Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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I never even noticed that before! Good catch Mandis. Well we all know that continuity on CSI isn't the best but it might just be an expression that's said, I have no idea!
saras_girlfriend said:
ok if she is from Germany than it´s not the Tini I know :p
Did I hear my name coming up? :lol: :lol:

About Sara becoming a vegetarian on the show, here is a part of the interview:

The episodes are pretty creepy already. Do you ever get queasy around all the dead bodies?

Jorja: I think the special-effects guys are trying to gross me out. It's a game for them. One of the grossest episodes was this season when Greg [Eric Szmanda] and Sara found liquified bodies in a car and he got gobs of one of them on his face. I had to leave the room. There was another one a couple years ago where a guy gets hit by a car, impaled and left in a garage for two or three days. That's the one where I came closest to losing my dinner.

No wonder you and Sara are both vegetarians!

Jorja: I've been one for a long time. Right around Season 2, we had a story line where Grissom and Sara watch a pig decompose. I had said we should definitely use a fake pig, not a real one. And I made sure that Sara became a vegetarian.

And I love it that BP became a vegetarian too . :)
I love how Jorja supports and fights for her beliefs. She's not opportunist and hypocrite like most people of the showbusiness, so she deserves respect.
She's very tough and very smart and this makes her truly great, not only as an actress, but as a woman. She fights for what she believes in and she deserves admiration.
I agree with Jorja. Totally!

-I'm so dead tomorrow! I have a chemics test. I don't get it. Please, I love history and geo.graphy, but NOT chemics
jenakapt said:
I never even noticed that before! Good catch Mandis. Well we all know that continuity on CSI isn't the best but it might just be an expression that's said, I have no idea!
Thanks! I noticed it right away. I'm a vegetarian myself and have been since I was 12 so it might be why. I think I have a great Jorja point in being that! :lol:
CalleighDuCaine said:
She's very tough and very smart and this makes her truly great, not only as an actress, but as a woman. She fights for what she believes in and she deserves admiration.

Exactly. ;) She's a strong woman who's not going to take any crap. :p She accepts people for who they are and fights for those who can't speak for themselves.
My sister said to me once how fortunate Jorja is to get such powerful roles in all the big shows. ER, West Wing, and now CSI. I think SHE'S the reason why the shows become popular. :D

But then again, I'm biased. :p
You know what? She is very fortunate, but the best part about it is that she's not *cough*snobby*cough* about it. Sure, she's confident, but she doesn't give off that incredibly strong vibe that some actors/actresses do [that 'I have so much more money and fame than you'll ever have so I'm so much better than you' vibe]. Nope, she doesn't have it!

In the Committed commentary, actually, Richard J Lewis was talking with her about how he had originally written the teaser line 'Crazy or not, here we come' for her, but that it got switched to Billy.

RJL: I, uh, originally wrote that line for uh, you, Jorja *doesn't he sound bashful? ;)*
JF: No way. *I thought this was cute. xD She sounded so excited*

and then...

RJL: You want to try it right now? Crazy or not, here we come.
JF: Crazy or not, here we come.
RJL: Now that would've been awesome!
JF: *laughs* That was terrible!

:lol: And incase y'all didn't know already...she has the cutest giggle on the face on the Earth :lol: :p
quoth_the_raven said::lol: And incase y'all didn't know already...she has the cutest giggle on the face on the Earth :lol: :p

Oh we know, hun! :lol: But thanks for telling us again. *sigh* Jorja is just an awesome woman. :rolleyes: Would love to meet her one day, I bet she`s very nice to other people and especially her fans. :)
Yeah, I looove her giggle!
I was watching Kiss, Kiss, Bye Bye last monday, and she giggled two/three times.. and i couldn't help it to repeat that scene like ten times, woot I loved it..

edited to say i have a new word;

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to post my new favourite Jorja quote which was on UK Teletext last night:

"In London what I really love is sitting in a pub drinking beer - a huge pint!!"

I think that's the cutest thing ever. And I totally agree!!!
Ah! It's so cute! I just watched Turn Of The Screws.. I looove the quote: 'Rollercoaster-wacko at 12 'o clock!'
justjess said:
Hey everyone!

Just wanted to post my new favourite Jorja quote which was on UK Teletext last night:

"In London what I really love is sitting in a pub drinking beer - a huge pint!!"

I totally agree! When I was in London I spent my time doing two things: shopping and drinking beer at the Intrepid Fox (just go there if you ever happen to go to London!). Great tastes Jorja! :lol:
I looove beer! It's my favorite drink! And yeah, she really has a great taste! H****** (lol, I dunno if i can mention the name, well whatever, it's Heineken, the poll-thread is full of brands too) is my favorite too!
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