Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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BACK! yeah, I was on the TV!

I can picture her playing football and stuff, I love it! I always play soccer, and I love the nature! I'm a tomboy/girlygirl, I love pink clothes, but I burp like a.. *shuts the word*
RoosCSILover said:

I can picture her playing football and stuff, I love it! I always play soccer, and I love the nature! I'm a tomboy/girlygirl, I love pink clothes, but I burp like a.. *shuts the word*

Sailor? :p
Me2u said:
Has anyone heard about Dear Bernard (which Jorja is producer for and was due to be on in London) has been cancelled? Kind of strange...
How unfortunate! :( I've checked purejorja and they don't have the details yet. She seemed so psyched to produce the show, she must be devastated. *hugs Jorja* But she's strong and I'm sure she's already got other things planned. Hmm... maybe she's in London chugging down an ice cold pint of beer as we speak. :D
I'm talking with my mom and sis the other day at dinner about Jorja. Huh! Kinda weird, all things considered. My sis doesn't really seem to care, but she was interested! As was my mom! We were talking about the song she wrote...

Mom: Music wasn't her primary career, so..
Me: Neither was acting.
**Long silence**
Mom: Oh?
Me: Yeah.
Sis: Then what was it?
Me: She used to be a model. When she was younger her family entered her into a beauty contest as a joke and she actually ended up winning.
Sis: ...Huh...she doesn't look like she would be a model.
Me: What do you mean?
Sis: She looks smart.
Me: Well, she is.
Sis: What I mean is that models are generally...kinda stupid...but she looks smart.

:lol: No offense to any models out there. :p

That's as close to a compliment from my sis about Jorja as we're going to get! :lol:
haha...thats kind of a funny conversation. Me and my family always have conversations like that.
So i feel really bad about saying this....but how long did she model for?? *blushes*
Hmm...I'm not exactly sure how old she was, actually. I read an article saying that she modeled until she was maybe...20-something? Not exactly sure... but she quit because she discovered that she could make a career out of acting. :p
quoth_the_raven said:
That's as close to a compliment from my sis about Jorja as we're going to get! :lol:
Well, a compliment is still a compliment. :lol: Thank your sis for us! :D

Wow I didn't know her family entered her into the beauty contest as a joke. I've always thought she was scouted. She's got both looks and smarts ;), so she would still be successful if she had chosen a modelling career. (Though I must admit I'm glad she picked acting. :D) I've always admired her personality, her beauty, her mind and her hunger for life. With these traits, she'll go everywhere I tell ya! :D
Hey everyone!!

Last night Jorja performed a duet with Marg at the What a Pair benefit to raise money for breast cancer. My friend went (Jealous? Me?) and sent me scans of the program which I thought I'd share with you guys. Enjoy!! :D

Program cover


Jorja details
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