Jorjeous Jorja/ Sassy Sara Picture thread pt. 3

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quoth_the_raven said:
Awesome pics, guys. :p And you know what? :lol: Joy22 over in the Swarrick thread was saying that after Tini posted a pic of Jorja, she's the kind of woman that makes you question if you're as straight as you say you are :lol: And I couldn't agree more ;) :D

And this coming from a Gary addict really means a lot! See, not even someone as straight as Joy can resist our lovely Jorja. :lol: :D
^ I know! :lol: Who could? :p I mean, sheesh! Show someone a few pictures from this thread and I'm sure we'll have a new Jorja-lover recruited in no time :p
Cookie, she`s so awesome....... we would be able recruit a whole community in no time!!! :lol: :lol:
I just posted this pic in the Swarrick thread, but...I thought it was too good not to post:

This pic is from Coming of Rage (no, I still haven't stopped watching it :rolleyes:). Doesn't it look like she's plotting something? Stupid Grissom making me get the hammers, just wait until he falls asleep.. :lol: :p She could be saying many different things with her eyes--

1.) "Piss off."
2.) "Collect your own damn hammers."
3.) "I'll deal with you later."
4.) "I'm going to stare at you really, really hard." :p


5.) "Fine, I get them.."

Awh, geez guys I just love these pics. Sorry I haven't been here for a while, but the grandmum of a friend of m ine died saturday, so I had to help her a bit :) Looovely pictures.
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