Jorjeous Jorja/ Sassy Sara Picture thread pt. 3

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SidLer said:
I love whatever color she's wearing coz she looks so good in every piece of clothing. :) Whether she has jeans, shirt, skirt, or robe on, she looks like a million bucks. Actually, make that a billion. ;)

Yeah, she really does. But I like her better with err, nothing. Sorry, little adult. lol
Ah! I'm sorry Destiny! I have an tendency not to think before I post this stuff :rolleyes: I obviously need to work on that ;) I'm so sorry if I offended anyone, that definitely was not my intent!

And great pics everyone! And yes...the PG-13-o-meter...fogi confiscated my baseball bat of which I whacked it with, so...I'm 'in the market' for something else. ;)
Thank you I appreciate it and I understand the problem you mention. I didn't think it was your intent to cause any problems or offend anyone, ;) but it tends to happen, so we have to find a way to balance the peace. :)
SidLer said:
CalleighDuCaine said:
Can't remember if I have already posteted this... Oh, who cares! :D

That's gorgeo- oh sorry! JORjeous! :D I love her red-hot lips! Did you make that?

Wow, this picture is awesome!! :eek: :eek: Thanks for posting. And Jorja is one of the few women who can wear deep red lipstick without looking strange.
The manip was made by someone else in the Fanart Thread (sadly, not me), I just made the wall. She's still jorjeous though! :D

Edit: This one is totally by me. My second Jorja wall ever, so it's nothing special.
Awesome pics, guys. :p And you know what? :lol: Joy22 over in the Swarrick thread was saying that after Tini posted a pic of Jorja, she's the kind of woman that makes you question if you're as straight as you say you are :lol: And I couldn't agree more ;) :D
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