Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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The other day my sis asks me something.

Sis: Why do you like Jorja Fox so much?

Hmm.. lemme think about that for a minute :rolleyes: Isn't it kinda self-explanatory?? :lol: It's like asking someone why they like Johnny Depp! :lol:
ROFL! That's an impossible question! If someone asked me something like that, I'd just grab a pic of Jorja, show it to them and say "Look at her! Do I really need to answer?!"

Edit: Besides there are too many reasons why I like her, it'd take too long to answer! :lol:
:lol: Sometimes no answer is answer enough.

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..." And after 10 days and 35 pots of coffee, you've still not covered half the list. :p
:lol: The misadventures with my sis and Jorja continue :rolleyes:

Sis: You're telling me that asking someone why they like Jorja Fox is like asking me why I like Johnny Depp?
Me: *in feign hope that she's finally getting it* Exactly.
Sis: You want to marry Jorja Fox?

:rolleyes: :lol:

ETA: And last night, I watched Coming of Rage for the tenth-millionth time :D I just can't get over how great Jorja's performance is in that episode!
quoth_the_raven said:
Sis: You're telling me that asking someone why they like Jorja Fox is like asking me why I like Johnny Depp?
Me: *in feign hope that she's finally getting it* Exactly.
Sis: You want to marry Jorja Fox?

You bet I do! :lol:

And last night, I watched Coming of Rage for the tenth-millionth time :D I just can't get over how great Jorja's performance is in that episode!

Great epiode, thanks to a great actress and great actress thanks to... Well, Mr and Mrs Fox! :lol:
Can someone fill me in on part of Sara's background? Did we ever find out more about People V Laura Sidle? Or whatever abuse, if any, happened? I've seen it in fanfics and such but I can't tell canon from fanon re much of the backgrounds and it's not in the CSI companion since No Humans was post S3.

^^Sure, you came to the right place. Long story short, Sara grew up in an abusive household, her mother killed her father and Sara wound up in foster care for a long time. Given Sara's tendency to get emotional on cases with even a hint of abuse, it's likely that it was a battered wife/child situation.

People vs. Laura Sidle was most likely a second-degree murder case. In California, the penalty for that is 15 years to life. It is not known whether Mrs. Sidle is still incarcerated or has since been paroled.

One more thing. I did some checking and Tamales Bay is...well...a bay. Unless Sara's mom happened to be in a rowboat at the time, I'm not sure she was born there.
Nicely said trent_bowie. :)

trent_bowie said:
One more thing. I did some checking and Tamales Bay is...well...a bay. Unless Sara's mom happened to be in a rowboat at the time, I'm not sure she was born there.
Hmm, does anyone know where she was born exactly? I don't know why I keep thinking she was born in a Bed & Breakfast to a pair of ex/hippies. ...Or was she?
^^I' don't exactly trust the bio CBS has up. It says she's an only child, yet she mentions a brother in One Hit Wonder and the bithplace as Tamales Bay. Or... someplace like that...

Ok, maybe Mom did go kayaking... :confused:
actually the CBS bio reads, "Sara Sidle was born and raised an hour and half outside San Francisco on Tamales Bay."

Now there is a "Tomales Bay". It says, "Tomales Bay is located on the central California coast approximately 40 miles northwest of San Francisco."

I would also like to point out the spelling error: "Tamales", is actually spelled "Tomales". (it looks like CBS misspelled it).

So when they say "on" the bay I believe they mean in a town that sits on the bay. the only reason I bring this up is because someone stated that it was in fact a Bay. True but its like someone saying they live [insert town] on the "Lake Erie", its just a reference point. :)
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