Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

Another cap from his movie 'WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT" He was nominated for an Oscar for his performance in this movie. Tom Hanks won for, but "Philadelphia". He was so violent and so brutal in this, but so sexy and handsome. It's amazing to see him on CSI, where he's so mellow and laid back. When he was on "The View" Barbara Walters asked him which "was the hardest, to do for him, processing a crime scene, on CSI, or playing Ike Turner" He replied "Ike Turner, because I'm not a violent person by nature" It's from 1993, and a must see, due to the fact it's a true story of Ike and Tina Turner. Really good acting by him and Angela Bassett:thumbsup:

Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

Here's cap. with LF and BP at the 2008 Emmys together as Billy passes to torch:thumbsup:

EMMYS they're all dressed in black and orange, like a Halloween pair~
Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

Today I was visiting some neighbors, who are Laurence Fishburne fans, and I go "do you miss Grissom"? they go WHO? I go "William Petersen, the guy who was on CSI for 9 years" they go "I don't know who he is" So, I started naming his movies, and they looked at me with a blank stare. The only started watching CSI due to the fact that the like LF:confused: I told them to watch SPIKE or I'd bring some old CSI's over. So I'm going to give them some movies to watch with him. Point..everyone knows who Laurence Fishburne is, and I guess only avid CSI fans know who WP is :(go figure:rolleyes:

Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

Here's an article about how Carol Mendelsohn and Naren Shankar came to pick "Laurence Fishburne" as the new "lead" on CSI. how "Fishburne topped their "dream list" "He's a powerful & intense actor, with an incredible range"

Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

LAURENCE FISHBURNE, has been nominated for "Outstanding Actor In A Drama Series [CSI]
by NAACP IMAGE AWARDS, set to air at 8:00 Feb. 26, on FOX: other nominees are:

Anthony Anderson:Law & Order
Hill Harper:CSI/NY
Taye Diggs:private Practice
Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

Thank's Rocky your a doll;) actually our lovely moderator Smokey did post this a few pages back, [time Feb. 26 8:00 on FOX] but for those who didn't see it, this is so cool, and I hope he wins. There are others in other categories as well, including Sandra Bullock, Rosie O'Donnell, Anderson Cooper [CNN] George Lopez, the series "Cold Case" amonst others. Another list of LF nominations/wins are listed on this site~

Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

This is an article from Friday night Feb. 19, in L.A., with LF talking about CSI, and David Caruso, William Petersen, amonst other things. He is enjoying being on the show & "my focus now is on making an impression with the CSI series", and also "how he doesn't give a hoot about ratings, that he is concentrating on his work"

Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

For fans who are interested in this, the NAACP Image Awards are on tonight at 8:00 on FOX. Hill Harper is the host, and LF is up for a 'Outstanding Actor in a Drama Series" also on hand will be Denzel Washington, Jamie Foxx, Morgan Freeman, amonst others, and a special award will be give to Tyler Perry:bolian:

Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

Just watching Laurence Fishburne in his small role in the movie Mission: Impossible III. It will be repeated tonight at 1:30 am (Eastern) on the TNT cable channel.
Re: Laurence/Raymond: The New Guy

Thank's Dynamo1 Not my cup of tea, but question? was he good, and is it worth a look? His resume is very extensive, he's done so many things and has so many awards. My friend from N.Y. sent me "Armored":klingon: really bad. He filmed this last summer while taking a break from CSI. He plays an armored guard [duh] and him and his co-workers plan to rob it the truck and everything goes awry:rolleyes: Matt Dillion also in it. he's a loud-mouthed bully and yells alot, also with a So. accent:confused: not his best effort:(

"Mission Impossible"
