Josh Groban ~Grobanites Unite!~

Grade 'Rest in Pieces'

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Josh fact: He once twisted his ankle in London helping a fan chase their dog that had gotten away. AW!

hahaha :lol: i just can`t stop picture on 03/17/07 (Atlanta, GA, US) Josh again to make this, but this time the dog name will be Daphne - Chihuahua :lol:

i have see some JG interviews, and really can say that hi is funny guys ;) *keep search for more JG stuff*

till now i like a lot Josh Groban ft. Angie Stone - The Prayer song. wow this guy can make very good duets ;)

but what most i love in JG (except this amazing voice) is that he play piano. did some of u guys can piano play ?! after i have see Hugh Laurie, JG and one my bulgarian fav musician i think that the piano become my fav music instrument :devil:

Josh Fact: can played on the drums too
Yep. Josh wears scarves, mittens, t-shirts, even socks that his fans send to him. I'll find some pics of it for you guys.

And I play a little bit of the piano :rolleyes: but I can only play bits of Josh songs. I'd love to be able to play the piano part in 'February Song.'

Pusher said:
Josh fact: He once twisted his ankle in London helping a fan chase their dog that had gotten away. AW!

hahaha :lol: i just can`t stop picture on 03/17/07 (Atlanta, GA, US) Josh again to make this, but this time the dog name will be Daphne - Chihuahua :lol:

:lol: Yeah, I would do that just so he can help me chase her (though hopefully he wouldn't twist his ankle again) but she'd probably run TO him. Daph has heard him sing/talk about as much as I have!

Josh fact: He wears contacts.
Yes i sent him the scarf he wore at the superbowl in '04. :D

Any one else seen the josh when he came out and feed his dutch fans sanwhiches that he make. it was real sweet and he say, 'you guys look cold so i brought some warm sandwhiches i made. yeah, i touched everyone, just eat them. they'll do no good on ebay." :lol:

josh fact: he uses colgate toothpaste
Oh those are awesome. Its kinda good knowing what he was up to at a certain point in recent time. Thanks for sharing those. Your friend is real lucky.

josh fact: he is double jointed
thnks for those HAM :). He look funny in the first. bet he did not expect grobies to get as close to him to take pic. and i love when he do accents and make joke.

what is evryone fav josh funny thing he do?

josh fact: he is single. his girl firend and he break up summer of 06 (she end it after he ask her to marry). he says he will not date until he can devote him self to her entirely and not be like, 'Hey...bye...see you in three months when i get back from Europe.'
Ugh, the break-up has been, and still is, all over the tabloids. I personally think they should leave the poor guy alone :(.

Anyway, I thought that this pic would be fun to caption.

Josh: I swear to drunk I'm not God...

And Josh fact - he loves the smell of 'wind song' women's perfume and "keeps his Mom fully stocked so he can smell it often".
OMG! I didn't know he likes that brand of perfume! :eek: I've never heard of it, is it sold in the US or what?

And I agree that the media has overdone it with the publisizing of Josh and Jan's break-up. Still, its sad that she broke it off with him after he asked her to marry him. What a heartbreak. :(

For the caption - Josh: Doh, I forgot the words! Um, 'You are hugged'!

Josh fact: He owns a house in Malibu.
thanks for the pics HnM ;)

and one more JG question....i have read in the net that he play (or sing) in Ally McBea tv show. is this truth ?! and if so what season, epi is this ?!

aslo at last i have see one JG vide clip - 'Raise me up' song. :D wow i can`t believe they play on HV1 music chanla and i miss it :rolleyes:

awww i`m sorry to read that JG have break-up, poor guy :(
He was in the episodes'The Wedding' (season 4 ep. 23)and 'Nine one One' (season 5 ep 1.) in 2001, when he was twenty, as the nerdy bookworm Malcolm Wyatt. He sings and acts in these episodes. He was only supposed to have been in just one episode but there was such a HUGE demand for him to return that he did another episode. Also because of the Mcbeal episodes the term Grobanites was formed and Josh's fanbase grew and grew and grew... ;)
He was in the episodes'The Wedding' (season 4 ep. 23)and 'Nine one One' (season 5 ep 1.) in 2001, when he was twenty, as the nerdy bookworm Malcolm Wyatt. He sings and acts in these episodes. He was only supposed to have been in just one episode but there was such a HUGE demand for him to return that he did another episode. Also because of the Mcbeal episodes the term Grobanites was formed and Josh's fanbase grew and grew and grew...

^ wow interesting info, thanks a lot. :D will try to find this Ally McBea epis ;)
Oooh, those Mcbeal episodes are classic in Grobania. I love the scene where he's twirling around on the dance floor and goes 'Whoo!' and then gets his feet all tangled together and falls down :lol:! When I saw them I was glad that they allowed him to bring in his own beautiful goofyness.

I can post screencaps if you guys like?

Also, some pics of Josh toying/using fanstuff:

These are from a concert I went to with my sister and friends in Phoenix, Arizona.

letting the green froggy play the keyboard.
wearing a froggy hat
thanking a fan for a t-shirt and beads
accepting a scrapbook from my friend kimmy

And these were taken by my cousin in New Orleans.

joker hat
wearing a jersey and singing 'Wheels on the Bus'

And 'Wind Song' perfume is sold in the states and Josh has mentioned buying it in Quebec while on tour but I really don't know about its avalability internationally.

josh fact: reads movie screenplays sent to him by studios and fans alike. He says that, when he finds the time, he would most definately love to play in romantic-comedies and it would 'be his dream to maybe be in a Pirates movie.'
Why wasn't I informed earlier! Must.. demand episodes on DVD! Need Groban Twirling!

Josh Fact: He gets bad road rage XD
I don't own those episodes so I'd love to relive them with screencaps HnM. And thanks for those pics from concerts, I like the one with the frog playing the keyboard.

Also, I found this article today. Josh is obviously still in London getting ready for this:

In a Valentine Special, American singing sensation Josh Groban performs with the BBC Concert Orchestra, conducted by Martin Yates. The concert, which will be recorded on Monday 12 February at the Mermaid in London, also features Idina Menzel, who played Elpheba in the Broadway and West End premiers of Wicked, Lucia Micarelli, an amazing violinist who features on Josh's new album, and the brilliant Angelique Kidjo.


Josh fact: he walks down EVERY aisle at his concerts before shows to make sure the acoustics are right and - if they're not - he adjusts speakers, positions of where the band or orchestra will sit, and then walks through the aisles again.

The guy is JUST SO ENERGETIC! :eek:
Thanks for the info. I'm glad he's enjoying his time in London and I love that he is doing a Valentine thing. It suits him. Afterall, he does have the most romantic voice...

Anyway some caps from his two episode gig on 'Ally Mcbeal':

These are from the episode 'The Wedding,' :

nervous about singing
entering the room. super funny!
the bookworm

And these are from 'Nine One One':

looking michevious
with Ally
drinking tea. Love how he looks in that sweater

Hopefully those should do you guys until you can see them --unless it makes you want to see the episodes more. :D