Last Photographer Standing #2 - Final Results Now Up!

Re: Last Photographer Standing #2


#12--I like the idea of the photo, but the scratches on the glass detract from the image
#3--Also a great picture, but IMO the focus is more on the building than on the sun
#5--Another nice picture, but the sun seems to be a bit out of focus (blurry)



Really great photos guys, it was quite difficult to choose... ;)
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

03- It looks like just a picture of a building, not the subject
05- Kinda blurry
12- The dirt or whatever is distracting from the subject

Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

I completely forgot to come and vote :rolleyes: But I'm here now.

03-the building seems to be the main subject rather than the sun
12-the scratches are too distracting
10-Very nice picture, but the clouds seem to be more the focus than the sun


This was hard to vote. Very cool photos everyone :)
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2


03-The sun isn't really in the picture.
12-It's seems like the picture is dirty so it's kinda hard to focus what's beneath.
04-This picture is gorgeous but I think it's more focused on the sky than in the sun.

Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

I'll announce the winners later my evening! But I am still hoping on some more votes!
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

Is it just me or did more ppl come to the photo challenges and vote before the LPS started? At least I have the feeling. Too bad nobody else except the contestants seem to interested.
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

BonaTaylor said:
Is it just me or did more ppl come to the photo challenges and vote before the LPS started? At least I have the feeling. Too bad nobody else except the contestants seem to interested.

about 30-45 people votes before the lps started... now it is 15-20 people

ETA: tnx for the people who did took the time! :rolleyes:

Counting votes takes a lot of time.. But I want to spend much time on it ;) The whole running this competition takes more time I could guess. But I enjoy it... I am just hoping for people to take the time to vote. The contestants will appreciate it too!

And I've also noticed that people are making comments on the photos that they like. Even though it is not asked for. Keep up the good work ;)

ETA2: NO MORE VOTING! I'm counting!
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2


Photo: # 12
Points: 38
Votes: 16
Contestant: never_again

I'm sorry to say that never_again is leaving us. Thank you for entering and I'm hoping to see you as a non-LPS contestant and make sure you let everyone know that they were wrong, with your upcoming photos!

---- WINNERS TIME ----


photo: # 2
user: Amy777
points: 27
votes: 10


photo: # 1
user: _Hush_
points: 12
votes: 7


photo: # 7
user: Dizzney
points: 10
votes: 5

--- WINNERS ---
[1] Each round winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) may each receive a banner
[2] The winner (1st) of the LPS may recieve a banner.
[3] When not given when the winners are announced, banners are available from me upon request via PM.

---- THE END ----

Hope to see you again next round! I'll put the next theme online asap. Still need to set a date. I got my kung fu exams coming up in 1,5 weeks and wil last for a month and I'm in the middle of my school exams so I need to figure out when it suits me. Expect the new theme later this evening or tomorrow!


Theme: Abstract
Extra's: Be sure to look up what abstract is and you'll be fine!
Examples: You DON'T HAVE to follow or recreate these examples. Be free to be creative!
Deadline for submitting a photograph:
Sunday 18th of November 2007 at 2pm GMT (this boards time)
Late entries won't be accepted!

--- NEXT THEME ---
Theme: Garbage
Extra's: None, as long as it fits the theme!
Examples: You DON'T HAVE to follow or recreate these examples. Be free to be creative!
Examples (scroll down, it's in dutch, although I wouldn't have accepted the first photo)
Approx. deadline for submitting a photograph:
Around December 2nd, 2007!

--- RULES & CO ---
See initial post of this thread! Be sure to read them carefully. From now on I won't hesitate to leave a photo out if it is not by the rules set for sending in a photograph.

For some photography help: Click. Let me know what you think!

--- THE END ---
Any questions, please either post them here, or PM me.
Thanks and enjoy making your photograph!
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

I dunno about anyone else, but it's proving a little more difficult then I thought to get the ideas flowing for this abstract theme, since it was first mentioned a page back. lol, I am not giving up on it though...not yet anyway...:lol:

Congrats to all the latest winners in round 2, great photos...and it's to bad to see you go never_again. Hope to see you in the upcoming challenges!
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

First, congrats to the winners... Great pictures! And sorry to see you go never_again, but hopefully you'll join the upcoming challanges nevertheless. :)

As for the abstract theme, I think I have a suitable photo already... At least I hope it fits the theme. :lol:
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

Congrats to the winners! Sorry to see you go never_again. :(

I've got the abstract theme covered, it's the garbage theme that may be the tricky one!
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

Congrats to the winners. Those were great images.

I'm sorry to see you go never_again.
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

Congrats to all the winners. Great pictures! :D

And sorry to see you leave the LPS, never_again. Hopefully, you will still enter as non-regular contestant. :D Can't wait to see more from you.

Re: Last Photographer Standing #2

Congrats to the other winners and thank you for voting :cool:
And you better come back and show us what you're made of, never_again! ;)

Argh, am I the only one who finds this abstract theme really hard? :p