Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

Here's a cap of Laurence and his wife Gina out on the town in Vegas on Feb. 19, at the new Elvis Cirque de Soliel show. They look happy;)

Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

He was again incredible in "Neverland" so much a part of the team at long last, he fits in wth them like a perfect glove:bolian:

Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

A cap of Ray and Nick, their so great working together, very good chemistry, of course they both get along with everybody, but they seem to really have a cool connection:thumbsup:

Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

I think I like this new guy. When I first found out about him [yes I'm a totally new fan, only been since the end of December] I was a bit uncomfortable with him, still not even sure why. But I guess Ray's personality eventually had me hooked. He's a really good guy, someone that I could take pity upon [even if I feel guilty for factoring that] but still totally respect. I did find it interesting, however, that he has a bit of Sara and a bit of Gil. That gap-toothed smile and the stubborn determination ["I like his attitude!" "Reminds you of you?"], I had to think of Sara. And the "Dr." title just makes something poke me in the rib, saying "Grissom, Grissom". :lol: Maybe I'm just losing it.
Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

I think I like this new guy. When I first found out about him [yes I'm a totally new fan, only been since the end of December] I was a bit uncomfortable with him, still not even sure why. But I guess Ray's personality eventually had me hooked. He's a really good guy, someone that I could take pity upon [even if I feel guilty for factoring that] but still totally respect. I did find it interesting, however, that he has a bit of Sara and a bit of Gil. That gap-toothed smile and the stubborn determination ["I like his attitude!" "Reminds you of you?"], I had to think of Sara. And the "Dr." title just makes something poke me in the rib, saying "Grissom, Grissom". :lol: Maybe I'm just losing it.

COOl:bolian: PianoWizzy I like that comparison, a lttile bit Grissom and little bit Sara, that's true, I never thought of him that way. He is an awesome actor, He's brought the team to a new level then in the past episodes. It's different now that Grissom is gone, he's moved on [WP, that is] so fans have embraced him, Laurence Fishburne, as Dr. Raymond Langston. He blends so well the the entire team and gets along with all of them, plus his vast experience, fascinates all of them. They seem a happier group then in the past. I think he's taken the lead, by being so laid back and mellow and always listening to their ideas and they like his persona, and are following suit.~

Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

I found this movie cover with Laurence from 1995 with Ellen Barkin and boy does he look 'hott' I want to see this, he's done so many films prior to CSI. amazing~

Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

I totally love this guy!! Fantastic actor :)

I agree, we're lucky we have him. He's this big, sexy, rugged guy with a low-key, mellow, gentle, sweet, deameanor and he's confident, and self-assured without being conceited or arrogant, an appealing combination. And he's brilliant in this role. Also his camraderie with the team is to be admired:bolian:

Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

Yeah he has a sweet nature, which is great :)

He is indeed great, he aims to please everyone on the team. Last night a group of us watched "What's Love Got To Do With It" on a huge 52 inch screen. And I'd seen thie on VH-1, and they cut so much out on the TV version.This had everything, and some of it was almost pornographic:eek: One scene was so graphic, with him, I can't even talk about it on here. We were all going WHOA, lord have mercy. I will say this, it's something we'll never see him do on CSI~ In one scene he's naked in bed. As this character Ike Turner he was an abusive full on ass****. Killer acting by LF, you wouldn't even know it was the same guy we see on CSI. He was nominated for an Oscar for his performance. And Angela Bassett as Tina, as well, plus she won a Golden Globe for her outstanding acting. A true story and it happened in the 50's and 60's. Filmed in 1993. A must see:thumbsup: When he appeared on The View" Barbara Walters asked him what was harder to portray. "the gruesome crime scenes on CSI, or playing Ike Turner" he replied "Ike Turner, because I'm not a violent person" and this character was horrible:klingon:

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Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

When he first appeared in CSI I thought he seemed quite uptight and too judgemental but when he became a CSI he was so different.