I was excited to see Archie's pimp hat. >.> It was pimp-erific.
Greg made me want to hit him this episode. You'd think that someone ewho was once a Lab Rat would have a little bit more respect for them. I use to love Greg, but more and more lately I've been beginning to dislike his character.
Also, Henry is the epitome of adorkable. I vot we see more of the lab boys, and less of the CSI's. And no more Wendy. >.> And bring me back the Jacquiness!
Greg made me want to hit him this episode. You'd think that someone ewho was once a Lab Rat would have a little bit more respect for them. I use to love Greg, but more and more lately I've been beginning to dislike his character.
Also, Henry is the epitome of adorkable. I vot we see more of the lab boys, and less of the CSI's. And no more Wendy. >.> And bring me back the Jacquiness!