Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

Beautiful horse :) LF looked great to. I would love to go horse back riding with him.

Me too, amonst other things:evil: a man of many talents. in "What's Love Got To Do With It", he was a brute and a wife abuser, yet he sang danced and played the guitar. In "Fled" a undercover cop who played the harmonica. In "Akeelah And The Bee", a soft spoken teacher/mentor, in "Biker Boyz" a biker, in "Boyz In The Hood", a single dad. In "Deep Cover", an undercover cop. In "Bad Company" a double agent with some steamy sex scenes with Ellen Barkin. In "Hoodlum", [a true story] of "Bumpy" Johnson. A gang member in New York in the '30's'. And many more. I said a few posts back "the only thing I'd never seen him to was "ride a horse", an lo-and-behold he does that too. He's a spoksman for UNICEF, for the poor kids in Africa. He's in a Motorcycle club. He's made 2 movies while filming CSI, and is in the process of a 3rd. During the summer, he played the first Black Supreme Justice, Thrugood Marshall in D.C. which President Obama and 1st lady Michelle went to see him, then on to L.A. doing this play and all performances were "sold out" A master of all he surveys:bolian:
I looked up what Raymond's name means and heres what I got

Raymond Langston: Raymond is from from Germanic words meaning “counsel” and “protection.” Langston has no search able history but it is a male given name

I got this passage from and directly copied it
I looked up what Raymond's name means and heres what I got

Raymond Langston: Raymond is from from Germanic words meaning “counsel” and “protection.” Langston has no search able history but it is a male given name

I got this passage from and directly copied it

COOL;) thank's, very interesting, great name for him to "counsel and protect" and did you know that his [real life] son's first name is Langston?

A couple of caps from "Blood Moon"~



Lucky Nick getting his first three way with Cath and Ray. That scene made me laugh, especially when Cath told Raymond his A## was a work of art.
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A couple of Ray from various episodes

