Josh Groban ~Grobanites Unite!~

Grade 'Rest in Pieces'

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I don't have a car, which is good because I'm afraid of driving, but I'm sure I can trick someone into helping me start a Grobie car pool... then again, I'm in New York, so I don't know how much help I would be.

And I wish Josh wold throw himself into the crowd... at me... into the crowd.
Oh yeah, holding Joshy up in the air and actually getting to touch him. I'm feeling faint just thinking about iT! I'd prefer the head but any part of him would be nice.

Hey, long time no caption:

Josh and manager Jack

Jack: Lord Josh Vader, this is an unexpected pleasure. We are honored by your presence...

Josh: You may dispense with the pleasantries, Commander. I'm here to put you back on schedule.

By the way, the guy with the camcorder is Josh's younger brother Chris. :)
Josh is a funny guy. We need to get him on SNL. I forget who it was, but I know the host has also been the musical guest before. That would be the best episode of SNL ever. I say we start petition!


Josh: I see you have a pointy stick, but I have one too. LET US DUEL!
Joshy on SNL would be awesome, I know he's been wanting to get on there for the longest time. I mean come on people! He's cute, goofy, and can sing. Give the dude a try.
hey Hummer i`m at last here. :D as i see AB thread go well without me and i decide to keep my promise and have find some albums of JG ;) now i own 2 CD of JG work Josh Groban - Closer (2003)and Josh Groban - Josh Groban (2001). wow even my music skill and hobby are not my strong side, honestly can say that like a lot his style :) now i`m listen his song To where you are...ehhhh... :) thanks for show me this miss by my side :p
Aw, Pusher you've made my day today. So glad you made it. I own those CD's also. I think the most suprising thing about him is the difference between his looks and the voice. It just suprised me when I saw that the owner of that voice was this thin, young, curly-haired, goofy guy.

Closer and [/i]Josh Groban[/i] albums are the only ones he has released so far. However, this September (around the same time AB's new movie comes out) he will be releasing another CD internationally. So keep an eye out for that.

Hope to see you around here more and if you ever have any questions about Josh, feel free to ask me or the other Grobies. :D
^ i`m glad to make ur day :D u too have make my evening with this choice of music. i was a lot tired and this songs come to me like one rest/relief :)

I think the most suprising thing about him is the difference between his looks and the voice.

i was think exactly the same things, but was afraid to write it in my post :p JG have gorgeous voice, but his view ...uhh...hi is sweet but after i hear his songs have expect to see one big 'solid' man :lol:

what type of music style he sing ?!
The style is called opera but he sometimes combines both pop and opera. Thus the word 'popra' was born. :) A lot to grasp.

Also for more Groban related stuff, and a translation to stuff like: Grobanites, Grobania, etc., I think HnM posted the Grobanictionary a couple pages back.

I think the most suprising thing about him is the difference between his looks and the voice.

i was think exactly the same things, but was afraid to write it in my post :p JG have gorgeous voice, but his view ...uhh...hi is sweet but after i hear his songs have expect to see one big 'solid' man :lol:

No need to be afraid to put something in your post. I'm really interested in all of your views on Josh and would indeed like to hear them. So please, feel free to say what you think. :)

Josh's looks, among us Grobies, is usually defined as Geekery. He's cute and all but still super Geeky. That's a big part of what makes Josh...well, Josh. He can sound like this big powerful man but he's really this super geeky guy with tennis shoes and jokes. Trust me, Ani. You'll love him lots more later after you get to know him!
ok i`ll risk and put my afraid aside :p one other stranger impression of JG, i have notice that his music style sound a lot like opera , but somehow i make connection with Hulio Iglesias or Frank Sinatra too :) don`t know why :lol: but it`s truth that have to know JG better so to start like him more and more :) for now one of my fav songs are My December and You're the Only Place. i have search in the net for his lyrics and all texts :D did he alone write them ?!

hope HnM soon to be OK and back in this forum. she`ll be happy to see this place alive like HY thread too :D
Josh certainly shares a lot of the style put forth from those two. Josh has even said that if he had one wish it'd be to meet & sing with Sinatra. So he's a big fan and very respectful.

Those are lovely songs. I've actually got Josh lyrics in my signature. It's from the the song 'When you say you love me,' it's become a fav of mine.

I think Josh helps write some of his songs but I'm not sure which ones he wrote, co-wrote, or didn't write. I've never really thought about it. I'll check it out.
awww yes the song 'When you say you love me' is very good one.

i don`t know why but keep feel that same of his songs are old lyrics make to sound like new ...

thanks in advance for verify the info did he wrote or co-wrote his songs :D
You're welcome for the info.

And, to give you a better idea of who Josh is, here's a bio that was put together over at Sorry if it's a bit lengthy.

Random info. Name: Joshua Winslow Groban
Birthdate: February 27, 1981
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Mother: Art teacher, Melinda/'Lindy' (Norwegian descent)
Father: Executive Recruiter, Jack (Russian/Polish descent)
Brother: Chris Groban (Feb. 27, 1985)
Pets: 2 Dogs, Barnaby and Max
Hometown: Los Angeles
Marital status: Single
Religion: Episcopalian
Height: 5'11'
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown and Curly!
Other: Wears contacts or glasses, lacks tonsils as of August 7, 2002, wears briefs, and is right-handed.
Favorite Color: Dark Blue and Black.
Favorite Foods: Sushi, Rice Krispy Treats, Coffee Ice Cream
Favorite Pizza: Vegetarian Mushroom
Favorite Condiment: Ketchup
Favorite Kind of Chocolate: Dark, bittersweet, Chocolate
Favorite Restaurant: The Farm, in Beverly Hills.
Favorite dish at The Farm: Corn chowder and tuna plate.
Favorite Music: Bjork, Linkin Park, System of a Down, Afro-Celt Sound System, Limp Bizkit, Pavarotti, Domingo, Sting, Paul Simon, Radiohead, Disturbed.
Favorite CDs: GRACELAND by Paul Simon, DEBUT by Bjork
Favorites in TV: The Simpsons, Power Puff Girls, South Park, Dexter's Laboratory, David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, Saturday Night Live, Monty Python.
Favorite South Park Characters: Stan's adopted, Canadian, little brother (with the beady little eyes) and Satan (from the movie) cause he busts out into show tunes.
Favorite Movie Genre: Humor
Favorite Movies: Amelie, Braveheart, The Imposters, Monty Python/Holy Grail.
If he could be a Holy Grail Character who would he be?: The Knights Who Say 'Ni' or the Snooty Frenchman (at the top of the castle throwing coconuts at the Kuhniggits.
Favorite Disney: Lady and the Tramp.
Favorite Reading: The Onion.
Favorite Veg-out activities: Playing video games.
Favorite Thing to Collect: Pennies
Celebrity crushes: Bjork
Before a concert: Drinks water, tea or apple juice.
Most Prized Posession: His instruments, especially his piano and drums. And of course, his new home! As well as a silver dollar given to him by his grandmother!
Talents (other than singing): Plays 6 different instruments, including drums, piano, flute, uilleann pipe (an elbow-powered type of bagpipe) and penny whistle. Speaks some Japanese.
Sports: Tennis, ping pong, lacrosse, and running.
Drives: Ford Explorer and a Porsche
Influences: Peter Gabriel, Mandy Patinkin, his grandmother, Paul Simon's Graceland, The musical, 'Cats.'
Educational Stuff: Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, Theatre, 1999; attended Carnegie Mellon University /musical theatre program Participated in the Interlochen Summer Arts Camp
Appearances: Ally McBeal, Oprah Winfrey (wearing leather pants), Jay Leno, Larry King Live, The Rosie O'Donnell Show, 20/20, The Today Show, PBS 'Great Performances,' Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, Rockefeller Tree Lighting, Closing of the 2002 Olympics and more!
Has sung with: Celine Dion, Lara Fabian, Barbra Streisand, Charlotte Church(young British singer), Sarah Brightman, The Corrs, Lili Haydn, Rhys Fulber, The Boston Symphony Orchestra conducted by John Williams.
Fun random facts:
Went to the prom without a date.
Would love to meet Paul Simon, Bjork & Bob Marley (though he's a bit living impaired).
A computer geek.
He has an awesome sense of humor. Even though on stage he preferrs to sing songs that bring tears to people's eye's, he could have his own comedy show back stage. (just watch back stage selections on his concert DVD's!!!)

'The New Boy Wonder of Voice' The New York Times;
'The Sexiest New comer of 2002' People Magazine.
Haha... Josh likes the same South Park characters as I do. I swear, that guy should get a guest role on the show. He has the same taste in movies too...

Sorry for the recent post lackage, I've been out of town.
Welcome back Fanatic6. *hugs* I went by the pickles a couple of times and you weren't there. :( So glad you're back!

I think the most suprising thing about that info is that Josh went to the prom without a date. Just imagine if he'd actually asked someone and she turned him down! That girl is, now and forever, kicking herself.