for all seasons" some random caps of him till new ones surface~


Our man got nominated for an award from the NAACP IMAGE AWARDS for his portrayal on CSI:bolian:The 42nd show and will air on March 4th. How many awards has he won? 17 so far, and nominated for 24. And I heard him throughout the Golden Globes in the commercial for CADILLAC, his deep, seductive voce. His enunciation is so precise and so perfect. Good choice. I wonder how much he got paid for this, and if everytime they run it, he gets a piece of the pie:eek: