ok. i finally found this thread. i was digging around for something like it.
i was never a slasher before. but now i am. strictly hodges/nick. it all started when my obsession with hodges became a severe disease. it gets worse everyday. i started reading fics, and i really like him and nick together. i guess that i am sorta embarrassed to be a slasher, but it is not uncommon. i had a feeling that hodges was gay for quite a while. a couple weeks ago, a friend told me that in 6x02
when hodges fell asleep on the microscope he was dreaming about a girl. my hopes fell, untill i saw the ep a few hours ago (finally!) this might sound a bit farfetched to some of you, but i felt that when hodges said to catherine 'i started seeing someone' he looked sorta suspicious, then when he said 'she' is cooking him dinner, he sorta hesitated before he said she. i dont think that i am pulling this from the air. i really think that he is gay. he has this gay look about him. then, later, when nick and warrick really caught him sleeping, he said that he dreamt that he was in the 80s and had a beard and his girl liked it...i just dont think that its a girl.
tell me if im reaching to far

also, there is a chance that nick is bi. ive been contemplating it for a while, it didnt seem right, but after reading a bunch of nick/hodges fics, i believe that nick may be bi, hodges IS gay.
snapshots was definately the best fic. sooooo cute.
help me with my hodhes disease and tell me what you think.