Josh Groban ~Grobanites Unite!~

Grade 'Rest in Pieces'

  • A+

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • A

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • B+

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • B

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • C+

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • C

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Wow. Josh is amazing. This is why he's one of the major gods on my personal Mount Olympus.

(the emoticons from the Josh Groban message boards on his site are too fun to pass up)

Does anyone know the story behind "mroof" and the llamas?
From what I hear Way back in the early days of FOJG some grobies were in the chat room there and it got quiet instead of saying *crickets chirping* to signify the silence some hyperactive Grobie said *Llama's Mroofing* and it spread like wildfire through out Grobania. Thusly the llama became associated with Josh and the Mroof! was born.
That makes sense... from what I've been able to uncover behind the actual word "mroof" was that the original Grobanite, a woman who liked him even before his first CD and back in the days of Ally McBeal, owned a farm with llamas on it and "mroof" is the sound she claimed they make.

Either way, it's pretty awesome.
Yeah, there are a lot of different stories as to how it happened. I don't think anyone can really prove anything so I'm sure we could think up our own stories :D.

Hey some Josh quotes from his last US concert tour (taken from He talks to the audience before singing and really gives them a good time. The guy is so full of laughs. *sighs* Looks, can sing, is funny, and owns a Lamborghini. SO perfect. Enjoy!:

"I pace. I'm a power pacer. I'm pacing right now, in fact. Talking about pacing is making me pace."

"If you like the show you say 'Whaszuup, whaszuup!' If you don't like it you say 'Ich don't tink szo'."

"I was addicted to Cherrios... it was a problem."

*rapping* Heeeeey Patrick Partick, you're so hunky.... hey patrick patrick.... you're a monkey.........."

"I don't blame you if you couldn't get up to watch the Today show...I barely made it myself"

"Who has to pee? OK, that makes 87 of us, so let's take a break!"

After breaking a massive Hershey's bar with his elbow: "That hurt!"

Josh was drinking some water from a waterbottle, and then when he finished he gave it to his stage manager and said "Ebay".
Josh is too funny... I actually had a weird dream about him last night. Basically, I dreamed that I got to meet him after he sang at a charity event and pretty muched spazzed out on him and the first thing I said was, "They're never going to believe this on Talk CSI!" so I had to explain to him about the forum which he thought was pretty funny. And then I got to touch his hair.

It was freakishly realistic... I woke up with an overwhelming desire to be his best friend.
Wow, that sounds like a dream I wish I'd shared with you! So beautiful. Hearing him sing and touching his hair all in the same dream. Must've been overwhelming.

Hey I sent Josh some fanmail today. I heard he reads and replies to all letters personally so I gave it a shot. Here's the official fanmail address if you wanna write. My cousin got a reply and I've finally gotten the courage to write:

Josh Groban
137 N. Larchmont Blvd. #622
Los Angeles, Ca. 90004
It's worth it definately. Even if he doesn't reply, which I think he will, it's still good to let the squeeing fangirl out. Still, on writing the letter it really is hard to sound mature and not write something like, 'Can you maybe send me a lock of your hair so I can frame it?' :lol:
You can WRITE to him!? Oh God! I'm having a heart attack or stroke I'm so happy! Crap! Need a pen!
Must beg... Josh to come... to Canada!
As we said before, he'd definately do it! The guy is too sweet to pass it up. However, he can't give Canada the honor if he doesn't know he's wanted there! :D
He is definitely wanted here! Please oh please won't you come, Joshy?

*sigh* Except he'd end up going to Toronto, maybe Vancouver. And I'm stuck in the middle of friggin' nowhere, and would never get to see him anyways. Nobody ever comes here for concerts. *sigh*
Maybe you could drive to a concert? His tickets aren't as expensive as you might think. I went to one in LA in '03 and it only cost 75 bucks for a ticket. The placing of the seat wasn't too bad, you could actually hear Joshy talk when he wasn't using the mic. I heard him say, "Do I have any songs that I can sing to give me an excuse to throw myself out into the crowd?"
Hmm, driving there is easier said than done. According to MapQuest (which is my best friend in the whole wide world :p), it's actually closer for me to go to Los Angeles than Toronto. So basically, I guess it doesn't matter too much to me if he comes to Canada or not, since there's plenty of American cities that are closer than any Canadian cities that he'd go to.

Plus, I'm a poor, starving university student. I don't even have a car. :D I'm borrowing my mom's for the summer just so I can drive to work each day. And it's a piece of crap. Which reminds me, I better go put the battery charger on, so it doesn't die tomorrow...
Hey, quickbeam you could hitch a ride in my Grobie car pool. Man it's been so long since my friends and I've formed that. It'd be a lot harder now that I'm married and have a kid - though I could just let em tag along - but we could pull it off, right?