Josh Groban ~Grobanites Unite!~

Grade 'Rest in Pieces'

  • A+

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • A

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • B+

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • B

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • C+

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • C

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I so feel for you Palm :(. We need to get in touch with him and make him do that. The guy would do it! I don't know but there's that something about him that makes him seem so easy to persuade.
Thanks for the welcome.

Josh does have great concerts. The chicken song is always funny. :lol:
Wow... sorry I haven't been around in a while, I've been on vacation.

First off, welcome Mog!

Great captions... that's a really funny picture. And in regards to the drums, Josh has a level of talent that I don't even pretend to understand. The man is gifted.
Welcome back Fanatic :D. Hey some Josh graphics I made:

If you ever get a Josh Groban autograph he always puts the little curly haired guy next to his name. I got the curly haired guy in this icon from a scanned pic I had autographed.




A clear view of the little curly haired guy

And a pic I just had to make into a banner. Josh was just goofing off while he warmed up. Entertains the crowd. So yeah, he really wore the ears!

Josh at piano
*paws at graphics* Ack! I have to resist...... can't! Dang you Josh!

And I agree! Email or Msn or ...snail mail him or something. Convince him that Canadians <3 Josh! We demand satisfaction!
Oh yeah, we need to get the word out. It's like everyone knows except Josh. Go satisfy the Canadians Josh!
Haha... I love the graphics. Josh is too funny.

Fortunately, he's been to upstate New York before (I didn't get a chance to go see him though, I wasn't a fan yet) so I'm betting he'll be here again. I'd count down the days until he goes on tour, but I don't even know when the CD comes out!
Uck, the mysterious CD release date has really been bothering me all year. I know Good Morning America had a fair bit on it but otherwise everything else is just rumors.

It may just be him testing our dedication. You know you're a full-fledged Grobanite when you can last through such a dry spell and still remain the squeeing fangirl!
I don't think he'd be all "Mr Burns-y" on us. Maybe the distributors know we're getting eager and decide: "Hey. Let's make 'em sweat longer!"

As I claw the doors of my Best Buy crying...
I tell you they're trying to cause riots in the street. I know I'm in huge need of my new Josh songs. Gah waiting is so hard.
Love the icons. :)

The wait has been long and tiring for the new CD. It certainly seems like a test for our loyalty. Good thing we have this thread to keep us occupied!
Well, whatever it is they're trying to do, it's certainly working.

When the CD is finally released, there's going to be a rush of obsessed fans flocking to the nearest store that has it and buying five copies.

At least Josh is relatively well-known. A Russian band that I like released a new CD in the states last year and I had to call about 10 different places to find a store that sold it.

With Josh, I can do what Palm does and claw at the doors of a local Best Buy... :)
I need to buy that magazine now D:

:lol: I always do that. Claw at the tellers going "Where's the new Josh Groban CD? Where's this DVD? Where's that?!" Everytime I come, they kinda get shifty. But I demand it be released to the public! We await!
:lol: If that's how they react to one person coming in demanding Josh merchandise imagine the way they'd be with a whole mob of Grobanites!

Anyway, some pics. Cap whichever one you want:

red eyes
sly look

And concerning these, I've noticed that when Josh laughs his eyes squinch up. Totally hot! :devil::
